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Sermon wea Winim Evri Other Wan

Sermon wea Winim Evri Other Wan

Chapter 35

Sermon wea Winim Evri Other Wan

IUMI lukluk long wanfela spesel samting for rememberim insaed long history bilong Bible: Jesus hem sidaon long saed bilong wanfela maunten, and hem givim Sermon bilong hem long Maunten. Disfela ples hem klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee, maet klosap long Capernaum. Bihaen hem prea for full naet, Jesus hem just choosim 12-fela disaepol for kamap olketa aposol. Then, withim evriwan hia, hem kam daon long disfela level ples long datfela maunten.

Long taem olsem, hem fitim Jesus for feel tired and want for sleep. But planti pipol kam, samfela from Judea and Jerusalem, samting olsem 60 or 70 mile from datfela ples. Otherfela pipol kam from saed sea bilong Tyre and Sidon wea stap long north. They kam for herem Jesus and for hem healim sik bilong olketa. Samfela wea olketa demon bilong Satan spoelem, they kam tu.

Taem Jesus kam daon, olketa pipol wea sik go klosap for touchim hem, and hem healim evriwan. Bihaen, Jesus klaem ap lelebet long haefela ples long datfela maunten. Then hem sidaon and start for teachim olketa pipol wea sidaon raonem hem long level ples. And tingim! Distaem no anywan long datfela audience hem suffer from bigfela sik!

Olketa pipol laekem tumas for herem disfela teacher wea savvy duim olketa nambawan mirakol hia. But olketa disaepol bilong hem, wea maet sidaon klosap long hem, they main wan wea Jesus talem sermon bilong hem. So for iumi tu savvy kasem gudfela samting, Matthew and Luke they raet abaotem diswan.

Story wea Matthew raetem abaotem sermon hia hem moa long winim story bilong Luke. And tu, samfela samting wea Matthew raetem, Luke hem raetem olsem Jesus hem talem long narafela taem insaed long ministry bilong hem, wea iumi savvy lukim taem iumi markem Matthew 6:​9-13 withim Luke 11:​1-4, and Matthew 6:​25-34 withim Luke 12:​22-31. But iumi no sapraes long diswan. Jesus teachim sem samting long samfela different taem, and Luke hem choosim different taem wea Jesus teachim sem samting.

Samting wea mekem sermon bilong Jesus barava helpem iumi hem no just way wea hem story abaotem deepfela spiritual samting, but way wea hem talem deepfela truth long simple and kliafela way. Hem story abaotem olketa samting wea happen planti taem and hem iusim samting wea pipol savvy abaot, so olketa wea lukaotem gudfela laef wea followim way bilong God, they easy for meanim.

Hu Nao Really Hapi?

Evriwan want for hapi. From hem luksavvy long diswan, Jesus startim Sermon Long Maunten withim toktok abaotem olketa wea really hapi. Diswan hem mekem staka pipol long audience barava interest for listen. Nomata olsem, pipol wea herem olketa firstfela toktok bilong hem maet konfius lelebet.

Jesus hem start for tok long olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Hapi nao iufela wea poor, bikos kingdom bilong God hem bilong iufela. Hapi nao iufela wea hangre distaem, bikos iufela bae fulap. Hapi nao iufela wea krae distaem, bikos iufela bae laflaf. Hapi nao iufela taem pipol hate-im iufela . . . Kamap hapi long datfela day and jump ap, from, lukim! reward bilong iufela long heven hem big.”

Datwan nao story bilong Luke abaotem introduction long sermon bilong Jesus. But olsem story wea Matthew talem, Jesus hem say tu hao olketa wea showim aot kwaet fasin, mercy, wea klin long heart, and garem peace, they hapi. Olketa hia they hapi, Jesus hem say, bikos they bae kasem earth, they bae kasem mercy, and they bae lukim God, and they bae kolem them olketa son bilong God.

But, samting wea Jesus meanim taem hem tok abaot way for hapi hem no for singaot or laflaf nomoa, olsem taem man havem hapitaem. Trufela hapi hem samting wea moa deep, hem meanim way for satisfy long way wea man duim olketa samting long living.

So Jesus showim aot hao olketa wea really hapi, they pipol wea luksavvy long spiritual need bilong them, they feel sorry long way wea they sinner, and they want for savvy and servim God. Then, nomata otherfela pipol hate-im or persecutim them from they duim will bilong God, olketa hapi bikos they savvy they mekem God hapi and bae kasem reward bilong laef olawe wea hem givim.

