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Responsibility Bilong Disaepol

Responsibility Bilong Disaepol

Chapter 84

Responsibility Bilong Disaepol

BIHAEN hem lusim haos bilong datfela important Farisi, wea hem wanfela member bilong Sanhedrin, Jesus go-go moa for kasem Jerusalem. Planti pipol nao followim hem. But wanem nao muvim olketa for followim hem? Wanem nao hem meanim for kamap trufela follower bilong hem?

Taem they go-go, Jesus tan go long olketa pipol and maet hem mekem olketa sek for gud taem hem say: “Sapos anywan hem kam long mi and no hate-im dadi and mami and waef and pikinini and brata and sista bilong hem, yes, soul bilong hemseleva tu, hem kanduit for kamap disaepol bilong mi.”

Wanem nao Jesus meanim? Jesus no meanim olketa follower bilong hem mas, long really way, hate-im olketa relative bilong them. But, they mas hate-im olketa long way wea they no love-im them winim way wea they love-im Jesus. Laen dadi bilong Jesus, Jacob, hem “hate-im” Leah and love-im Rachel, wea meanim hem love-im Rachel winim way wea hem love-im Leah, sista bilong Rachel.

Tingim tu hao Jesus say wanfela disaepol mas hate-im “soul bilong hemseleva,” or laef. So Jesus meanim trufela disaepol mas love-im Hem winim way wea hem love-im laef bilong hemseleva. Long hia Jesus strongim hao way for kamap wanfela disaepol hem wanfela bigfela responsibility. Hem no samting wea man duim sapos hem no tingting gud abaotem firstaem.

Hardfela samting and persecution bae kasem olketa disaepol bilong Jesus, from hem go ahed for say: “Anywan wea no karem torture stake bilong hem and kam bihaen long mi kanduit for kamap disaepol bilong mi.” So, wanfela trufela disaepol mas willing for kasem sem hevi bilong shame wea Jesus kasem, and maet hem dae tu long hand bilong olketa enemy bilong God, olsem way wea Jesus klosap for dae.

Dastawe, for kamap wanfela disaepol bilong Kraest hem samting wea pipol wea followim hem need for barava tingting gud raonem. Jesus strongim diswan thru long wanfela tok piksa. “For example,” hem say, “hu long iufela nao want for buildim wanfela taoa but hem no sidaon firstaem and kaontem kost, for lukim sapos hem garem inaf shilling for finisim? Nogud hem putim faondeson but then hem no finisim, and evriwan wea lukluk kam maet start for mek funny long hem, and say, ‘Disfela man start for buildim but hem no fit for finisim.’”

So Jesus showim aot long olketa pipol wea followim hem hao bifor they kamap olketa disaepol bilong hem, they mas decide strong mekem they savvy fulfillim diswan, olsem datfela man wea want for buildim wanfela taoa mas mek sure bifor hem start sapos hem garem inaf shilling for finisim. Then Jesus talem narafela tok piksa:

“Wanem kaen king nao wea march go for faet againstim narafela king, hem no sidaon firstaem and tingting gud sapos hem fit for faet withim ten thousand soldia againstim twenti thousand soldia wea narawan hem garem? Sapos hem kanduit for win, then taem narawan hem farawe yet, hem sendem wanfela grup for ask for peace.”

Then Jesus strongim main point bilong olketa tok piksa hia taem hem say: “Long disfela way, iufela savvy hao no anywan long iufela wea no say gudbae long evri samting bilong hem savvy kamap disaepol bilong mi.” Diswan nao samting wea olketa pipol wea followim hem, and evriwan wea learn abaotem Kraest mas willing for duim. They mas ready for let go long evri samting wea they garem​—⁠evri material samting bilong them, and laef bilong them tu⁠—​sapos they want for kamap disaepol bilong hem. Waswe, iu willing for duim datwan?

“Tru nao, salt, hem gudfela samting,” Jesus hem say. Long Sermon bilong hem long Maunten, hem say olketa disaepol bilong hem they “salt bilong earth,” wea meanim samting wea they duim hem sevem pipol, olsem really salt hem savvy keepim kaikai for no rotten. “But sapos datfela salt lusim strong bilong hem, wanem nao bae mekem hem kamap gud moa? Hem no gud for putim long graon or for iusim olsem fertilizer,” Jesus say. “Pipol torowem aotsaed. Letem man wea garem ear for listen, mas listen.”

So Jesus show aot nomata olketa wea they disaepol bilong hem for samfela taem finis, they mas no weak daon long way wea they decide for go ahed. Sapos they weak daon, they bae kamap iusles, samting wea disfela world bae mek funny long hem and they no fit front long God, yes, they bae bringim shame long God. So, olsem salt wea no garem strong, and wea no gud, bae they torowem them aotsaed, tru nao, they finisim them evribit. Luke 14:​25-35; Genesis 29:​30-33; Matthew 5:⁠13.

▪ Wanem nao hem meanim for “hate-im” olketa relative and man seleva?

▪ Wanem nao tufela tok piksa wea Jesus talem, and wanem nao they meanim?

▪ Wanem nao point bilong lastfela toktok bilong Jesus abaotem salt?