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Saen Bilong Olketa Last Day

Saen Bilong Olketa Last Day

Chapter 111

Saen Bilong Olketa Last Day

DISTAEM hem Tuesday aftanun. Taem Jesus sidaon long Maunten Bilong Olives, and lukluk go daon long temple, Peter, Andrew, James, and John kam seleva long hem. They worry abaotem temple, bikos Jesus hem just talem profesi hao no any stone bae stap on top long narafela stone long there.

But luk olsem they tingting moa abaotem samfela samting taem they kam long Jesus. Fewfela week bifor, hem tok abaotem “presence” bilong hem, wea “Son bilong man bae show aot klia.” And bifor datwan, hem talem them abaotem “taem bilong end bilong disfela system.” So olketa aposol want for savvy moa.

“Talem mifela,” they say, “wanem taem nao evri samting hia bae happen [wea Jerusalem and temple bilong hem bae finis evribit], and wanem nao saen for markem presence bilong iu and taem bilong end bilong disfela system?” Kwestin bilong them hem garem threefela part. Firstaem, they want for savvy abaotem end bilong Jerusalem and temple bilong hem, then abaotem presence bilong Jesus long Kingdom paoa, and last samting abaotem end bilong full system.

Taem hem givim longfela ansa bilong hem, Jesus ansarem threefela part bilong datfela kwestin. Hem talem wanfela saen wea showim aot taem wea system bilong olketa Jew bae finis; but hem talem moa samting. Hem givim tu wanfela saen wea bae mekem olketa disaepol bilong hem wea stap long future for savvy they insaed long presence bilong hem and klosap long end bilong disfela full system.

Taem olketa year go past, olketa aposol lukim profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill. Yes, olketa samting wea hem talem profesi abaotem they start for happen long taem bilong them. Dastawe olketa Kristian wea laef 37 year bihaen, long 70 C.E., they no sek taem system bilong olketa Jew and temple bilong hem finis evribit.

But, presence bilong Kraest hem no happen long 70 C.E. Presence bilong hem taem hem rul insaed long Kingdom bae kamap longfela taem bihaen. But wanem taem? Way for lukluk long profesi bilong Jesus bae showim aot diswan.

Jesus talem profesi hao they bae “herem samting abaot war and report bilong war.” “Nation bae kam againstim nation,” hem say, and kaikai bae short, olketa earthquake bae kamap, and planti sik bae kamap. Pipol bae hate-im and killim dae olketa disaepol bilong hem. Olketa giaman profet bae kamap and giamanim planti pipol. Fasin for brekem law bae kamap moa big, and love bilong planti pipol bae weak daon. Long sem taem, disfela gud nius bilong Kingdom bilong God olketa bae talemaot olsem wanfela witness long evri nation.

Nomata profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill long smallfela way bifor Jerusalem hem finis evribit long 70 C.E., diswan bae fulfill long bigfela way moa long taem bilong presence bilong hem and long taem bilong end bilong disfela system. Sapos iumi lukluk long evri samting wea happen long world start kam long 1914, bae iumi lukim hao nambawan profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill long bigfela way start kam long datfela year.

Narafela part bilong datfela saen wea Jesus givim hem abaotem “datfela no gud samting wea spoelem evri samting.” Long 66 C.E. disfela no gud samting hem “olketa army” bilong Rome wea raonem Jerusalem and spoelem wall bilong temple. “Datfela no gud samting” hem stap long ples wea no fitim for hem stap.

Long bigfela way wea datfela saen hem fulfill, datfela no gud samting hem League of Nations and samting wea change-im hem, United Nations. Kristendom say disfela organization for bringim peace long world hem nao samting wea stand for Kingdom bilong God. Datwan hem barava no gud tumas! So go-go, olketa bilong politik wea join withim UN bae againstim Kristendom (tok piksa Jerusalem) and bae spoelem hem.