But, planti wea listen long Jesus, olsem samfela pipol distaem tu, they believe way for rich and enjoyim samting wea body wantim savvy mekem man hapi. But Jesus savvy datwan hem no tru. Hem talem samting wea different evribit and wea mekem planti wea listen they sapraes, taem hem say:

“Trabel for iufela wea rich, bikos gudfela taem wea iufela havem hem finis nao. Trabel for iufela wea fulap distaem, bikos iufela bae hangre. Trabel for iufela wea laflaf distaem, bikos iufela bae sorry and krae. Trabel for iufela wea olketa man talem gudfela samting abaotem iufela, from olketa samting hia nao laen dadi bilong them duim bifor long olketa false profet.”

Wanem nao Jesus hem meanim? Why nao way for rich, lukaotem hapitaem, and enjoyim praise from olketa man hem mekem man kasem trabel? Hem bikos taem man garem and ting hae long olketa samting hia, then service for God, wea hem nomoa givim trufela hapi, hem no kamap main samting long living bilong hem. Long sem taem tu, Jesus no meanim way for poor, hangre, and sorry hem mekem man hapi. But, planti taem, olketa pipol olsem listen and followim olketa teaching bilong Jesus, and kasem blessing bilong trufela hapi.

Then, Jesus go ahed for say moa long olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Iufela nao salt bilong earth.” Jesus no meanim they really salt. But, pipol iusim salt for keepim kaikai. Wanfela big heap hem stap klosap long altar long temple bilong Jehovah, and olketa priest wea work long there savvy iusim for putim salt long olketa offering.

Olketa disaepol bilong Jesus they “salt bilong earth” from they help for sevem pipol. Tru nao, message wea they talemaot sevem laef bilong evriwan wea willing for followim! Hem helpem them for loyal, and garem faithful fasin long living bilong them, and stopem way for weak daon long spiritual saed and fasin tu.

“Iufela nao laet bilong world,” Jesus talem olketa disaepol bilong hem. Pipol no savvy putim wanfela lamp underneath long basket but on top long wanfela lampstand, so Jesus hem say: “Long sem way tu, letem laet bilong iufela shine front long olketa man.” Olketa disaepol bilong Jesus duim diswan taem they witness long pablik, and tu taem they showim aot gudfela example long fasin wea fitim olketa Bible principle.

Haefela Mark for Olketa Follower Bilong Hem

Olketa bigman bilong religion ting long Jesus olsem man wea brekem Law bilong God and they plan finis for killim hem dae. So taem Jesus go ahed for givim Sermon Long Maunten, hem say olsem: “Iufela no ting say mi kam for finisim Law or olketa Profet. Mi kam, no for finisim, but for fulfillim.”

Jesus hem barava ting hae long Law bilong God and hem encouragim otherfela pipol for ting olsem tu. Yes, hem say: “Anywan wea brekem wanfela smallfela komandment hia and teachim olketa man for duim diswan, they bae kolem hem ‘samting nating’ long saed long kingdom bilong heven,” wea meanim man olsem bae nating go insaed long Kingdom.

Long way for show aot hem ting hae long Law bilong God, Jesus tok againstim olketa tingting wea savvy muvim man for brekem law. Bihaen hem talem hao Law hem say, “Iufela mas no mean for killim dae narafela man,” Jesus say moa: “But, mi talem iufela, evriwan wea go ahed for kros long brata bilong hem mas givim ansa long kot bilong justice.”

From way for go ahed for kros long narafela man hem bigfela samting, wea maet lead go for killim man dae, Jesus talem wanfela tok piksa wea showim aot samting wea man mas duim for kasem peace. Hem givim disfela instruction: “Sapos iu bringim present [sakrifaes] bilong iu long altar, and iu rememberim hao brata bilong iu garem samting againstim iu, leavim present bilong iu front long altar, and go; mekem peace withim brata bilong iu firstaem, then taem iu kam back, givim present bilong iu.”

Then Jesus tok abaotem mek-seven komandment bilong Ten Komandment and say: “Iufela herem olketa say, ‘Iufela mas no duim adultery.’” But, Jesus tok againstim tingting wea savvy lead go long adultery tu. “Mi say long iufela, evriwan wea go ahed for lukluk long wanfela woman for barava laekem hem, hem duim adultery finis withim hem long heart bilong hem.”

Jesus no meanim dirty tingting wea maet man garem for lelebet taem but hem meanim ‘way for go ahed for lukluk.’ Go ahed for lukluk wea mekem strongfela feeling kamap, wea, sapos chance hem stap, lead go long adultery. Hao nao man savvy stopem diswan for happen? Jesus talem tok piksa wea showim aot bigfela samting wea man maet need for duim, taem hem say: “So, sapos raet eye bilong iu mekem iu stumble, pullim aot and torowem. . . . And tu, sapos raet hand bilong iu hem mekem iu stumble, katem aot and torowem.”

