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Teach Withim Olketa Tok Piksa

Teach Withim Olketa Tok Piksa

Chapter 43

Teach Withim Olketa Tok Piksa

JESUS stap long Capernaum taem hem tok strong long olketa Farisi. Long sem day, hem lusim haos and wakabaot go long Sea Bilong Galilee, and staka pipol hipap kam. Then hem go insaed long wanfela boat, pushim go lelebet, and start for teachim pipol wea stap long sandbis abaotem Kingdom bilong heven. Hem iusim olketa parabol or tok piksa wea easy for meanim.

Firstaem, Jesus story abaotem wanfela man wea plantim seed. Samfela seed fall daon long saed road and olketa bird kaikaim. Otherfela seed fall daon long graon wea garem stone underneath. From olketa root no go deep insaed long graon, olketa niufela plant hia dae taem sun hotem them. And samfela seed moa fall daon long ples wea olketa nila gras stap, wea kaikaim olketa plant wea start for grow. Then, samfela seed fall daon long gudfela graon and garem fruit, samfela wan hundred, samfela sixti, and samfela thirti.

Long narafela tok piksa, Jesus markem Kingdom bilong God olsem wanfela man wea plantim seed. Evriday, taem datfela man hem sleep and wekap, seed hia hem grow. Datfela man no savvy hao nao olsem. Seed hem grow seleva and garem wheat. Taem wheat hem ripe, datfela man harvestim.

Jesus talem mek-three tok piksa abaotem wanfela man wea plantim gudfela seed, but “taem olketa man sleep,” wanfela enemy kam and plantim rabis gras midlwan long olketa wheat. Olketa servant bilong hem askim sapos they mas aotem rabis gras. But hem say: ‘No moa, sapos iufela duim datwan bae iufela aotem samfela wheat tu. Letem tufela grow tugeta go kasem taem bilong harvest. Then bae mi talem olketa man wea harvest for aotem rabis gras and burnim and putim wheat insaed long stoahaos.’

Jesus talem tufela tok piksa moa taem hem story long pipol long sandbis. Hem say “kingdom bilong heven” hem olsem wanfela mustard seed wea wanfela man plantim. Nomata hem seed wea barava small for gud, hem grow for kamap bigfela plant. Hem kamap tree wea olketa bird savvy haed long olketa branch bilong hem.

Samfela pipol distaem say samfela seed wea moa small winim mustard seed they stap. But Jesus no teach abaotem olketa plant. Pipol bilong Galilee long datfela taem savvy mustard seed nao hem barava small. So they luksavvy hao Jesus story abaotem smallfela samting wea grow big tumas.

Then, Jesus markem “kingdom bilong heven” olsem yeast wea wanfela woman mixim withim bigfela sekson bilong flaoa. Go-go, disfela yeast go insaed evri part bilong disfela flaoa.

Bihaen hem story abaotem faevfela tok piksa hia, Jesus talem olketa pipol for go back and hem go back long haos wea hem stap. Then 12-fela aposol and samfela moa they kam long hem.

Kasem Gud Samting From Olketa Tok Piksa Bilong Jesus

Taem olketa disaepol kam long Jesus bihaen hem story withim pipol long sandbis, they interest tumas long disfela niufela way bilong hem for teach. Hem tru, they herem hem iusim olketa tok piksa bifor, but no long bigfela way olsem. So they ask: “Why nao iu iusim olketa tok piksa taem iu story long them?”

Wanfela reason hem for fulfillim disfela profesi: “Mi bae openem mouth bilong mi withim olketa tok piksa, mi bae talemaot olketa samting wea haed start kam long taem bifor.” But moa samting hem insaed diswan. Way wea hem iusim olketa tok piksa hem help for showim aot fasin wea stap insaed long heart bilong pipol.

Yes, planti pipol interest nomoa long Jesus olsem man wea savvy tumas for talem story and duim mirakol, no olsem man wea they mas servim olsem Lord and followim evribit. They no want for change-im tingting or living bilong them. They no wantim message for go insaed long heart bilong them and change-im them.

So Jesus say: “Dastawe mi talem olketa tok piksa long them, from olketa lukluk, but they no lukim any samting, and olketa herem, but they no herem any samting, and they no barava meanim gud; and profesi bilong Isaiah hem kamap tru long olketa, wea say, ‘ . . . From heart bilong disfela pipol hem nating listen.’”

“But,” Jesus say moa, “hapi nao eye bilong iufela bikos iufela lukim, and ear bilong iufela bikos iufela herem. From mi talem stret long iufela, Planti profet and raeteous man want for lukim olketa samting wea iufela lukim but they no lukim, and for herem olketa samting wea iufela herem but they no herem.”

Yes, 12-fela aposol and olketa withim them garem heart wea willing for listen. So Jesus say: “Iufela nao kasem way for meanim olketa holy secret bilong kingdom bilong heven, but olketa pipol hia they no kasem.” From olketa disaepol bilong hem want for savvy moa, Jesus talem meaning bilong tok piksa abaotem man wea plantim seed.

“Datfela seed hem word bilong God,” Jesus say, and graon hem meanim heart bilong man. Hem say abaotem seed wea fall daon long hard graon long saed road: “Devil hem kam and tekem datfela word from heart bilong them mekem olketa no believe and kasem laef.”

Long narafela saed, seed wea fall daon long graon wea garem stone underneath hem meanim heart bilong pipol wea hapi for herem word. But, from datfela word no savvy go deep insaed long heart bilong them, olketa fall daon taem they kasem test or persecution.

Jesus say seed wea fall daon midlwan long olketa nila gras, diswan meanim pipol wea herem word finis. But, they worry and tingting tumas long richfela samting and hapitaem bilong living, and diswan barava spoelem them and no bringim them any gudfela samting.