So Jesus talem profesi olsem: “Then bae great tribulation kamap wea nating happen bifor from taem world hem start kam kasem distaem, and hem bae no happen moa.” Taem Jerusalem finis evribit long 70 C.E., hem wanfela great tribulation wea winim wan million pipol they dae. Taem disfela part bilong profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill long main way, diswan bae barava moa big.

Believe Strong Long Taem Bilong Olketa Last Day

Taem Tuesday, Nisan 11, hem klosap for finis, Jesus go ahed for story withim olketa aposol bilong hem abaotem saen bilong presence bilong hem long Kingdom paoa and bilong end bilong disfela system. Hem warnim them abaotem way for aftarem olketa giaman Kraest. Hem say samfela bae trae for “giamanim pipol, and trae for giamanim olketa chosen wan.” But, olsem olketa eagle wea savvy luk farawe, olketa chosen wan hia bae hipap long ples wea trufela spiritual kaikai hem stap, hem nao, withim trufela Kraest long presence bilong hem wea man no savvy lukim. No anywan bae giamanim them and bae they no hipap withim wanfela giaman Kraest.

Olketa giaman Kraest savvy kam nomoa long disfela earth wea man savvy lukim them. But long way wea different, presence bilong Jesus hem samting wea man no savvy lukim. Jesus say bihaen datfela tribulation hem start: “Sun bae kamap dark, and moon bae no givim laet bilong hem.” Yes, diswan bae barava darkfela taem long living bilong olketa man. Bae hem olsem sun hem kamap dark long daytaem, and moon bae no givim laet bilong hem long naet.

“Olketa paoa long heven bae seksek,” Jesus go ahed moa. So hem showim aot olketa samting long really skae bae mekem man fraet tu. Way for fraet and raf fasin bae big winim anytaem long history bilong man bifor.

From diswan, Jesus hem say, “olketa nation bae fraet for gud, they no savvy wanem for duim from sea hem mekem bigfela noise and no stap kwaet, taem olketa man kamap weak from they fraet tumas and waitim evri samting wea bae happen long olketa man long earth.” Yes, taem disfela barava darkfela taem long laef bilong olketa man hem klosap for finis, “saen bilong Son bilong man bae show aot long heven, and then olketa pipol long earth bae krae bigfela tumas.”

But no evriwan bae krae big taem ‘Son bilong man kam withim paoa’ for finisim evribit disfela badfela system. “Olketa chosen wan,” datfela 144,000 wea bae share withim Kraest insaed long Kingdom bilong hem long heven, bae they no krae big, and olketa fren bilong them tu, wea Jesus kolem them “otherfela sheepsheep” bilong hem. Nomata olketa hia stap long barava darkfela taem insaed long history bilong man, they listen long toktok bilong Jesus for encouragim them: “Taem evri samting hia start for happen, stand ap stret and liftim ap hed bilong iufela, from taem for sevem iufela hem kam klosap nao.”

For mekem olketa disaepol bilong hem wea bae stap insaed long olketa last day for luksavvy end hem klosap nao, Jesus givim disfela tok piksa: “Tingim fig tree and evri otherfela tree: Taem they garem niufela leaf, iufela lukim and savvy hao hotfela season hem klosap nao. Long disfela way iufela tu, taem iufela lukim olketa samting hia happen, iufela savvy kingdom bilong God hem kam klosap nao. Tru nao, mi talem iufela, Disfela genereson bae no savvy finis go kasem taem evri samting hia kamap.”

So, taem olketa disaepol bilong hem lukim planti different part bilong datfela saen they fulfill, they mas luksavvy end bilong disfela system hem klosap and Kingdom bilong God bae klosap for finisim evri badfela samting. Yes, end bae kam taem pipol wea lukim evri samting wea Jesus talem profesi abaotem they no dae yet! Taem hem givim kaonsel long olketa disaepol wea bae laef long olketa last day hia, Jesus say:

“Lukluk gud long iufela seleva, nogud heart bilong iufela kamap hevi from tumas kaikai and tumas drink and worry bilong living, and sek nomoa datfela day kasem iufela kwiktaem olsem wanfela trap. From hem bae kam long olketa wea stap evriwea long earth. So, go ahed for wekap, and prea evritaem for iufela savvy winim evri samting hia wea bae happen, and for iufela savvy stand ap front long Son bilong man.”