Pipol they willing for lusim wanfela part bilong body wea garem sik mekem they savvy stap laef. But olsem Jesus hem talem, hem moa important for “torowem” any samting, nomata important samting olsem wanfela eye or hand, for stap klia long dirty tingting and fasin. Sapos no moa, Jesus hem say, pipol olsem bae go insaed long Gehenna (wanfela ples for burnim rabis klosap long Jerusalem), wea piksarem dae olawe.

Jesus hem story tu abaotem way for deal withim pipol wea duim no gud samting and tok spoelem man. “No againstim badfela man,” hem talem. “But sapos anywan hem slapem iu long raet saed long face bilong iu, tanem narasaed for hem slapem tu.” Jesus no meanim man mas no defendim hemseleva or famili bilong hem sapos samwan attackim them. For slapem long hia hem no meanim for killim man, but for spoelem hem. So long hia Jesus hem say sapos anywan trae for startim wanfela faet or raoa, long way wea hem really slapem or tok spoelem man, hem rong for change-im back diswan.

Bihaen hem story abaotem law bilong God for love-im neibor, Jesus hem say: “But mi talem iufela: Go ahed for love-im olketa enemy bilong iufela and prea for olketa wea persecutim iufela.” Then hem givim strongfela reason for showim aot why they mas duim diswan taem hem say moa: “[Long disfela way] iufela savvy show aot iufela nao son bilong Father bilong iufela wea stap long heven, from hem mekem sun bilong hem shine long badfela pipol and long gudfela pipol.”

Jesus finisim disfela part long sermon bilong hem withim disfela kaonsel: “So iufela mas perfect, olsem Father bilong iufela long heven hem perfect.” Jesus no meanim pipol savvy perfect evribit. But, they savvy mekem love moa big taem they followim God and love-im enemy bilong them tu. Long story bilong Luke, Jesus hem say: “Go ahed for show aot mercy, olsem Father bilong iufela hem show aot mercy tu.”

Prea, and Trust Long God

Taem Jesus go ahed long sermon bilong hem, hem tok againstim hypocrite fasin bilong pipol wea laek for show aot they love-im God. “Taem iufela go for givim olketa present,” hem say, “no blowim wanfela trumpet front long iufela, olsem olketa hypocrite they duim.”

“And tu,” Jesus hem say, “taem iufela prea, iufela mas no prea olsem olketa hypocrite; bikos they laek for stand ap insaed olketa synagogue and long corner bilong olketa bigfela road taem they prea mekem olketa man lukim them.” But, hem say: “Taem iufela prea, go insaed long room bilong iufela and, bihaen iufela satem door, prea long Father bilong iufela wea stap long ples wea haed.” Jesus seleva hem prea long pablik, so hem no tok againstim diswan. Samting wea hem tok againstim nao hem olketa prea wea pipol talem for mekem pipol wea listen they praisim them.

Jesus givim kaonsel moa: “Taem iufela prea, no talem sem samting evritaem, olsem pipol bilong olketa nation they duim.” Jesus no say way for talem moa sem samting hem rong. Wanfela taem, hemseleva tu talem moa “sem toktok” taem hem prea. But hem no approve-im way for talem “evritaem” olketa toktok wea man rememberim, wea olketa wea holem bead they duim taem they prea from memory.

For helpem olketa wea listen long hem for prea, Jesus givim wanfela example prea wea askim sevenfela samting. Threefela first samting mek hae long rul bilong God and olketa purpose bilong hem. They ask for nem bilong God mas kamap holy, Kingdom bilong hem for kam, and will bilong hem for kamap. Fofela otherfela samting they samting for seleva, they nao, for kaikai bilong each day, for forgivim olketa sin, for no kasem test wea man no fit for winim, and for sevem hem from badfela man.

Then Jesus story abaotem trap for laekem tumas material samting. Hem say: “Iufela no hipim ap richfela samting long earth, wea moth and rasta savvy spoelem, and wea man savvy kam and stealim.” Richfela samting olsem no savvy stap olawe and tu they no mekem man garem gudfela nem withim God.

Dastawe Jesus hem say: “But, iufela mas hipim ap olketa richfela samting long heven.” Iu savvy duim diswan taem iu putim service bilong God firstaem long laef bilong iu. No anywan savvy aotem gudfela nem wea man garem withim God or nambawan reward bilong diswan. Then Jesus say moa: “Long ples wea richfela samting bilong iufela hem stap, heart bilong iufela stap long there tu.”

