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They Killim Man Dae Long Birthday Party

They Killim Man Dae Long Birthday Party

Chapter 51

They Killim Man Dae Long Birthday Party

BIHAEN hem givim instruction long olketa aposol, Jesus sendem them go tu bae tu long olketa ples. Maet tufela brata Peter and Andrew go tugeta, and James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Thaddaeus, and Simon and Judas Iscariot. Sixfela grup hia they talemaot gud nius bilong Kingdom and duim olketa mirakol long evri ples wea they go.

Long datfela taem, John the Baptizer hem still stap long prison. Hem stap long there for tufela year finis. Maet iu remember hao John hem talemaot long pablik way wea Herod Antipas hem rong for tekem Herodias, waef bilong brata bilong hem Philip, olsem waef bilong hemseleva. From Herod Antipas say hem followim Law Bilong Moses, John hem stret for talemaot klia way wea hem duim adultery. So Herod putim John long prison, maet from Herodias nao talem hem for duim.

Herod Antipas luksavvy John hem wanfela raeteous man and hem hapi for listen long hem tu. So hem no savvy nao wanem for duim withim John. But, Herodias hem hate-im John and hem trae for killim hem dae. Go-go, hem garem chance for duim.

Bifor Passova bilong 32 C.E., Herod arrangim wanfela bigfela party for celebrate-im birthday bilong hem. Hem invitim olketa bigman bilong hem and bilong army, and samfela important man long Galilee. Taem party go ahed, Salome, youngfela dota bilong Herodias wea born from hasband bilong hem bifor, Philip, hem dance for olketa wea kam long party. Olketa man wea lukluk they laekem tumas dance bilong hem.

Herod hem hapi tumas long Salome. “Askim mi for any samting wea iu laekem, and mi bae givim long iu,” hem say. Hem promis tu: “Any samting wea iu askim long mi, mi bae givim long iu, nomata haf long kingdom bilong mi tu.”

Bifor hem ansa, Salome go for story withim mami bilong hem. “Wanem nao bae mi askim?” hem say.

Hem gud chance nao! “Hed bilong John the baptizer,” Herodias hem say stret awe.

Kwiktaem nomoa Salome go long Herod and say: “Mi laekem iu for givim mi hed bilong John the Baptist long wanfela plate distaem.”

Herod hem sorry tumas. But from olketa wea kam long party they herem finis promis bilong hem, hem feel shame for no duim diswan, nomata hem mas killim dae man wea no duim any rong. Kwiktaem nomoa they talem man for duim diswan for go long prison and katem hed bilong John. Then hem kam back withim hed bilong John long wanfela plate, and hem givim long Salome. So hem tekem go long mami bilong hem. Taem olketa disaepol bilong John herem samting wea happen, they kam and tekem body bilong hem and buryim, and then they talem diswan long Jesus.

Bihaen, taem Herod herem Jesus hem healim pipol and raosem olketa demon, hem fraet for gud, from hem ting say Jesus nao hem John wea laef back moa from dae. Start long datfela taem, hem laekem tumas for lukim Jesus, no for herem hem preach, but for prove-im sapos samting wea hem tingim hem tru or no moa. Matthew 10:​1-5; 11:1; 14:​1-12; Mark 6:​14-29; Luke 9:​7-9.

▪ Why nao John stap long prison, and why nao Herod no laek for killim hem dae?

▪ Hao nao Herodias hem garem chance for killim John dae?

▪ Bihaen John hem dae, why nao Herod laek for lukim Jesus?