Olketa Young Girl wea Wise and Olketa wea Kranky

Jesus hem ansarem kwestin bilong olketa aposol bilong hem abaotem saen bilong presence bilong hem long Kingdom paoa. Distaem hem talemaot samfela part moa bilong datfela saen insaed long threefela tok piksa.

Olketa wea stap long presence bilong hem bae lukim each tok piksa hem fulfill. Hem startim firstfela tok piksa olsem: “Then kingdom bilong heven bae olsem tenfela young girl wea tekem lamp bilong olketa and go for meetim bridegroom. Faevfela long olketa they kranky, and faevfela they wise.”

Taem hem say “kingdom bilong heven bae olsem tenfela young girl,” Jesus no meanim haf long olketa wea bae go insaed long Kingdom long heven they kranky and nara haf they wise! No moa, but hem story abaotem samting wea fitim way bilong samfela part bilong Kingdom long heven.

Tenfela young girl hia they piksarem evri Kristian wea garem hope or wea say they bae go insaed Kingdom long heven. Long Pentecost 33 C.E., datfela Kristian kongregeson kasem promis for maritim Bridegroom wea kasem glory and wea resurrect finis, Jesus Kraest. But datfela marit bae kamap long heven long wanfela taem long future.

Long datfela tok piksa, tenfela young girl they go for welkamim bridegroom and for joinim olketa wea insaed long wedding. Taem hem arrive, olketa bae iusim lamp bilong them for laetem road wea they bae followim, and from diswan they honorim hem taem hem bringim kam bride bilong hem long haos wea they readyim for hem. But Jesus hem say: “Olketa wea kranky they tekem lamp bilong olketa but they no tekem any oil, but olketa wea wise tekem oil insaed long botol withim lamp bilong them. Taem bridegroom hem delay, eye bilong evriwan feel hevi and they sleep.”

Way wea bridegroom hem delay hem show aot presence bilong Kraest olsem King wea rul bae kamap long future. Go-go hem start for rul long 1914. Long naet bifor datwan hem happen, evri young girl hia they sleep. But they no kasem strongfela kaonsel from diswan. Strongfela kaonsel wea olketa kranky girl kasem nao hem from they no garem botol for samfela oil moa. Jesus talemaot hao olketa young girl wekap bifor bridegroom hem arrive: “Long midl naet, they herem wanfela bigfela singaot, ‘Bridegroom hem kam nao! Go for meetim hem.’ Then evri young girl hia get ap and readyim lamp bilong olketa. Olketa wea kranky say long olketa wea wise, ‘Givim mifela samfela oil bilong iufela, bikos lamp bilong mifela klosap for dae nao.’ Olketa wea wise say olsem, ‘Maet hem no inaf for mifela and iufela tu. So iufela go long olketa wea sellim and baem samfela for iufela seleva.’”

Oil hem piksarem samting wea mekem olketa trufela Kristian they go ahed for shine olsem laet. Hem nao Word bilong God, wea olketa Kristian hold strong long hem, withim holy spirit tu wea helpem them for meanim datfela Word. Datfela spiritual oil mekem olketa wisefela young girl hia for mekem laet hem shine for welkamim bridegroom taem hem go long marit feast. But sekson bilong kranky young girl no garem insaed long themseleva, insaed long botol bilong them, datfela spiritual oil wea they needim. So Jesus talem samting wea happen:

“Taem [olketa kranky young girl] go for baem [oil], bridegroom hem arrive nao, and olketa young girl wea ready they go withim hem long marit feast; and door hem sat. Bihaen, olketa otherfela young girl they kam and say, ‘Masta, masta, openem for mifela!’ Hem say olsem, ‘Mi talem iufela stret, mi nating savvy long iufela.’”

