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They Fail for Trikim Jesus

They Fail for Trikim Jesus

Chapter 108

They Fail for Trikim Jesus

FROM Jesus teach long temple and just talem threefela tok piksa wea showim aot badfela fasin bilong them, olketa Farisi kros tumas and plan for trikim hem for talem samting wea they savvy iusim for kasholem hem. They mekem wanfela plan and sendem olketa disaepol bilong them, and wanfela sekson bilong Herod, for trae for trikim hem.

“Teacher,” olketa man hia say, “mifela savvy iu man for talem trufela samting and iu teachim way bilong God long trufela way, and iu no worry long anywan, from iu no luk long aotsaed bilong olketa man. So, talem mifela, Wanem nao tingting bilong iu? Hem stret long law for peim tax long Caesar or no moa?”

Sweet toktok bilong them nating trikim Jesus. Hem savvy sapos hem say, ‘No moa, hem no stret long law for peim tax,’ hem bae guilty long way for againstim rul bilong Rome. But, sapos hem say, ‘Yes, iufela mas peim tax,’ olketa Jew, wea hate-im way wea they stap under long rul bilong Rome, bae hate-im hem. So hem ansa olsem: “Why nao iufela testim mi, olketa hypocrite? Showim mi coin for peim tax.”

Taem they givim hem wanfela, hem ask: “Piksa and toktok bilong hu nao long hia?”

“Caesar,” olketa say.

“So, peim back olketa samting bilong Caesar long Caesar, but olketa samting bilong God long God.” Taem olketa man hia herem nambawan way wea Jesus hem ansa, they sapraes tumas. And they lusim hem nao.

Taem they lukim olketa Farisi kanduit for kasem any samting for iusim againstim Jesus, olketa Sadducee, wea say no any resurrection stap, kam long hem and ask: “Teacher, Moses hem say, ‘Sapos any man hem dae but hem no garem any pikinini, brata bilong hem mas maritim waef bilong hem and bornim pikinini for brata bilong hem.’ Wantaem sevenfela brata stap withim mifela; and first wan hem marit and then hem dae, but hem no garem any pikinini, so hem leavim waef bilong hem for brata bilong hem. Sem samting tu happen long mek-tu and mek-three, go kasem mek-seven. Go-go, datfela woman hem dae. So, long resurrection, hu long sevenfela nao bae tekem hem olsem waef bilong hem? From evriwan they maritim hem.”

Then Jesus say: “Waswe, hem nao why iufela garem rongfela tingting, from iufela no savvy long olketa Scripture or long paoa bilong God? From taem they laef back moa from dae, olketa man no marit and they no givim olketa woman for marit, but they olsem olketa angel long heven. But long saed bilong olketa wea dae finis, wea bae laef back moa, waswe, iufela no readim long buk bilong Moses, long story abaotem bush wea burn, hao God say long hem, ‘Mi nao God bilong Abraham and God bilong Isaac and God bilong Jacob’? Hem wanfela God, no bilong olketa wea dae finis, but bilong olketa wea laef. Iufela garem barava rongfela tingting.”

Olketa pipol sapraes moa long ansa bilong Jesus. Samfela scribe tu they say: “Teacher, iu talem trufela samting.”

Taem olketa Farisi lukim hao Jesus hem mekem olketa Sadducee stap kwaet, they kam long hem olsem wanfela grup. For testim hem moa, wanfela scribe bilong olketa ask olsem: “Teacher, wanem nao nambawan komandment bilong Law?”

Jesus ansa: “First wan hem olsem, ‘Herem, O Israel, Jehovah God bilong iumi hem wanfela Jehovah, and iu mas love-im Jehovah God bilong iu withim whole heart bilong iu and withim whole soul bilong iu and withim whole mind bilong iu and withim whole strong bilong iu.’ Mek-tu hem olsem, ‘Iu mas love-im neibor bilong iu olsem iuseleva.’ No any otherfela komandment hem moa big winim olketa hia.” Tru nao, Jesus say moa: “Tufela komandment hia they faondeson bilong full Law, and olketa Profet.”

“Teacher, iu talem samting wea fitim truth,” datfela scribe hem say. “‘Hem Wanfela, and no anywan moa but Hem nomoa’; and diskaen way for man love-im hem withim whole heart bilong hem and withim whole mind bilong hem and with whole strong bilong hem and diskaen way for man love-im neibor bilong hem olsem hemseleva hem barava winim evri burnt offering and sakrifaes.”

From hem luksavvy scribe hia ansarem hem long gud way, Jesus say long hem: “Iu no farawe from kingdom bilong God.”

For threefela day finis​—⁠Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday⁠—​Jesus hem teach insaed long temple. Olketa pipol hapi for listen long hem, but olketa bigman bilong religion laek for killim hem dae, but kam kasem distaem olketa samting wea they traem hem fail. Matthew 22:​15-40; Mark 12:​13-34; Luke 20:​20-40.

▪ Wanem plan nao olketa Farisi garem for trikim Jesus, and wanem nao bae happen sapos hem ansa yes or no?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus talem long olketa Sadducee for spoelem trap bilong them for trikim hem?

▪ Wanem moa olketa Farisi duim for testim Jesus, and wanem nao kamaot from diswan?

▪ Long lastfela ministry bilong hem long Jerusalem, haomas day nao Jesus teach insaed long temple, and wanem nao kamaot from diswan?