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Spesel Go-go Bilong Mercy Long Judea

Spesel Go-go Bilong Mercy Long Judea

Chapter 89

Spesel Go-go Bilong Mercy Long Judea

SAMFELA week bifor, long Festival Bilong Dedication long Jerusalem, olketa Jew trae for killim dae Jesus. So hem go long north, klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee.

No longtaem go nomoa, hem go-go for Jerusalem, and preach insaed olketa vilij bilong Perea, long east saed bilong Jordan River. Bihaen hem talem tok piksa abaotem rich man and Lazarus, hem teachim moa olketa disaepol abaotem samting wea hem teachim them long Galilee bifor.

For example, hem say hem moabeta for wanfela man “sapos olketa taemapem wanfela bigfela millstone long neck bilong hem and torowem hem insaed long sea” winim way for hem mekem wanfela long “olketa small wan” bilong God for stumble. Hem strongim need for forgive tu taem hem say: “Nomata sapos [wanfela brata] hem sin sevenfela taem againstim iu long wanfela day and hem kam back long iu sevenfela taem and say, ‘Mi repent,’ iu mas forgivim hem.”

Taem olketa disaepol ask, “Givim mifela moa faith,” Jesus hem say: “Sapos iufela garem faith olsem size bilong mustard seed, iufela savvy say long disfela mulberry tree, ‘Pullim iuseleva aot from graon, and go plantim iuseleva insaed long sea!’ and hem bae obeyim iu.” So smallfela faith savvy duim bigfela samting.

Then Jesus talem wanfela really samting wea happen wea showim aot stretfela tingting wea wanfela servant bilong olmaeti God mas garem. Hem say: “Hu nao long iufela wea garem wanfela slave wea digim graon or luk aftarem olketa sheepsheep, bae say long hem taem hem kam back from field, ‘Kam long hia distaem and sidaon long tebol’? But waswe, bae hem no say, ‘Readyim samting for mi kaikaim long evening, and wearim kaleko for work and servim mi go kasem taem mi kaikai and drink finis, and bihaen iu savvy kaikai and drink’? Masta bae no savvy ting hae long slave bikos hem duim wanem they markem hem for duim, hem tru? So iufela tu, taem iufela duim evri samting wea hem markem iufela for duim, iufela say, ‘Mifela iusles slave nomoa. Samting wea mifela duim hem nao samting wea mifela should duim.’” So, olketa servant bilong God mas nating say they helpem God taem they servim hem. But, they mas evritaem rememberim privilege wea they garem for worshipim hem olsem member bilong famili bilong hem wea hem trustim.

No longtaem bihaen Jesus storyim diswan, wanfela messenger arrive. Mary and Martha, tufela sista bilong Lazarus long Bethany long Judea nao sendem hem. “Lord, lukim! dat wan wea iu love-im hem sik,” messenger hem say.

Jesus hem say: “Disfela sik hem no for hem dae, but hem for glory bilong God, mekem Son bilong God kasem glory thru long diswan.” Bihaen hem stap for tufela day long datfela ples, Jesus say long olketa disaepol: “Letem iumi go moa long Judea.” But, they say long hem: “Rabbi, no longtaem go nomoa olketa bilong Judea lukaotem iu for sutim iu withim stone, and waswe, bae iu go long there moa?”

“Waswe, twelvfela hour bilong daylaet nao stap?” Jesus ask. “Sapos anywan wakabaot long daylaet bae hem no bangim any samting, bikos hem lukim laet bilong disfela world. But sapos anywan wakabaot long naet, hem bangim samting, bikos laet hem no stap long hem.”

Samting wea Jesus meanim hem olketa “hour bilong daylaet,” or taem wea God markem for ministry bilong Jesus long earth, hem no finis yet and go kasem datfela taem, no anywan savvy spoelem hem. Hem need for iusim evribit shortfela taem bilong “daylaet” wea still stap for hem, bikos bihaen, “naet” bae kam taem olketa enemy bilong hem bae killim hem dae.

Jesus say moa: “Lazarus, fren bilong iumi hem go for rest, but mi go long there for wekapem hem from sleep.”

From they ting say Lazarus hem rest long way for sleep and diswan hem gudfela saen for show aot hem bae kamap gud moa, olketa disaepol say: “Lord, sapos hem go for rest, hem bae kamap beta.”

Then Jesus talem them stret: “Lazarus hem dae finis, and mi hapi for iufela bikos mi no stap long there, mekem iufela believe. But letem iumi go long hem.”

From hem savvy maet pipol killim Jesus dae long Judea, and hem want for supportim hem, Thomas encouragim olketa otherfela disaepol olsem: “Letem iumi go tu, mekem iumi savvy dae withim hem.” So nomata laef bilong them stap long danger, olketa disaepol go withim Jesus long disfela spesel go-go bilong mercy long Judea. Luke 13:22; 17:​1-10; John 10:​22, 31, 40-42; 11:​1-16.

▪ Wea nao Jesus hem just preach?

▪ Wanem nao olketa teaching wea Jesus talem moa, and wanem really samting wea happen nao hem talem for showim aot wanem kaen point?

▪ Wanem nius nao Jesus herem, and wanem nao hem meanim taem hem say “daylaet” and “naet”?

▪ Wanem nao Thomas meanim taem hem say, ‘Letem iumi go mekem iumi savvy dae withim hem’?