Bihaen Kraest hem arrive long Kingdom bilong hem long heven, datfela sekson bilong olketa wisefela young girl wea they olketa tru anointed Kristian, they wekap for duim privilege bilong them for givim aot laet insaed long disfela darkfela world, for praisim Bridegroom wea hem kam back. But sekson wea olketa kranky young girl piksarem they no ready for welkamim hem. So taem hem ready, Kraest no openem door for they go insaed long marit feast long heven. Hem leavim them aotsaed long darkness bilong disfela world, for finis evribit withim evri otherfela man wea brekem law. “Go ahed for lukaot,” Jesus hem say, “from iufela no savvy long day or hour.”

Tok Piksa Abaotem Olketa Talent

Jesus go ahed for story withim olketa aposol bilong hem long Maunten Bilong Olives taem hem talem them mek-tu tok piksa. Fewfela day bifor, taem hem long Jericho, hem talem tok piksa abaotem olketa mina for showim aot Kingdom hem still long future. Tok piksa wea hem talem distaem, wea klosap semsem, hem abaotem olketa samting wea bae happen insaed long presence bilong Kraest long Kingdom paoa. Hem showim aot hao olketa disaepol bilong hem mas work taem they still stap long earth long way for mekem big “olketa samting bilong hem.”

Jesus say: “From hem [samting wea happen wea join withim Kingdom] olsem taem wanfela man, wea ready for go long farawe ples, hem kolem kam olketa slave bilong hem and givim them olketa samting bilong hem.” Jesus nao datfela man wea, bifor hem go long farawe ples long heven, hem givim long olketa slave bilong hem​—⁠olketa disaepol wea hope for go insaed long Kingdom long heven⁠—​olketa samting bilong hem. Olketa samting hia no olketa material samting, but they stand for wanfela field wea hem startim wea they fit for bringim moa disaepol.

Jesus givim olketa samting bilong hem long olketa slave bilong hem bifor hem go ap long heven. Hao nao hem duim datwan? Taem hem talem them for go ahed for work insaed long field for preachim message bilong Kingdom long evri part long earth. Olsem Jesus talem: “Long wanfela hem givim faevfela talent, long narawan tufela, long narawan moa wanfela, long each wan for fitim savvy bilong hemseleva, and then hem go.”

Eitfela talent​—⁠olketa samting bilong Kraest⁠—​hem divaedem long each wan fitim savvy bilong olketa slave hia, or olketa spiritual samting wea they fit for duim. Olketa slave piksarem olketa sekson bilong disaepol. Long first century, olketa aposol tu insaed long datfela sekson wea kasem faevfela talent. Jesus go ahed for say olketa slave wea kasem faevfela and tufela talent they mekem grow diswan taem they preach abaotem Kingdom and mekem disaepol. But, slave wea kasem wanfela talent hem haedem insaed long graon.

“Bihaen longfela taem,” Jesus say, “masta bilong olketa slave hia kam back and stretem kaon withim olketa.” Samting olsem 1,900 year bihaen, long mek-20 century, Kraest kam back for stretem olketa kaon, so hem barava “bihaen longfela taem.” Then Jesus say:

“Dat wan wea kasem faevfela talent hem kam withim nara faevfela talent moa, and say, ‘Masta, iu givim faevfela talent long mi; lukim, mi winim kam faevfela talent moa.’ Masta bilong hem say long hem, ‘Gud tumas, gudfela and faithful slave! Iu faithful long fewfela samting. Mi bae markem iu for luk aftarem planti samting. Go insaed long hapi bilong masta bilong iu.’” Datfela slave wea kasem tufela talent hem mekem big tu olketa talent bilong hem, and hem kasem sem praise and reward.

