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Samfela Kaonsel Moa

Samfela Kaonsel Moa

Chapter 63

Samfela Kaonsel Moa

TAEM Jesus and olketa aposol stap yet long Capernaum, they story tu abaot nara samting, no just abaot hu hem nambawan. Maet diswan happen tu taem they wakabaot kam back long Capernaum, taem Jesus no withim them. Aposol John say: “Mifela lukim wanfela man wea raosem olketa demon long nem bilong iu, and mifela trae hard for stopem hem, from hem no kam withim iumi.”

Maet John ting say olketa aposol nomoa fit for healim man. So hem say datfela man no duim olketa mirakol long proper way bikos hem no part long grup bilong them.

But Jesus kaonselem them: “No trae for stopem hem, from no anywan wea duim strongfela work insaed long nem bilong mi hem kwiktaem for tok againstim mi; from man wea hem no againstim iumi hem saed withim iumi. Sapos anywan hem givim wanfela kap wata long iufela from iufela bilong Kraest, tru nao mi talem iufela, datfela man bae no savvy lusim reward bilong hem.”

Datfela man no need for stap withim Jesus for show aot hem saed withim hem. Kristian kongregeson no start yet, so from hem no part long grup bilong them no meanim hem from different kongregeson. Datfela man hem really garem faith long nem bilong Jesus, dastawe hem raosem olketa demon. Hem duim samting wea Jesus say hem fit for kasem reward. Jesus say from hem duim datwan, bae hem kasem reward.

But waswe sapos man hia stumble from toktok and samting wea olketa aposol duim? Diswan hem bigfela samting! Jesus say: “Anywan wea mekem wanfela long olketa small wan hia wea believe for stumble, hem moabeta for olketa taemapem wanfela bigfela millstone long neck bilong hem, olsem diskaen wea donkey savvy tanem raon, and torowem hem long deep sea.”

Jesus say olketa follower mas aotem from living any samting wea important olsem hand, leg, or eye wea maet mekem them stumble. Hem moabeta for no garem disfela important part bilong body and go insaed Kingdom bilong God winim way for garem and go long Gehenna (ples for burnim rabis klosap long Jerusalem), wea piksarem way for finis evribit.

Jesus givim tu disfela warning: “Mek sure no anywan long iufela spoelem wanfela long olketa small wan hia; from mi talem iufela, olketa angel bilong them long heven savvy evritaem lukim face bilong Father bilong mi wea stap long heven.” Then hem talem wanfela tok piksa wea showim aot way wea hem barava ting hae long “olketa small wan” hia taem hem story abaotem wanfela man wea garem wan hundred sheepsheep, but then wanfela hem lus. Datfela man bae leavim 99 sheepsheep and go lukaotem datwan wea lus, and taem hem faendem datwan hem bae hapi long datwan winim 99 wea still stap. “Long sem way tu,” Jesus say, “Father bilong mi wea stap long heven hem no laekem anywan long olketa small wan hia for dae.”

Maet from hem tingim way wea olketa aposol bilong hem argue midlwan long olketa seleva, Jesus say: “Garem salt insaed iufela seleva, and keepim peace withim each other.” Taem kaikai no garem any taste, salt nao mekem hem taste gud. Dastawe, tok piksa salt hem mekem samting wea wanfela man talem hem moa easy for acceptim. Taem iumi garem diskaen salt bae hem moa easy for keepim peace.

But from iumi no perfect, samfela taem big raoa kamap. Jesus givim help for deal withim diswan tu. “Sapos brata bilong iu duim wanfela sin,” Jesus say, “go talem rong bilong hem front long iu tufela nomoa. Sapos hem listen long iu, iu winim brata bilong iu.” Sapos hem no listen, Jesus say, “tekem go wan or tufela moa withim iu, for mekem evri samting kamap stret long mouth bilong tufela or threefela witness.”

Only sapos hem still no want for listen, Jesus say, tekem problem hia go long “kongregeson,” wea meanim, olketa ovaseer bilong kongregeson wea savvy decide-im olketa judicial samting. Sapos man hia no laek for followim samting wea they decide-im, Jesus say, “hem mas kamap long iu olsem man bilong olketa nation and olsem man for tekem tax.”

Taem they decide long samting olsem, olketa ovaseer need for followim evribit olketa instruction insaed long Word bilong Jehovah. So, taem they faendem wanfela man hem guilty and fit for kasem panis, judgment wea they givim hem fitim ‘samting wea they taemap long heven finis.’ And taem they “letem free long earth,” wea meanim, they faend aot man hia no guilty, datwan hem samting wea they “letem free long heven finis.” Long olketa judicial samting, Jesus say, “wea tufela or threefela man hipap long nem bilong mi, mi stap midlwan long them.” Matthew 18:​6-20; Mark 9:​38-50; Luke 9:​49, 50.

▪ Why nao man no need for go withim Jesus for show aot hem saed withim hem?

▪ Hao nao way for mekem wanfela small wan stumble hem big samting, and hao nao Jesus showim aot way wea olketa small wan hia they important tumas?

▪ Wanem nao maet mekem Jesus for encouragim olketa aposol for garem salt midlwan long olketa seleva?

▪ Wanem nao meaning bilong way for “taemap” and “letem free”?