Then, Jesus say seed wea fall daon long gudfela graon, olketa nao herem word withim gudfela heart, then they keepim gud and stand strong for garem fruit.

Olketa disaepol wea go long Jesus for hem meanim gud olketa teaching long them kasem bigfela blessing! Jesus wantim pipol for meanim olketa tok piksa bilong hem mekem they savvy talemaot truth long otherfela pipol tu. “No anywan bringim wanfela lamp and putim underneath long basket or underneath long bed, hem tru?” hem ask. No moa, “man bringim for putim long wanfela lampstand.” So Jesus say moa: “So, ting strong long hao iufela listen.”

Moa Instruction for Helpem Them

Bihaen Jesus meanim tok piksa bilong man wea plantim seed, olketa disaepol want for learnim moa samting. They ask: “Talem mifela meaning bilong tok piksa abaotem olketa rabis gras long field.”

Olketa disaepol garem fasin wea different evribit from pipol wea stap long sandbis! Pipol hia herem nomoa hao Jesus story but they no really want for learnim meaning bilong olketa tok piksa. Taem hem show aot way wea pipol long saed sea they different from olketa disaepol wea kam long hem long haos, Jesus say:

“Long way wea iufela givim aot samting, olketa bae givim aot long iufela, yes, olketa bae givim moa samting long iufela.” Olketa disaepol givim aot samting long Jesus taem they showim aot really interest, so they kasem moa instruction for helpem them. Dastawe, Jesus ansa olsem long them:

“Man wea plantim olketa gudfela seed hem Son bilong man; field nao hem world; and olketa gudfela seed they nao olketa son bilong kingdom; but olketa rabis gras they olketa son bilong badfela man, and datfela enemy wea plantim them hem Devil. Datfela harvest hem taem bilong end bilong wanfela system, and olketa wea harvestim they nao olketa angel.”

Bihaen hem talem meaning bilong each samting insaed tok piksa, Jesus talem samting wea bae happen. Long taem bilong end bilong system, olketa wea duim harvest, or olketa angel, bae separate-im olketa rabis gras wea they nao giaman Kristian from olketa trufela “son bilong kingdom.” Then “olketa son bilong badfela man” bae kasem mark for finis evribit, but olketa son bilong Kingdom bilong God, “olketa raeteous wan,” bae shine insaed long Kingdom bilong Father bilong them.

Then Jesus talem threefela tok piksa moa long olketa disaepol. Firstaem, hem say: “Kingdom bilong heven hem olsem wanfela samting wea garem hae price wea stap insaed long wanfela field, wea wanfela man hem faendem and hem haedem; and from hem hapi tumas hem go and sellim evri samting wea hem garem and hem baem datfela field.”

“Then,” hem say moa, “kingdom bilong heven hem olsem wanfela bisnisman wea lukaotem olketa gudfela pearl. Taem hem faendem wanfela pearl wea garem hae price, hem go sellim evri samting bilong hem and baem datwan.”

Jesus seleva hem olsem datfela man wea faendem samting wea garem hae price and bisnisman wea faendem wanfela pearl wea garem hae price. Hem olsem hem sellim evri samting, haefela position bilong hem long heven and kamap wanfela humble man. Then, olsem man long earth, wea olketa tok spoelem and persecutim hem long no gud way, hem show aot hem fit for kamap Ruler long Kingdom bilong God.

Olketa follower bilong Jesus tu face-im challenge for sellim evri samting bilong them for kasem nambawan reward for rul withim Kraest or for stap long earth under long datfela Kingdom. Waswe, iumi ting long way for share insaed Kingdom bilong God olsem samting wea winim evri other samting long laef, olsem pearl wea garem hae price?

Then, Jesus say “kingdom bilong heven” hem olsem fishing net wea kasem planti different fish. Taem they separate-im olketa fish hia, they torowem olketa no gud fish but keepim olketa gud wan. So, Jesus say, hem bae semsem tu long taem bilong end bilong disfela system; olketa angel bae separate-im bad pipol from olketa wea raeteous, and bad pipol bae finis evribit.

Jesus seleva hem startim disfela fishing work, hem kolem olketa first disaepol “fisherman for kasem man.” Under long olketa angel, disfela fishing work go ahed insaed planti hundred year finis. Then hem taem for pullim kam datfela “fishing net,” wea piksarem evri organization long earth wea say they Kristian, and kongregeson bilong olketa anointed Kristian tu.

Nomata they torowem no gud fish, they keepim ‘gud fish.’ Sapos iumi show aot sem fasin olsem olketa disaepol wea barava wantim moa savvy and for meanim samting, iumi bae kasem moa instruction and tu laef olawe from God. Matthew 13:1-52; Mark 4:1-34; Luke 8:​4-18; Psalm 78:2; Isaiah 6:​9, 10.

▪ Wanem taem and wea nao Jesus iusim tok piksa for story withim pipol?

▪ Wanem nao faevfela tok piksa wea Jesus talem long olketa pipol?

▪ Why nao Jesus say mustard seed hem barava small for gud?

▪ Why nao Jesus iusim olketa tok piksa long story bilong hem?

▪ Hao nao olketa disaepol show aot they different from otherfela pipol?

▪ Jesus say tok piksa bilong man wea plantim seed hem meanim wanem?

▪ Hao nao olketa disaepol different from pipol wea stap long sandbis?

▪ Hu or wanem nao piksarem man wea plantim seed, field, olketa gudfela seed, datfela enemy, harvest, and olketa wea duim harvest?

▪ Wanem nao threefela tok piksa moa wea Jesus talem, and wanem nao iumi savvy learnim from them?