Taem hem go ahed for story abaotem trap for laekem tumas material samting, Jesus givim disfela tok piksa: “Lamp bilong body hem eye. So sapos eye bilong iufela hem simple, full body bilong iufela bae braet; but sapos eye bilong iufela hem badfela, full body bilong iufela bae dark.” Eye wea work gud hem olsem wanfela lamp wea laet long darkfela ples. But for lukluk stret, eye mas simple, wea meanim, hem mas lukluk long wanfela samting nomoa. Eye wea no lukluk gud savvy mekem man lukim samting long rongfela way, for putim olketa material samting firstaem bifor way for servim God, and diswan mekem “full body” hem kamap dark.

Jesus strongim disfela point long disfela barava kliafela tok piksa: “No anywan savvy work for tufela masta; from hem bae hate-im wanfela and love-im narawan, or hem bae stap klosap long wanfela and ting daonem narawan. Iufela kanduit for work for God and for Richfela Samting.”

Bihaen hem givim disfela kaonsel, Jesus talem olketa hao they no need for worry tumas long olketa material samting wea they needim sapos they putim service bilong God firstaem. “Lukluk gud long olketa bird long skae,” hem say, “from olketa no savvy plantim seed or harvestim or keepim long stoahaos; but Father bilong iufela long heven hem feedim them.” Then hem ask olsem: “Waswe, iufela nao moa important winim olketa?”

Then Jesus story abaotem olketa lily flaoa long field and hem say “nomata Solomon withim bigfela glory bilong hem, hem no luk nice tumas olsem wanfela long olketa hia. And sapos,” hem go ahed for say, “God mekem olketa gras long graon for luk nice, . . . waswe, hem bae no givim iufela kaleko for wearim, iufela wea garem smallfela faith?” So Jesus finis olsem: “No worry and say, ‘Wanem nao bae mifela kaikaim?’ or, ‘Wanem nao bae mifela drinkim?’ or, ‘Wanem nao bae mifela wearim?’ . . . From Father bilong iufela long heven hem savvy iufela needim evri samting hia. So, go ahed for lukaotem kingdom firstaem and raeteous fasin bilong hem, and iufela bae kasem olketa otherfela samting hia tu.”

Way for Kasem Laef

Way for kasem laef hem for followim olketa teaching bilong Jesus. But diswan no easy samting for duim. For example, olketa Farisi garem fasin for barava judge-im otherfela pipol, and maet planti pipol followim fasin bilong them. So taem Jesus go ahed long Sermon Long Maunten, hem givim disfela kaonsel: “Iufela mas finis for judge-im pipol from nogud they judge-im iufela; from way wea iufela judge-im pipol, olketa bae judge-im iufela tu.”

Hem danger tumas for followim olketa Farisi wea ova tumas for judge-im pipol. Olsem story bilong Luke hem talem, Jesus showim aot disfela danger long wanfela tok piksa taem hem say: “Wanfela blind man kanduit for leadim narafela blind man, hem tru? Tufela evriwan bae fall daon insaed long hol, iu ting olsem?”

Way for ova tumas for judge-im otherfela pipol, for mek hae long olketa weak point bilong them evritaem, hem wanfela bigfela rong. So Jesus ask olsem: “Hao nao iu savvy say long brata bilong iu, ‘Letem mi aotem smallfela gras from eye bilong iu’; but, lukim! wanfela timber stap long eye bilong iuseleva? Hypocrite! Firstaem aotem timber from eye bilong iu, and then iu bae lukluk gud for aotem smallfela gras long eye bilong brata bilong iu.”

Diswan no meanim olketa disaepol bilong Jesus bae no iusim gudfela tingting long otherfela pipol, from hem say: “No givim samting wea holy long olketa dog, or torowem olketa pearl for olketa pigpig.” Olketa truth from Word bilong God they holy. They olsem tok piksa pearl. But sapos samfela man, wea olsem dog or pigpig, they nating ting hae long olketa nambawan truth hia, olketa disaepol bilong Jesus mas leavim pipol olsem and lukaotem olketa wea willing for listen.

