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Showim Hemseleva Moa

Showim Hemseleva Moa

Chapter 129

Showim Hemseleva Moa

OLKETA disaepol feel sorry tumas. They no luksavvy yet long meaning bilong way wea grave hem empty, and they no believim tu story bilong olketa woman. So long sem Sunday, Cleopas and narafela disaepol lusim Jerusalem for go long Emmaus, wea stap farawe, olsem 11 kilometre.

Long road, taem they story abaotem olketa samting wea happen long datfela day, wanfela stranger hem joinim them. “Wanem nao iufela story abaotem taem iufela wakabaot?” hem askim them.

Tufela disaepol stop, face bilong them luk sorry tumas, and Cleopas hem ansa: “Waswe, iu wanfela stranger long Jerusalem and iu no savvy long olketa samting wea happen long there distaem?” Hem askim them: “Wanem samting?”

“Olketa samting abaotem Jesus bilong Nazareth,” they ansa. “Olketa chief priest and ruler bilong mifela givim hem go for mas dae and they nilam hem long post. But mifela hope disfela man nao dat wan wea bae sevem Israel.”

Cleopas and fren bilong hem story abaotem olketa spesel samting wea happen long datfela day​—⁠they story abaotem tufela angel and grave wea empty​—⁠but they say they nating savvy long meaning bilong olketa samting hia. Stranger hia say long tufela: “O iufela wea no garem savvy and slow for believim long heart olketa samting wea olketa profet talem! Waswe, hem no fitim for Kraest mas suffer long olketa samting hia and for go insaed long glory bilong hem?” Then hem meanim long them olketa verse from holy buk wea tok abaotem Kraest.

Go-go they klosap kasem Emmaus, and stranger hia hem luk olsem hem want for wakabaot go moa. From they want for herem moa samting, tufela disaepol say long hem: “Stap withim mifela, bikos hem go-go for naet nao.” So hem stap for kaikai. Taem hem prea and brekem bred and givim long them, tufela luksavvy dis wan nao hem Jesus wea tekem body olsem man. But then hem go.

Then they luksavvy hao datfela stranger hem savvy long staka samting! “Heart bilong iumi interest tumas,” they say, “taem hem toktok withim iumi long road, taem hem barava meanim gud olketa Scripture for iumi.” So kwiktaem nomoa, they get ap and hariap go back moa long Jerusalem, wea they faendem olketa aposol and olketa wea hipap withim them. Taem Cleopas and fren bilong hem no talem any samting yet, olketa otherfela disaepol they hapi tumas and say: “Tru nao, Lord hem laef back moa and hem showim hemseleva long Simon!” Then tufela hia talem tu hao Jesus hem showim hemseleva long them. Diswan hem mek-foa taem long datfela day wea hem showim hemseleva long olketa different disaepol bilong hem.

Sek nomoa Jesus showim hemseleva for mek-faev taem. Nomata olketa disaepol lockim door from they fraetem olketa Jew, hem kam insaed, and stand ap midlwan long olketa, and say: “Peace stap withim iufela.” Olketa fraet tumas, from they ting say they lukim wanfela spirit. So, bihaen hem talem hao hem no wanfela spirit, Jesus say: “Why nao iufela fraet, and why nao iufela garem daot long heart bilong iufela? Lukim hand bilong mi and leg bilong mi, hem mi nomoa; feelim mi and lukim, bikos wanfela spirit no garem flesh and bone olsem iufela lukim mi garem.” Nomata olsem, they still no believe.

For helpem them luksavvy hao hem really Jesus, hem ask: “Waswe, iufela garem any kaikai?” Bihaen hem tekem and kaikaim wanfela haf fish wea they burnim, hem say: “Diswan nao olketa toktok bilong mi wea mi talem long iufela taem mi stap yet withim iufela [bifor dae bilong mi], hao evri samting wea olketa raetem insaed long law bilong Moses and insaed long olketa Profet and olketa Psalm abaotem mi mas fulfill.”

Taem hem go ahed olsem hem duim wanfela Bible study withim them, Jesus hem teach olsem: “Long way olsem, olketa raetem hao Kraest bae suffer and laef back moa long mek-three day, and thru long nem bilong hem way for forgivim sin nao bae olketa preachim long olketa nation​—⁠start from Jerusalem, iufela nao mas talemaot olketa samting hia.”

Samfela samting kamap wea mekem Thomas no stap withim olketa long disfela important meeting long Sunday evening. So long olketa day bihaen, olketa otherfela disaepol they hapi and talem hem: “Mifela lukim Lord finis!”

“Sapos mi no lukim mark bilong nila long hand bilong hem,” Thomas hem say, “and putim finger bilong mi go insaed long mark bilong nila and putim hand bilong mi go insaed long saed bilong hem, mi bae nating believim.”

Well, eitfela day bihaen, olketa disaepol hipap moa insaed long haos. Distaem Thomas stap withim olketa. Nomata olketa door lock, Jesus hem stand ap moa midlwan long olketa and say: “Peace stap withim iufela.” Then, hem luk go long Thomas, and talem hem: “Putim finger bilong iu long hia, and lukim hand bilong mi, and tekem hand bilong iu and putim go insaed long saed bilong mi, and finis from way for no believe.”

“Lord bilong mi and God bilong mi!” Thomas hem singaot.

“Waswe, from iu lukim mi iu believe nao?” Jesus hem ask. “Hapi nao olketa wea no lukim but they believe.” Luke 24:​11, 13-48; John 20:​19-29.

▪ Wanem nao wanfela stranger askim long tufela disaepol long road for Emmaus?

▪ Wanem nao stranger talem wea mekem heart bilong tufela disaepol interest tumas?

▪ Hao nao tufela disaepol luksavvy long datfela stranger?

▪ Taem Cleopas and fren bilong hem kam back moa long Jerusalem, wanem gudfela story nao they herem?

▪ For mek-faev taem, hao nao Jesus showim hemseleva long olketa disaepol, and wanem nao happen long datfela taem?

▪ Wanem nao happen eitfela day bihaen mek-faev taem wea Jesus showim hemseleva, and wanem nao mekem Thomas barava believe Jesus hem laef moa?