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Teachim Wanfela Samaritan Woman

Teachim Wanfela Samaritan Woman

Chapter 19

Teachim Wanfela Samaritan Woman

TAEM they wakabaot from Judea for go long Galilee, Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem they go thru long distrik bilong Samaria. From they feel tired, long midl-day they stop for spel lelebet long saed long wanfela well klosap long taon bilong Sychar. Jacob nao digim disfela well long planti hundred year go finis, and datfela well still stap distaem, klosap long taon wea they kolem Nablus distaem.

Taem Jesus hem spel long hia, olketa disaepol go long taon for baem samfela kaikai. Taem wanfela Samaritan woman kam for tekem wata, Jesus askim hem: “Givim mi drink.”

Olketa Jew and Samaritan nating savvy story or kampani tugeta bikos they barava no laekem each other. So, woman hia sek for gud and ask: “Hao nao iu, nomata iu wanfela Jew, askim mi for drink, and mi wanfela Samaritan woman?”

“Sapos iu savvy,” Jesus say, “hu nao say long iu, ‘Givim mi drink,’ iu bae askim hem, and hem bae givim iu living wata.”

“Masta,” woman hem say, “iu nating garem wanfela bucket for tekem wata, and disfela well hem deep. So, from wea nao iu bae tekem disfela living wata? Waswe, iu big winim grani bilong iumi, Jacob, wea givim iumi disfela well and wea hem and olketa son and bulumakao bilong hem drink from hia?”

“Evriwan wea drink from disfela wata bae thirsty moa,” Jesus talem hem. “Anywan wea drink from wata wea mi bae givim hem, bae nating thirsty moa, but wata wea mi bae givim hem bae kamap wanfela spring wata insaed long hem wea kamaot for givim laef olawe.”

“Masta, givim mi disfela wata, mekem mi no savvy thirsty moa or kam back evritaem long disfela ples for tekem wata,” woman hem say.

Jesus say long hem: “Go, kolem kam hasband bilong iu and kam long disfela ples.”

“Mi no garem any hasband,” woman hem ansa.

Jesus hem agree. “Iu tok tru taem iu say, ‘Mi no garem hasband.’ From iu garem faevfela hasband finis, and man wea iu stap withim distaem hem no hasband bilong iu.”

“Masta, luk olsem iu wanfela profet,” woman hem say from hem sapraes for gud. Then hem showim aot way wea hem interest long olketa spiritual samting taem hem say olketa Samaritan “they worship long disfela maunten [Gerizim, wea stap klosap]; but iufela [olketa Jew] say Jerusalem nao ples wea pipol mas worship.”

But, ples for worship no important. Jesus say: “Hour bae kam . . . wea olketa trufela worshiper bae worshipim Father withim spirit and truth, from Father hem lukaotem pipol olsem for worshipim hem. God hem wanfela Spirit, and olketa wea worshipim hem mas worship withim spirit and truth.”

Woman hia hem barava ting hae long disfela toktok. “Mi savvy Messiah bae kam, wea nem bilong hem Kraest,” hem say. “Taem dat wan hem kam, hem bae talem stret evri samting long mifela.”

“Mi wea story long iu, mi nao datfela man,” Jesus hem say. Tingim diswan! Disfela woman wea kam for tekem wata long midl-day, maet for mekem hem no meetim olketa woman bilong datfela taon wea ting no gud long hem from living wea hem garem, hem kasem bigfela blessing from Jesus. Hem talem stret long disfela woman samting wea hem nating talem long any otherfela man. Wanem nao kamaot from diswan?

Planti Samaritan They Believe

Taem they kam back from Sychar withim kaikai, olketa disaepol faendem Jesus long sem ples, long well bilong Jacob, and they lukim hem story withim wanfela Samaritan woman. Taem olketa disaepol they kam, woman hia hem leavim botol wata bilong hem and wakabaot go long taon.

From hem barava interest long olketa samting wea Jesus talem hem, hem talem olketa man long datfela taon: “Kam long hia, lukim wanfela man wea talem mi evri samting wea mi duim.” Then, for mekem olketa interest, hem say: “Waswe, maet disfela man nao hem Kraest?” Kwestin hia barava mekem them interest​—⁠so olketa seleva go for lukim hem.

Long datfela taem tu olketa disaepol askim Jesus for kaikaim datfela kaikai wea they baem kam from taon. But hem say: “Mi garem kaikai for kaikaim wea iufela no savvy.”

“Waswe, samwan bringim kam kaikai for hem kaikaim?” olketa disaepol they askim each other. Jesus say: “Kaikai bilong mi hem for duim will bilong dat wan wea sendem mi kam, and for finisim work bilong hem. Waswe, iufela ting say fofela month nomoa stap bifor hem taem bilong harvest?” But, Jesus point go long spiritual harvest, taem hem say: “Liftim ap eye bilong iufela and lukluk long olketa field, they ready finis for harvest. Man wea duim harvest work hem kasem wages and hem hipim ap fruit for laef olawe, mekem man wea plantim and man wea harvestim savvy hapi tugeta.”

Maet Jesus lukim finis nambawan samting wea kamaot from way wea hem story withim datfela Samaritan woman​—⁠planti pipol showim aot faith long hem from samting wea woman hia talem. Datfela woman hem go ahed for witness long pipol bilong datfela taon, and say: “Hem talem mi evri samting wea mi duim.” Dastawe, taem olketa man bilong Sychar kam long hem long well, they askim hem for stap withim them and story moa. Jesus acceptim datfela invitation and stap long there for tufela day.

Taem olketa Samaritan listen long Jesus, planti moa they believe. Then they say long datfela woman: “Mifela no believe from story bilong iu nomoa; from mifela seleva herem and mifela savvy disfela man nao man wea bae barava sevem world.” Tru nao, datfela Samaritan woman showim aot gudfela example long hao iumi savvy witness abaotem Kraest for mekem olketa wea listen bae want for savvy moa!

Tingim hao hem fofela month bifor taem bilong harvest​—⁠luk olsem diswan hem harvest bilong barley, wea kamap klosap long hotfela season long Palestine. So maet hem November or December. Diswan meanim bihaen long Passova bilong 30 C.E., Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem they spendem samting olsem eitfela month long Judea for teachim and baptaesim pipol. Distaem they go for hom territory bilong them long Galilee. Wanem nao bae happen long there? John 4:​3-43.

▪ Why nao Samaritan woman hem sapraes from Jesus tok long hem?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus teachim hem abaotem living wata and wea for worship?

▪ Hao nao Jesus showim long disfela woman hu nao hem, and why nao diswan hem samting wea mekem iumi sapraes?

▪ Wanem kaen witness work nao datfela Samaritan woman hem duim and wanem samting nao kamaot from diswan?

▪ Hao nao kaikai bilong Jesus hem join withim harvest?

▪ Hao nao iumi savvy faend aot hao long nao Jesus duim ministry long Judea bihaen long Passova bilong 30 C.E.?