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Secret Go-go Long Jerusalem

Secret Go-go Long Jerusalem

Chapter 65

Secret Go-go Long Jerusalem

HEM klosap coldfela season bilong 32 C.E., and Festival Bilong Tabernacle hem klosap. Start kam long Passova bilong 31 C.E., taem olketa Jew trae for killim hem dae, Jesus duim bigfela work long Galilee. Luk olsem start long datfela taem Jesus hem only go long Jerusalem for attendim threefela festival bilong olketa Jew.

Olketa brata bilong Jesus say long hem: “Iu lusim hia and go long Judea.” Jerusalem hem main taon bilong Judea and hem nao hedquarter bilong religion for whole kantri. Olketa brata bilong hem say: “No anywan savvy duim any samting haed sapos hem laekem evriwan for savvy long hem.”

Nomata James, Simon, Joseph, and Judas no believe hao big brata bilong them Jesus hem Messiah, they wantim hem for showim paoa wea hem garem for duim mirakol long evriwan wea kam long datfela festival. But, Jesus savvy long danger wea stap. “World no garem any reason for hate-im iufela,” hem say, “but hem hate-im mi, bikos mi witness abaotem way wea olketa work bilong hem they badfela.” So Jesus talem olketa brata bilong hem: “Iufela go long festival; mi bae no go yet long disfela festival.”

Festival Bilong Tabernacle hem for sevenfela day. Long mek- eit day they finisim withim olketa holy ceremony. Datfela festival hem markem end bilong agriculture year, and hem taem bilong bigfela hapi and for say thankiu. Samfela day bihaen olketa brata bilong Jesus go long festival withim otherfela pipol, Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem they go long secret way wea pipol no lukim them. They followim road wea go thru long Samaria, and no datwan wea planti pipol followim klosap long Jordan River.

From Jesus and olketa wea wakabaot withim hem bae needim ples for stap long wanfela vilij long Samaria, hem sendem messenger go firstaem for mek ready for them. But, olketa pipol long there no want for helpem Jesus taem they herem hem go-go for Jerusalem. From tufela kros for gud, James and John ask olsem: “Lord, waswe, iu laekem mifela for talem fire for kam daon from heven and finisim them evribit?” Jesus tok strong long them from they tok olsem, and they go long narafela vilij.

Taem they wakabaot long road, wanfela scribe say long Jesus: “Teacher, bae mi followim iu long any ples wea iu bae go.”

“Olketa fox garem ples for sleep and olketa bird garem ples tu,” Jesus ansarem hem, “but Son bilong man no garem any ples for putim hed bilong hem for sleep.” Jesus talemaot hao datfela scribe bae kasem hardfela taem sapos hem kamap follower bilong Hem. And luk olsem datfela scribe hem praod tumas for acceptim datkaen living.

Jesus say long narafela man: “Kamap follower bilong mi.”

“Letem mi go buryim dadi bilong mi firstaem,” datfela man hem say.

“Letem olketa wea dae buryim olketa wea dae,” Jesus say, “but iu go and tok abaotem kingdom bilong God.” Dadi bilong datfela man no dae yet, bikos sapos hem dae, datfela man bae no stap long there for listen long Jesus. Datfela man ask for hem waitim dadi bilong hem for dae firstaem. Hem no want for putim Kingdom bilong God firstaem long laef bilong hem.

Taem they wakabaot long road wea go for Jerusalem, narafela man say long Jesus: “Mi bae followim iu, Lord; but firstaem letem mi go for say gudbae long famili bilong mi.”

Jesus ansarem hem: “No any man wea holem plow for digim graon and lukluk long olketa samting bihaen hem fitim kingdom bilong God.” Olketa wea kamap disaepol bilong Jesus mas putim Kingdom service firstaem. Olsem plowman wea digim graon bae digim laen wea bend sapos hem no go ahed for lukluk stret long front, anywan wea luk bihaen long disfela old system bae stumble and lusim road wea lead go long laef olawe. John 7:​2-10; Luke 9:​51-62; Matthew 8:​19-22.

▪ Hu nao olketa brata bilong Jesus, and hao nao they ting long hem?

▪ Why nao olketa Samaritan garem no gud fasin, and wanem nao James and John want for duim?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say long threefela wea story withim hem long road, and hao nao hem strongim way wea man need for sakrifaesim seleva?