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They Trae Moa for Killim Dae Jesus

They Trae Moa for Killim Dae Jesus

Chapter 81

They Trae Moa for Killim Dae Jesus

FROM hem taem bilong coldfela season, Jesus hem wakabaot long ples wea they kolem veranda bilong Solomon. Diswan stap long saed bilong temple. Olketa Jew kam raonem hem and start for ask: “Hao long nao bae iu mekem soul bilong mifela garem daot? Sapos iu nao Kraest, talem stret long mifela.”

“Mi talem iufela finis,” Jesus ansa, “but iufela still no believim.” Jesus hem no talem them stret hem nao Kraest, olsem hem talem datfela Samaritan woman long well. But hem showim aot klia hem nao Kraest taem hem talem olketa hem from ples on top and hem stap laef bifor long Abraham.

Jesus wantim pipol seleva for savvy hem nao Kraest taem they markem work wea hem duim withim olketa profesi wea Bible say Kraest bae fulfillim. Dastawe bifor, hem talem olketa disaepol for no talem anywan hao hem nao Kraest. And dastawe hem say long olketa Jew wea kros long hem: “Olketa samting wea mi duim insaed long nem bilong Father bilong mi, they nao witness abaotem mi. But iufela no believim mi.”

Why nao they no believim hem? Waswe, they no lukim inaf proof for show aot Jesus nao hem Kraest? No moa, but hem from disfela samting wea Jesus talem long olketa: “Iufela no sheepsheep bilong mi. Olketa sheepsheep bilong mi they listen long voice bilong mi, and mi savvy long olketa, and olketa followim mi. And mi givim olketa laef olawe, and no any samting bae finisim them, and no anywan bae tek-aotem them from hand bilong mi. Samting wea Father bilong mi givim long mi hem winim evri otherfela samting, and no anywan savvy tek-aotem olketa from hand bilong Father.”

Then Jesus story abaotem hao hem barava fren gud withim Father: “Mi and Father, mifela wan.” Bikos Jesus hem long earth and Father bilong hem long heven, hem kanduit for meanim hem and Father bilong hem garem wanfela body. But, hem meanim they garem wanfela purpose, wan mind.

From they kros long toktok bilong Jesus, olketa Jew tekem stone for killim hem dae, olsem they want for duim bifor long Festival Bilong Tabernacle, or Olketa Small Leaf Haos. Jesus no fraet for face-im olketa pipol wea bae killim hem dae taem hem say: “Mi showim long iufela olketa gudfela work from Father. For wanem work nao iufela sutim mi long stone?”

“Mifela sutim iu long stone, no from any gudfela work,” they say, “but from iu tok spoelem nem bilong God, bikos iu, nomata iu wanfela man, iu mekem iuseleva kamap wanfela god.” From Jesus nating say hem wanfela god, why nao olketa Jew tok olsem?

Maet from Jesus say hem garem paoa wea they say God nomoa fit for garem. For example, hem just say olsem abaotem olketa “sheepsheep,” “Mi givim olketa laef olawe,” wea no any man savvy duim. But, olketa Jew no want for luksavvy long way wea Jesus say hem kasem paoa from Father bilong hem.

Nextfela samting wea hem talem showim aot way wea Jesus say hem no winim God, from hem ask olsem: “Waswe, they no raetem insaed Law bilong iufela [long Psalm 82:6], ‘Mi say: “Iufela olketa god”’? Sapos hem kolem ‘olketa god,’ olketa wea word bilong God againstim, . . . waswe, iufela say long mi wea Father mekem holy and givim kam long world, ‘Iu tok spoelem nem bilong God,’ bikos mi say, mi Son bilong God?”

From Bible kolem olketa man wea judge wea no showim aot justice, they “olketa god,” wanem rongfela samting nao olketa Jew hia faendem long Jesus from hem say, “Mi Son bilong God”? Jesus say moa: “Sapos mi no duim olketa work bilong Father bilong mi, no believim mi. But sapos mi duim, nomata iufela no believim mi, believe long olketa work hia, mekem iufela bae savvy and go ahed for savvy hao Father hem garem wan mind withim mi and mi garem wan mind withim Father.”

Taem Jesus talem diswan, olketa Jew trae for kasholem hem. But hem ranawe, olsem hem duim bifor long Festival Bilong Tabernacle. Hem lusim Jerusalem and katkros go for Jordan River long ples wea John start for baptaesim pipol long klosap fofela year go finis. Disfela ples hem no farawe tumas from shore long south saed bilong Sea Bilong Galilee. From Jerusalem, man mas wakabaot for tufela day for kasem ples hia.

Planti pipol kam for lukim Jesus long datfela ples and start for say: “Tru nao, John hem no duim any mirakol, but evri samting wea John talem abaotem disfela man they kamap tru.” So planti pipol showim aot faith long Jesus long datfela ples. John 10:​22-42; 4:26; 8:​23, 58; Matthew 16:⁠20.

▪ Long wanem way nao Jesus wantim pipol for luksavvy hem nao Kraest?

▪ Long wanem way nao Jesus and Father bilong hem they wan?

▪ Why nao maet olketa Jew say Jesus mekem hemseleva kamap wanfela god?

▪ Hao nao toktok wea Jesus talem from Psalm showim aot hem no say hem semsem withim God?