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Resurrection Hope

Resurrection Hope

Chapter 90

Resurrection Hope

JESUS hem kam klosap long Bethany, wanfela vilij wea stap abaot tufela mile from Jerusalem. Fewfela day nomoa go past from taem wea Lazarus hem dae and olketa buryim hem. Tufela sista bilong hem Mary and Martha still feel sorry, and planti pipol kam long haos bilong them for comfortim them.

Taem they go ahed for krae, samwan talem Martha hao Jesus hem kam long road. So hem lusim haos and hariap go for meetim hem, luk olsem hem no talem sista bilong hem. Taem Martha kam long Jesus, hem talem samting wea hem and sista bilong hem maet talem planti taem long fofela day wea go past: “Sapos iu stap long hia, brata bilong mi bae no dae.”

But Martha garem hope taem hem talem toktok wea showim aot hao Jesus maet duim samting for brata bilong hem. “Mi savvy sapos iu askim God for any samting, God bae givim long iu,” hem say.

“Brata bilong iu bae laef back,” Jesus promisim hem.

Martha ting say Jesus hem tok abaotem resurrection long earth wea bae kamap long future, wea Abraham and olketa otherfela servant bilong God luk forward long hem. So hem say: “Mi savvy hem bae raise ap long resurrection long last day.”

But, Jesus givim hope for helpem hem long datfela taem, taem hem say: “Mi nao resurrection and laef.” Hem talem Martha moa hao God givim hem paoa ovarem dae taem hem say: “Man wea show aot faith long mi, nomata hem dae, bae hem laef back moa; and evriwan wea laef and showim aot faith long mi bae nating dae.”

Jesus no trae for say long Martha hao olketa faithful wan wea laef long datfela taem bae nating dae. No moa, but point wea hem showim aot hem hao way for showim aot faith long hem savvy lead go long laef olawe. Planti pipol bae enjoyim laef olsem taem they resurrect long last day. But otherfela faithful wan bae winim end bilong disfela system long earth, and olketa toktok bilong Jesus bae fulfill long really way long them. They bae nating dae! Bihaen long disfela nambawan toktok, Jesus askim Martha, “Waswe, iu believim diswan?”

“Yes, Lord,” hem say. “Mi believe hao iu nao Kraest, Son bilong God, dat Wan wea bae kam insaed long world.”

Then Martha hariap go back for talem sista bilong hem, and hem tok kwaet long Mary seleva olsem: “Teacher hem kam finis and hem kolem iu.” Stret awe Mary lusim haos. Taem olketa otherfela pipol lukim hem go, they followim hem bikos they ting say hem bae go long grave.

Taem hem kasem Jesus, Mary fall daon front long hem and krae. “Lord, sapos iu stap long hia bifor, brata bilong mi bae no dae,” hem say. Jesus hem feel sorry tumas taem hem lukim Mary and olketa pipol wea followim hem they krae. “Wea nao iufela putim hem?” hem ask.

“Lord, iu kam lukim,” they say.

Jesus tu hem krae, and diswan mekem olketa Jew say: “Lukim, hem really love-im hem!”

Samfela rememberim hao Jesus, long taem bilong Festival Bilong Tabernacle long fewfela month bifor, hem healim wanfela youngfela man wea born withim blind eye, and they ask olsem: “Waswe, disfela man wea openem eye bilong blind man hem no savvy stopem disfela man for dae?” John 5:21; 6:40; 9:​1-7; 11:​17-37.

▪ Wanem taem nao Jesus kam klosap long Bethany, and wanem nao happen long there?

▪ Wanem faondeson nao Martha garem for believe long resurrection?

▪ Hao nao dae bilong Lazarus hem affectim Jesus?