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Samfela Mirakol Moa Long Capernaum

Samfela Mirakol Moa Long Capernaum

Chapter 23

Samfela Mirakol Moa Long Capernaum

LONG Sabbath bihaen long taem wea Jesus kolem fofela first disaepol​—⁠Peter, Andrew, James, and John​—⁠they go long synagogue long Capernaum. Long there Jesus start for teach, and pipol sapraes tumas bikos hem teachim them olsem man wea garem paoa and no olsem olketa scribe.

Long disfela Sabbath wanfela man wea garem demon hem stap. Go-go hem singaot withim bigfela voice: “Wanem nao iu kam for duim long mifela, Jesus iu man bilong Nazareth? Waswe, iu kam for finisim mifela? Mi savvy long iu, datfela Holy Wan bilong God.”

Demon wea bossim datfela man hem wanfela angel bilong Satan. Jesus hem tok strong long datfela demon and say: “Iu stap kwaet, and kamaot from hem!”

Well, datfela demon hem mekem man hia seksek olabaot and hem singaot big. But hem kamaot from datfela man and no spoelem hem. Evriwan sapraes for gud! “Wanem nao diswan?” they ask. “Hem garem paoa tu for aotem olketa spirit wea no klin, and they obeyim hem.” Nius abaotem diswan hem go kasem evri ples long datfela area.

Then Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem lusim synagogue and go long haos bilong Simon, or Peter. Long there mami-in-law bilong Peter hem sik big withim fever. ‘Please helpem hem,’ they askim Jesus. So Jesus go long hem, holem hand bilong hem, and mekem hem get ap. Stret awe hem kamap gud moa and start for readyim kaikai for olketa!

Bihaen, taem sun go daon finis, pipol from planti different ples start for kam long haos bilong Peter withim olketa wea sik. No longtaem bihaen, full taon they hipap long door bilong Peter! And Jesus healim evriwan, nomata wanem kaen sik they garem. Hem mekem olketa man wea garem demon kamap free tu. Taem they kamaot, olketa demon wea hem aotem they singaot olsem: “Iu nao Son bilong God.” But Jesus tok strong long them and no letem them for tok bikos they savvy hem nao Kraest. Mark 1:​21-34; Luke 4:​31-41; Matthew 8:​14-17.

▪ Wanem nao happen long synagogue long Sabbath bihaen Jesus kolem fofela disaepol bilong hem?

▪ Wea nao Jesus go taem hem lusim synagogue, and wanem mirakol nao hem duim long there?

▪ Wanem nao happen long datfela sem evening?