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Taem Son Bilong Man Hem Show Aot Klia

Taem Son Bilong Man Hem Show Aot Klia

Chapter 93

Taem Son Bilong Man Hem Show Aot Klia

TAEM Jesus still stap long north (maet long Samaria or Galilee), olketa Farisi askim hem abaotem taem wea Kingdom bae kam. They believim datwan bae kam long way wea evriwan bae lukim, but Jesus say: “Taem kingdom bilong God hem kam, man bae no lukim withim eye bilong hem, and pipol bae no say, ‘Lukim long hia!’ or, ‘Long there!’ From, lukim! kingdom bilong God hem stap midlwan long iufela.”

Samfela taem pipol transletim toktok bilong Jesus “midlwan long iufela” olsem “insaed long iufela.” So samfela ting Jesus say Kingdom bilong God hem rul insaed heart bilong olketa servant bilong God. But hem klia tumas hao Kingdom bilong God hem no stap insaed heart bilong olketa Farisi hia wea no believe wea Jesus toktok long them. But, hem stap midlwan long olketa, bikos King wea God markem for Kingdom bilong hem, Jesus Kraest, hem stap midlwan long them.

Maet bihaen olketa Farisi go nao Jesus tok moa withim olketa disaepol bilong hem abaotem way wea Kingdom bae kam. Hem tingim future presence bilong hem taem hem bae rul insaed long Kingdom and hem givim disfela warning: “Pipol bae say long iufela, ‘Lukim long there!’ or, ‘Lukim long hia!’ No go aot or ran aftarem [olketa giaman Messiah]. From olsem laetning, wea laet bilong hem sut aot, hem shine go from wanfela part under long heven go kasem narafela part under long heven, so Son bilong man bae olsem tu.” So Jesus hem showim aot hao olsem laetning hem kasem planti ples, proof bilong presence bilong hem taem hem rul insaed Kingdom bae show aot klia long evriwan wea laek for lukim.

Then Jesus markem samfela samting wea happen bifor for showim aot tingting wea pipol bae garem long presence bilong hem long future. Hem say: “And tu, olsem hem happen long taem bilong Noah, hem bae olsem tu long taem bilong Son bilong man . . . Long sem way tu, olsem hem happen long taem bilong Lot: they kaikai, they drink, they baem samting, they sellim samting, they plantim samting, they build. But long day wea Lot kamaot from Sodom, fire and sulphur kam daon from heven and finisim evriwan long olketa. Hem bae olsem tu taem Son bilong man hem show aot klia.”

Jesus no say pipol long taem bilong Noah and Lot they dae bikos they duim olketa samting wea pipol duim evriday olsem kaikai, drink, baem samting, sellim samting, plantim kaikai, and buildim haos. Noah and Lot and famili bilong them duim olketa samting hia. But otherfela pipol duim olketa samting hia evriday and nating listen long will bilong God, and from diswan nao they dae. From disfela sem samting, pipol bae finis evribit taem Kraest hem show aot klia insaed long great tribulation bilong disfela system.

Taem hem strongim way for duim samting followim proof bilong presence bilong hem insaed long Kingdom, Jesus say moa: “Long datfela day letem man wea stap on top long haos bilong hem wea garem olketa samting insaed long haos no kam daon for tekem them, and man wea stap long field, hem tu mas no kam back for olketa samting wea stap bihaen. Rememberim waef bilong Lot.”

Taem presence bilong Kraest show aot klia, pipol kanduit for letem way wea they laekem tumas material samting stopem them for duim samting kwiktaem. Taem hem lusim Sodom, waef bilong Lot luk back long olketa samting wea hem love-im and leavim, and hem kamap wanfela post bilong salt.

Taem hem story moa abaot wanem bae happen long presence bilong hem long future, Jesus say long olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Long datfela naet, tufela man bae insaed wanfela bed; bae they tekem wanfela, but bae they lusim narawan. Tufela woman bae work tugeta long sem ples for hammerim wheat; bae they tekem wanfela, but bae they lusim narawan.”

Way wea they tekem man hem semsem withim way wea Noah and famili bilong hem they go insaed long ark and olketa angel tekem Lot and famili bilong hem go aot from Sodom. Hem meanim laef. Long otherfela saed, sapos they lusim man hem meanim for finis olawe.

So olketa disaepol ask: “Long wea, Lord?”

“Ples wea body stap, long there nao olketa eagle bae hipap tugeta,” Jesus hem say. Olketa wea “they tekem” for kasem laef they olsem olketa eagle wea savvy luk farawe and they hipap tugeta long “body.” Body hem meanim trufela Kraest long presence bilong hem wea man no savvy lukim taem hem rul insaed long Kingdom, and hem meanim tu spiritual feast wea Jehovah provide-im. Luke 17:​20-37; Genesis 19:⁠26.

▪ Hao nao Kingdom hem stap midlwan long olketa Farisi?

▪ Long wanem way nao presence bilong Kraest hem olsem laetning?

▪ Why nao pipol bae dae from wanem they duim long presence bilong Kraest?

▪ Wanem nao hem meanim for they tekem, and they lusim?