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They Fail for Kasholem Hem

They Fail for Kasholem Hem

Chapter 67

They Fail for Kasholem Hem

TAEM Festival Bilong Tabernacle hem go ahed, olketa bigman bilong religion sendem go olketa police for kasholem Jesus. Hem no trae for haed. But, Jesus go ahed for teach long pablik, and say: “Mi bae stap withim iufela for lelebet taem moa bifor mi go long man wea sendem mi. Iufela bae lukaotem mi, but iufela bae no faendem mi, and hem hard for iufela kasem ples wea mi stap.”

Olketa Jew no meanim, so they start for ask midlwan long olketa seleva: “Wea nao disfela man bae go, mekem iumi bae no savvy faendem hem? Waswe, hem ting for go long olketa Jew wea stap withim olketa Greek and teachim olketa Greek? Wanem nao disfela toktok hem meanim taem hem say, ‘Iufela bae lukaotem mi, but iufela bae no faendem mi, and hem hard for iufela kasem ples wea mi stap’?” Jesus hem tok abaotem dae bilong hem wea kam klosap and resurrection for laef long heven, wea olketa enemy bilong hem kanduit for followim hem.

Distaem hem mek-seven and lastfela day bilong datfela festival. Long each morning bilong festival, wanfela priest hem pourim wata wea hem tekem from Pool Bilong Siloam, on top long altar, and wata hia mas ran go kasem bottom bilong altar. Maet from hem wantim pipol for tingim disfela samting wea happen evri morning, Jesus singaot olsem: “Sapos anywan hem thirsty, letem hem kam long mi and drink. Man wea showim aot faith long mi, olsem Scripture hem talem, ‘Olketa stream bilong living wata bae kamaot from insaed long hem.’”

Long hia Jesus hem story abaotem olketa nambawan samting wea bae happen taem hem bae pourim aot holy spirit. Long nextfela year hem pourim aot holy spirit long Pentecost. Long datfela taem, olketa stream bilong living wata they kamaot taem 120 disaepol start for preach long pipol. But go kasem datfela taem, no any spirit hem stap, long way wea no any disaepol bilong Kraest kasem anointing withim holy spirit and kasem hope for laef long heven.

Taem they herem teaching bilong Jesus, samfela say: “Dis wan nao Datfela Profet,” and they meanim profet wea winim Moses wea they savvy bae kam. Otherfela say: “Dis wan nao hem Kraest.” But samfela moa say: “Kraest bae no kamaot from Galilee, hem tru? Waswe, Scripture say Kraest bae kam from laen bilong David, and from Bethlehem, datfela vilij wea David stap long hem bifor?”

So olketa pipol garem tufela tingting nao. Samfela want for kasholem Jesus, but no anywan touchim hem. Taem olketa policeman go back but Jesus no withim them, olketa chief priest and Farisi ask: “Why nao iufela no tekem hem kam?”

“No any man hem toktok olsem hem,” olketa policeman they say.

From they kros for gud, olketa bigman bilong religion start for tok spoelem olketa policeman. They say: “Waswe, hem giamanim iufela tu? Waswe, any ruler or Farisi showim aot faith long hem? Disfela pipol wea no savvy long Law they pipol wea fit for kasem panis.”

Then Nicodemus, wanfela Farisi and wanfela ruler bilong olketa Jew (wea meanim hem wanfela member bilong Sanhedrin), hem no fraet for talem samting for saed bilong Jesus. Maet iu remember hao tu and haf year bifor, Nicodemus kam long Jesus long naet and talemaot hem garem faith long hem. Distaem Nicodemus say: “Law bilong iumi hem no judge-im man sapos iumi no herem toktok bilong hemseleva firstaem and savvy long wanem nao hem duim, hem tru?”

Olketa Farisi barava kros for gud bikos wanfela long olketa hem saed withim Jesus. “Waswe, iu kam from Galilee tu?” they say. “Lukluk and bae iu lukim hao no any profet bae kamaot from Galilee.”

Nomata olketa Scripture no barava talem stret hao wanfela profet bae kamaot from Galilee, they point go long way wea Kraest bae kam from there, taem they say pipol bae lukim “wanfela nambawan laet” long datfela ples. And tu, Jesus hem born long Bethlehem, and hem kam from laen bilong David. Nomata olketa Farisi maet savvy long evri samting hia, they nao bihaenem giaman story wea pipol herem abaotem Jesus. John 7:32-52; Isaiah 9:1, 2; Matthew 4:13-17.

▪ Wanem nao happen evri morning long datfela festival, and hao nao Jesus tok abaotem diswan?

▪ Why nao olketa policeman no kasholem Jesus, and wanem nao olketa bigman bilong religion duim?

▪ Hu nao Nicodemus, hao nao hem ting long Jesus, and hao nao olketa otherfela Farisi deal withim hem?

▪ Wanem proof nao show aot Kraest bae kamaot from Galilee?