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Samting wea Givim Hapi

Samting wea Givim Hapi

Chapter 75

Samting wea Givim Hapi

LONG ministry bilong hem long Galilee, Jesus duim olketa mirakol, and distaem hem duim long Judea tu. For example, hem raosem wanfela demon from wanfela man, wea mekem man hia no savvy toktok. Olketa pipol sapraes for gud, but samfela talem sem kaen toktok wea pipol talem long Galilee. “Hem raosem olketa demon thru long Beelzebub datfela ruler bilong olketa demon,” they say. Otherfela pipol wantim moa proof from Jesus for showim aot hu nao hem, and they trae for testim hem taem they askim wanfela saen from heven.

From hem savvy long tingting bilong them, Jesus givim sem ansa long olketa hia long Judea olsem hem givim long Galilee. Hem say evri kingdom wea divaed and againstim hemseleva bae fall daon. “So,” hem ask, “sapos Satan hem divaed and againstim hemseleva, hao nao kingdom bilong hem bae stap gud?” Hem showim aot hao olketa wea tok againstim hem they stap long danger, taem hem say: “Sapos thru long finger bilong God nao mi raosem olketa demon, then kingdom bilong God hem winim iufela nao.”

Pipol wea lukim olketa mirakol bilong Jesus they fit for talem sem samting wea pipol wea stap planti hundred year bifor talem taem they lukim Moses duim wanfela mirakol. They say: “Diswan hem finger bilong God!” Hem “finger bilong God” nao wea raetem Ten Komandment long tufela stone. And “finger bilong God”​—⁠holy spirit bilong hem, or active force⁠—​wea mekem Jesus fit for raosem olketa demon and healim pipol wea sik. So Kingdom bilong God hem barava winim olketa pipol hia, bikos Jesus, King bilong datfela Kingdom, hem stap midlwan long olketa.

Then Jesus talem wanfela tok piksa wea showim aot paoa wea hem garem for raosem olketa demon prove-im hem moa strong winim Satan. Hem olsem taem wanfela strongfela man go and daonem narafela strongfela man wea guardim bigfela haos bilong hem. Then hem talem moa tok piksa abaot wanfela badfela spirit. Datfela spirit lusim wanfela man, but taem datfela man no fulimap datfela empty spes withim olketa gudfela samting, datfela spirit kam back withim nara sevenfela spirit, and datfela man kamap moa worse winim firstaem.

Taem hem herem olketa teaching hia, wanfela woman midlwan long olketa pipol singaot olsem: “Hapi nao bele wea karem iu and susu wea iu susum!” From evri Jew woman want for kamap mami bilong wanfela profet and they barava laek for kamap mami bilong Messiah, dastawe woman hia tok olsem. Hem ting say Mary barava hapi tumas bikos hem mami bilong Jesus.

But Jesus kwiktaem stretem tingting bilong woman hia abaotem trufela samting wea givim hapi. “No moa,” hem ansa, “but, Hapi nao olketa wea herem word bilong God and followim!” No anytaem Jesus showim aot hao mami bilong hem, Mary, mas kasem spesel honor. But, hem showim aot hao way for kamap faithful servant bilong God nao givim trufela hapi, no from famili or any samting wea man savvy duim.

Olsem hem duim long Galilee, Jesus go ahed tu for tok strong long pipol bilong Judea from they askim wanfela saen from heven. Hem say they bae no kasem any saen but saen bilong Jonah nomoa. Jonah kamap wanfela saen taem hem stap insaed long wanfela fish for threefela day and way wea hem no fraet for preach, wea muvim olketa long Nineveh for repent. “But, lukim!” Jesus hem say, “samting wea winim Jonah hem long hia.” Long sem way, queen bilong Sheba hem sapraes long wisdom bilong Solomon. “But, lukim!” Jesus hem say, “samting wea winim Solomon hem long hia.”

Jesus hem say taem man laetem wanfela lamp, hem no putim insaed long wanfela box or underneath long wanfela basket but hem putim long wanfela lampstand mekem pipol savvy lukim laet. Maet hem showim aot hao way for teachim and duim olketa mirakol front long olketa bighed pipol hia hem olsem for haedem laet bilong wanfela lamp. Eye bilong olketa pipol olsem they no simple, or lukluk gud, so they no lukim meaning bilong olketa mirakol bilong hem.

Jesus just raosem wanfela demon and mekem man wea no savvy toktok for toktok. Diswan fit for muvim pipol wea garem simple eye, or eye wea lukluk gud for praisim nambawan mirakol hia and talemaot gud nius! But, disfela sekson no duim datwan. So Jesus say: “Dastawe, lukaot gud. Maet laet wea stap insaed long iufela hem darkness. So, sapos full body bilong iufela hem braet and no any part hem dark, hem bae braet olsem taem wanfela lamp hem givim iufela laet bilong hem.” Luke 11:​14-36; Exodus 8:​18, 19; 31:18; Matthew 12:​22, 28.

▪ Wanem nao pipol talem taem Jesus healim wanfela man?

▪ Wanem nao “finger bilong God,” and hao nao Kingdom bilong God hem winim pipol wea listen long Jesus?

▪ Wanem nao savvy givim trufela hapi?

▪ Hao nao man savvy garem simple eye?