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Tekem Wheat Long Sabbath

Tekem Wheat Long Sabbath

Chapter 31

Tekem Wheat Long Sabbath

THEN Jesus and olketa disaepol lusim Jerusalem for go back long Galilee. Hem klosap long hotfela season, and wheat long olketa field klosap ready for harvest. Olketa disaepol they hangre. So olketa tekem samfela wheat and kaikaim. But bikos hem taem bilong Sabbath, samfela pipol lukim samting wea they duim.

Olketa leader bilong religion long Jerusalem trae for killim dae Jesus bikos they say hem brekem law bilong Sabbath. Distaem olketa Farisi tok againstim olketa disaepol bilong hem. “Lukim! Olketa disaepol bilong iu duim samting wea no stret for duim long sabbath,” they say.

Olketa Farisi say way for tekem wheat and rubbim long hand for kaikaim hem olsem they harvestim and smasem wheat. But way wea they putim olketa hardfela rul long work hem mekem Sabbath kamap olsem hevi samting. But hem really taem for pipol hapi, and for buildim ap man long spiritual way. So Jesus ansa withim example from Scripture wea showim aot hao hem no purpose bilong Jehovah God for mekem Sabbath law kamap hardfela rul olsem.

Jesus say taem David and olketa man bilong hem they hangre, olketa go long tabernacle and kaikaim olketa holy bred. Olketa bred hia they no stap front long Jehovah from they putim niu wan for change-im, and olketa priest nao savvy kaikaim bred wea they aotem. But, long datfela taem, David and olketa man bilong hem no kasem panis taem they kaikaim olketa bred hia.

Taem hem talem narafela example, Jesus hem say: “Waswe, iufela no readim insaed long Law hao long sabbath olketa priest long temple no keepim sabbath olsem holy samting but they no guilty from diswan?” Tru nao, long taem bilong Sabbath olketa priest go ahed for busarem olketa animal and duim otherfela work long temple for readyim olketa animal sakrifaes! “But mi talem iufela,” Jesus hem say, “samting wea winim temple hem stap long hia.”

Then Jesus kaonselem olketa Farisi taem hem go ahed for say: “Sapos iufela savvy wanem nao diswan meanim, ‘Mi wantim mercy, and no sakrifaes,’ iufela bae no judge-im olketa wea no guilty.” Then hem finisim toktok bilong hem olsem: “Son bilong man hem Lord bilong sabbath.” Wanem nao Jesus meanim long disfela toktok? Jesus hem story abaotem rul bilong hem long Kingdom for wan thousand year wea peace bae stap.

Winim 6,000 year finis, man hem suffer olsem slave under long Satan, withim raf fasin and war wea kamap big tumas. Long otherfela saed, bigfela Sabbath rul bilong Kraest bae hem wanfela taem bilong rest from evri kaen way for suffer and hevi olsem. Matthew 12:​1-8; Leviticus 24:​5-9; 1 Samuel 21:​1-6; Numbers 28:9; Hosea 6:6.

▪ Wanem samting nao pipol talem againstim olketa disaepol bilong Jesus, and hao nao Jesus ansarem them?

▪ Wanem mistek bilong olketa Farisi nao Jesus showim aot?

▪ Long wanem way nao Jesus hem “Lord bilong sabbath”?