Nomata long Sermon Long Maunten Jesus hem story finis abaotem prea, distaem hem strongim need for go ahed long diswan. “Go ahed for askim,” hem say, “and iufela bae kasem.” For showim aot way wea God willing for ansarem prea, Jesus talem disfela tok piksa taem hem ask olsem: “Wanem kaen man midlwan long iufela wea son bilong hem askim bred​—bae givim stone long hem? . . . So, sapos iufela, nomata iufela badfela, savvy hao for givim gudfela present long olketa pikinini bilong iufela, waswe, bae Father bilong iufela long heven givim moa gudfela samting long olketa wea askim hem?”

Then Jesus talem wanfela barava important rul bilong fasin, wea planti kolem diswan Golden Rul. Hem say: “Evri samting wea iufela wantim olketa man for duim long iufela, iufela tu mas duim long sem way long olketa.” For live followim disfela rul iu mas duim gudfela samting long otherfela pipol, for deal withim them long sem way wea iu wantim olketa for deal withim iu.

Jesus showim aot hao way for kasem laef hem no easy taem hem say: “Go insaed long smallfela gate; from road wea lead go for dae hem bigfela and wide tumas, and planti pipol savvy go insaed long hem; but gate hem small and road hem small wea lead go long laef, and fewfela nomoa they faendem.”

Bigfela danger hem stap for otherfela pipol giamanim iu, so Jesus givim disfela warning: “Lukaot long olketa giaman profet wea wearim skin bilong sheepsheep, but insaed they olketa wolf wea hangre for gud.” Olsem iu fit for luksavvy long olketa gudfela tree and badfela tree from fruit bilong them, Jesus hem say, iu bae luksavvy long olketa giaman profet from fasin and teaching bilong them.

Then Jesus go ahed for say hem no samting wea man talem wea mekem hem disaepol bilong Hem, but samting wea man duim. Samfela pipol say Jesus hem Lord bilong them, but sapos they no duim will bilong Father bilong hem, hem say: “Mi bae tok olsem long olketa: Mi nating savvy long iufela! Iufela klia from mi, iufela man for brekem law.”

Then, Jesus finisim sermon bilong hem long disfela nambawan way. Hem say: “Anywan wea herem toktok bilong mi and duim, hem olsem wanfela wisefela man, wea buildim haos bilong hem on top long stone. And rain hem fall daon and flood hem kamap and wind hem blow strong and bangim haos, but hem no fall daon, from hem buildim on top long stone.”

Long narafela saed, Jesus say: “Anywan wea herem toktok bilong mi and no duim, hem olsem wanfela kranky man, wea buildim haos bilong hem long sandbis. And rain hem fall daon and flood hem kamap and wind hem blow strong and bangim haos and hem fall daon, and hem no gud evribit.”

Taem Jesus finisim sermon bilong hem, olketa pipol sapraes for gud long way bilong hem for teach, from hem teachim them olsem man wea garem paoa and no olsem olketa bigman long religion bilong them. Luke 6:​12-23; Matthew 5:​1-12; Luke 6:24-26; Matthew 5:​13-48; 6:⁠1-34; 26:​36-45; 7:​1-29; Luke 6:​27-49.

▪ Wea nao Jesus givim nambawan sermon? Hu nao stap long there, and wanem nao happen bifor hem givim diswan?

▪ Why nao iumi no sapraes from Luke hem raetem samfela teaching bilong sermon long narafela taem?

▪ Wanem nao mekem sermon bilong Jesus nambawan?

▪ Hu nao really hapi, and why?

▪ Hu nao kasem trabel, and why?

▪ Hao nao olketa disaepol bilong Jesus they “salt bilong earth” and “laet bilong world”?

▪ Hao nao Jesus show aot hem ting hae long Law bilong God?

▪ Wanem instruction nao Jesus givim for aotem any samting wea savvy lead go for killim dae narafela man and duim adultery?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus meanim taem hem say for tanem narasaed bilong face?

▪ Hao nao iumi savvy perfect olsem God hem perfect?

▪ Wanem instruction nao Jesus givim long saed bilong prea?

▪ Why nao olketa richfela samting long heven they moabeta, and hao nao man savvy kasem?

▪ Wanem nao olketa tok piksa wea hem talem for helpem man for stap klia long way for wantim tumas material samting?

▪ Why nao Jesus say man no need for worry?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say abaotem way for judge-im otherfela pipol; but hao nao hem show aot olketa disaepol bilong hem mas iusim gudfela tingting long otherfela pipol?

▪ Wanem moa Jesus talem abaotem prea, and wanem rul bilong fasin nao hem talem?

▪ Hao nao Jesus show aot way for kasem laef bae no easy and hem danger tumas for letem otherfela pipol giamanim iumi?

▪ Hao nao Jesus finisim sermon bilong hem, and hao nao diswan affectim olketa pipol?