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Strong for Worship Bilong Jehovah

Strong for Worship Bilong Jehovah

Chapter 16

Strong for Worship Bilong Jehovah

OLKETA haf brata bilong Jesus​—⁠olketa otherfela son bilong Mary​—⁠they James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. Bifor they wakabaot withim Jesus and olketa disaepol for go long Capernaum, wanfela taon klosap Sea Bilong Galilee, maet they stop firstaem long Nazareth mekem famili savvy readyim samting wea they bae needim.

But why nao Jesus go long Capernaum and no duim ministry bilong hem long Cana, Nazareth, or otherfela ples long Galilee? Wanfela samting hem from Capernaum hem taon wea moa big. And tu, klosap evri niu disaepol bilong Jesus stap long Capernaum or klosap long there, so they bae no need for lusim ples bilong them for kasem training.

Taem hem stap long Capernaum, Jesus duim olketa nambawan mirakol, olsem hem talem samfela month bihaen. But then, Jesus and olketa hia start for wakabaot moa. Hem klosap for hotfela season, and they wakabaot go long Jerusalem for attendim Passova bilong 30 C.E. Long there, olketa disaepol lukim samting abaotem Jesus wea maet they no lukim bifor.

Olsem Law bilong God talem, olketa Israelite mas mekem animal sakrifaes. So, for mekem easy for them, olketa bisnisman long Jerusalem sellim olketa animal and bird for sakrifaes. But they sellim insaed long temple, and they ravem pipol taem they askim tumas shilling for olketa animal hia.

From hem kros for gud, Jesus mekem wanfela whip from rope and hem iusim diswan for raosem olketa man wea sellim samting hia. Hem kapsaetem shilling bilong pipol for change-im shilling and kapsaetem tebol bilong them. “Tekem aot evri samting hia from disfela ples!” hem singaot long olketa wea sellim kurukuru. “No mekem haos bilong Father bilong mi kamap wanfela haos for sellim samting!”

Taem olketa disaepol lukim diswan, they rememberim profesi abaotem Son bilong God: “Strong for haos bilong iu bae fulap insaed long mi.” But olketa Jew ask olsem: “Wanem kaen saen nao iu garem for showim long mifela, from iu duim olketa samting hia?” Jesus ansa: “Brekem daon disfela temple, and insaed long threefela day mi bae buildim moa.”

Olketa Jew ting say Jesus story abaotem really temple, so olketa ask: “They buildim disfela temple insaed foti-six year, and waswe, iu bae buildim moa insaed long threefela day?” But, Jesus story abaot temple bilong body bilong hem. And threefela year bihaen, olketa disaepol rememberim toktok bilong hem taem hem laef back from dae. John 2:​12-22; Matthew 13:55; Luke 4:⁠23.

▪ Bihaen long wedding long Cana, wea nao olketa ples wea Jesus go?

▪ Why nao Jesus hem kros for gud, and wanem nao hem duim?

▪ Wanem nao olketa disaepol tingim taem they lukim samting wea Jesus duim?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus say abaot “disfela temple,” and wanem nao hem meanim?