But hao nao olketa faithful slave hia go insaed long hapi bilong Masta bilong them? Well, hapi bilong Masta bilong them, Jesus Kraest, hem nao way for kasem datfela Kingdom taem hem go long farawe ples long Father bilong hem long heven. Olketa faithful slave long distaem garem bigfela hapi from they kasem moa responsibility long saed bilong Kingdom, and taem they finisim work bilong them long earth, they bae garem bigfela hapi taem they resurrect go insaed long datfela Kingdom long heven. But waswe long mek-three slave?

“Masta, mi savvy iu wanfela hardfela man,” datfela slave complain olsem. “So mi fraet and mi haedem talent bilong iu insaed long graon. Tekem disfela samting wea bilong iu.” Datfela slave hem mean for no work insaed long datfela field for preach and mekem disaepol. So masta kolem hem “badfela and lazy” and talem disfela judgment: “Tekem awe datfela talent from hem . . . And torowem disfela iusles slave go long darkness long aotsaed. Long there nao bae hem krae and kros for gud.” Olketa bilong datfela badfela slave sekson, wea they torowem them aotsaed, they no kasem any spiritual hapi.

Evriwan wea say they follower bilong Kraest savvy learnim samting from diswan. Sapos they want for enjoyim praise and reward from hem, and for hem no torowem them long darkness aotsaed and finis olawe, they mas work for mekem grow olketa samting bilong Masta bilong them long heven, taem they share evribit insaed long preaching work. Waswe, iu busy for duim diswan?

Taem Kraest Kasem Kingdom Paoa

Jesus hem still stap withim olketa aposol bilong hem long Maunten Bilong Olives. Taem hem ansarem kwestin bilong them for wanfela saen bilong presence bilong hem and taem bilong end bilong disfela system, distaem hem talem them lastfela tok piksa. “Taem Son bilong man hem kam long glory bilong hem, and olketa angel withim hem,” Jesus hem say, “then hem bae sidaon long nambawan throne bilong hem.”

Datwan hem happen taem end bilong disfela system hem klosap tumas for kam. But for wanem samting? Jesus say: “Evri nation bae hipap front long hem, and hem bae divaedem pipol from each other, olsem wanfela shepherd hem divaedem olketa sheepsheep from olketa goat. And hem bae putim olketa sheepsheep long raet saed bilong hem, but olketa goat long left saed bilong hem.”

Taem hem story abaotem samting wea bae happen long olketa wea hem hapi long them, Jesus say: “Then king bae say long olketa wea stap long raet saed bilong hem, ‘Kam, iufela wea Father bilong mi blessim, kasem kingdom wea hem prepare-im for iufela taem world hem start.’” Olketa sheepsheep insaed long disfela tok piksa bae no rul withim Kraest long heven but bae they kasem Kingdom long way wea they bae stap under long hem long disfela earth. “Taem world hem start” hem taem Adam and Eve bornim pikinini wea savvy kasem gudfela samting from wanem God provide-im for baem back olketa man.

But why nao hem putim olketa sheepsheep long raet saed bilong King? “From mi hangre,” king hem say, “and iufela givim mi kaikai; mi thirsty and iufela givim mi drink. Mi stap olsem stranger and iufela welkamim mi; naked, and iufela givim mi kaleko. Mi sik and iufela luk aftarem mi. Mi stap long prison and iufela kam long mi.”

From olketa sheepsheep stap long earth, they want for savvy wanem taem nao they duim olketa gudfela samting hia for King bilong them long heven. “Lord, wanem taem nao mifela lukim iu hangre and givim iu kaikai,” they ask, “or thirsty, and givim iu drink? Wanem taem nao mifela lukim iu olsem wanfela stranger and welkamim iu, or naked, and givim iu kaleko? Wanem taem nao mifela lukim iu sik or stap long prison and go long iu?”

“Tru nao mi talem iufela,” King hem say, “long way wea iufela duim long wanfela long olketa brata bilong mi wea no important tumas, iufela duim long mi tu.” Olketa brata bilong Kraest nao olketa bilong 144,000 wea bae rul withim hem long heven, wea they still stap yet long earth. And for duim gudfela samting long them, Jesus say, hem olsem they duim gudfela samting long hem nao.

