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Stap Ready!

Stap Ready!

Chapter 78

Stap Ready!

BIHAEN hem warnim pipol abaotem fasin for kavet, and kaonselem olketa disaepol abaotem way for worry tumas long material samting, Jesus encouragim them olsem: “No fraet, little flock, from Father bilong iufela hem decide for givim kingdom long iufela.” So hem showim aot hao wanfela small namba nomoa (wea bihaen they savvy hem 144,000) bae stap insaed long Kingdom long heven. Bigfela sekson bilong olketa wea bae kasem laef olawe bae stap long disfela earth underneath long datfela Kingdom.

Hem nambawan present, datfela “kingdom”! Taem hem story abaotem proper samting wea olketa disaepol mas duim taem they kasem datwan, Jesus say: “Sellim olketa samting bilong iufela and givim olketa present bilong mercy.” Yes, they mas iusim olketa material samting bilong them for helpem otherfela pipol long spiritual way and long datfela way bae they buildim ap “wanfela samting wea garem hae price long heven.”

Then Jesus talem olketa disaepol for stap ready for taem wea hem bae kam back. Hem say: “Iufela mas wearim kaleko bilong iufela and lamp bilong iufela mas laet, and iufela seleva mas olsem olketa man wea waitim masta bilong them taem hem kam back for marit, mekem taem hem kam and noknok they bae kwiktaem openem door for hem. Hapi nao olketa slave wea taem masta hem kam, olketa ready! Tru nao mi talem iufela, Hem bae wearim kaleko and mekem olketa sidaon long tebol and bae hem servim them.”

Insaed long disfela tok piksa, way wea olketa servant they ready hem show aot taem they taemap longfela kaleko bilong them olsem kabilato and they go ahed for duim work bilong them nomata hem naet from they laetem olketa lamp. Jesus hem say: ‘Sapos masta kam long taem bilong mek-tu security [from naen klok long evening go kasem midl naet], or long mek-three security [from midl naet go kasem three klok long morning], and lukim they ready, they bae hapi!’

Masta hem givim reward long olketa servant bilong hem long spesel way. Hem mekem them sidaon long tebol and hem start for servim them. Hem deal withim olketa, no olsem slave, but olsem olketa loyal fren. Hem nambawan reward from they go ahed for work for masta bilong them long naet, taem they waitim hem for kam back! Then Jesus say: “Iufela tu, stap ready, bikos long hour wea iufela no tingim Son bilong man bae kam.”

Then Peter ask olsem: “Lord, waswe, iu talem disfela tok piksa for mifela nomoa or for evriwan?”

Jesus no ansarem hem stret, but hem talem narafela tok piksa. “Hu nao disfela faithful slave,” hem say, “wea masta bilong hem bae markem hem for luk aftarem olketa servant for go ahed for givim kaikai wea fitim them long proper taem? Datfela slave bae hapi, sapos masta hem kam back and lukim hem duim olsem! Mi talem iufela trufela samting, Hem bae markem hem for luk aftarem olketa samting bilong hem.”

Datfela “masta” hem Jesus Kraest. Datfela “slave” piksarem “little flock” bilong olketa disaepol olsem wanfela sekson, and “olketa servant” meanim disfela sem sekson bilong 144,000 wea kasem Kingdom long heven, but disfela toktok hem showim aot work bilong olketa wanwan. “Olketa samting” wea datfela faithful slave garem work for luk aftarem, they nao olketa samting bilong masta long earth, wea meanim tu olketa long earth wea stap under long datfela Kingdom.

Taem Jesus go ahed long datfela tok piksa, hem showim aot hao no evri member bilong datfela slave class bae loyal, taem hem say: “Sapos anytaem datfela slave say olsem insaed long heart bilong hem, ‘Masta bilong mi hem delay for kam,’ and hem start for whipim olketa man servant and woman servant, and hem kaikai and drink and kamap drunk, masta bilong datfela slave bae kam long day wea hem no tingim . . . , and hem bae givim barava bigfela panis.”

Jesus savvy way wea hem kam hem mekem bigfela test for olketa Jew, bikos samfela acceptim olketa teaching bilong hem but otherfela they rejectim. Hem baptaes long wata for winim three year finis, but distaem way wea hem bae baptaes long dae hem kam klosap, and hem say: “Mi feelim bigfela hevi tumas go kasem taem wea diswan hem finis!”

Bihaen hem tok olsem long olketa disaepol, Jesus story moa long olketa pipol. Hem sorry tumas long bighed fasin bilong them for no acceptim kliafela proof abaotem hem and meaning bilong diswan. “Taem iufela lukim wanfela cloud hem kamap long west saed, kwiktaem iufela say, ‘Wanfela big wind hem kam,’ and diswan really happen. And taem iufela lukim wind hem blow kam from south saed, iufela say, ‘Bae hem hot for gud,’ and hem happen. Olketa hypocrite, iufela luksavvy long lukluk bilong earth and skae, but hao nao iufela no savvy hao for luksavvy long disfela spesel taem?” Luke 12:​32-59.

▪ Haomas pipol nao insaed long “little flock,” and wanem nao they kasem?

▪ Hao nao Jesus strongim need for olketa servant bilong hem for stap ready?

▪ Insaed long tok piksa bilong Jesus, hu nao “masta,” datfela “slave,” “olketa servant,” and “olketa samting”?