Then King hem tok long olketa goat. “Go aot from mi, iufela wea kasem curse, long fire bilong olawe wea hem readyim for Devil and olketa angel bilong hem. From mi hangre, but iufela no givim mi kaikai, and mi thirsty, but iufela no givim mi any drink. Mi stap olsem stranger, but iufela no welkamim mi; naked, but iufela no givim mi kaleko; mi sik and stap long prison, but iufela no luk aftarem mi.”

But olketa goat complain olsem: “Lord, wanem taem nao mifela lukim iu hangre or thirsty or olsem stranger or naked or sik or stap long prison and mifela no luk aftarem iu?” Olketa goat kasem strongfela judgment long sem faondeson olsem olketa sheepsheep wea kasem gudfela judgment. “Long way wea iufela no duim long wanfela long [olketa brata bilong mi] hia wea no important tumas,” Jesus hem say, “iufela no duim long mi tu.”

So insaed long presence bilong Kraest long Kingdom paoa, wea kamap bifor end bilong disfela badfela system long great tribulation, bae wanfela taem bilong judgment. Olketa goat “bae finis evribit, but olketa raeteous [sheepsheep] bae kasem laef olawe.” Matthew 24:​2–25:46; 13:​40, 49; Mark 13:​3-37; Luke 21:⁠7-36; 19:​43, 44; 17:​20-30; 2 Timothy 3:​1-5; John 10:⁠16; Revelation 14:​1-3.

▪ Wanem nao mekem olketa aposol askim kwestin, but wanem moa they tingting abaot?

▪ Wanem part long profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill long 70 C.E., but wanem samting nao no happen long datfela taem?

▪ Wanem taem nao profesi bilong Jesus hem fulfill firstaem, but wanem taem nao bae hem fulfill long bigfela way?

▪ Wanem nao datfela no gud samting wea fulfill long firstaem and wea bae fulfill moa?

▪ Why nao great tribulation no fulfill long barava bigfela way taem Jerusalem finis evribit?

▪ Wanem nao olketa samting wea bae happen long world for markem presence bilong Kraest?

▪ Wanem taem nao ‘evri tribe bilong earth bae krae big tumas,’ but wanem nao olketa follower bilong Kraest bae duim?

▪ Wanem tok piksa nao Jesus talem for helpem olketa disaepol bilong hem wea bae stap long future for luksavvy end hem klosap?

▪ Wanem kaonsel nao Jesus givim for olketa disaepol bilong hem wea bae stap long olketa last day?

▪ Tenfela young girl they piksarem hu nao?

▪ Wanem taem nao Kristian kongregeson kasem promis for maritim bridegroom, but wanem taem nao bridegroom hem arrive for tekem bride bilong hem long marit feast?

▪ Wanem nao oil hem piksarem, and way wea olketa wisefela young girl they garem diswan hem mekem them fit for duim wanem samting?

▪ Wea nao marit feast hem kamap?

▪ Wanem nambawan reward nao olketa kranky young girl they misstim, and wanem nao bae kasem olketa?

▪ Wanem samting nao iumi learnim abaotem tok piksa bilong olketa talent?

▪ Hu nao olketa slave, and wanem nao olketa samting wea they kasem?

▪ Wanem taem nao masta kam for stretem olketa kaon, and wanem nao hem faendem?

▪ Wanem nao hapi wea olketa faithful slave go insaed, and wanem nao happen long mek-three slave, datwan wea badfela?

▪ Insaed long presence bilong Kraest, wanem work for judge nao hem duim?

▪ Long wanem way nao olketa sheepsheep kasem Kingdom?

▪ “Taem world hem start” hem long wanem taem?

▪ Wanem nao faondeson wea pipol kasem judgment olsem olketa sheepsheep or olketa goat?