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“Tru Nao, Dis Wan Hem Son Bilong God”

“Tru Nao, Dis Wan Hem Son Bilong God”

Chapter 126

“Tru Nao, Dis Wan Hem Son Bilong God”

BIHAEN Jesus hem hang for lelebet taem long stake, long midl day, wanfela spesel kaen darkness hem go ahed for threefela hour. Diswan hem no from moon hem haedem sun, from diswan savvy happen long taem bilong niufela moon nomoa, and hem full moon nao long taem bilong Passova. And tu, taem sun hem dark olsem, hem for fewfela minute nomoa. So disfela darkness hem kam from God! Maet hem mekem olketa wea mek funny long Jesus for stop, maet they finis for tok spoelem hem tu.

Sapos disfela samting hem happen bifor disfela badfela man hem tok strong long fren bilong hem and askim Jesus for rememberim hem, maet diswan tu wanfela samting wea muvim hem for repent. Maet long disfela taem bilong darkness nao fofela woman, wea they nao mami bilong Jesus and sista bilong hem Salome, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, mami bilong aposol James, they wakabaot go klosap long torture stake. John, datfela aposol wea Jesus love-im, hem stap withim olketa.

Hem mas barava ‘sutim’ heart bilong mami bilong Jesus taem hem lukim son wea hem susum and luk aftarem hem hang long there and feelim bigfela pain! But, Jesus no tingim pain bilong hemseleva, but living bilong mami bilong hem. Nomata hem barava feel pain, hem luk go long John and say long mami bilong hem: “Woman, lukim! Son bilong iu!” Then, hem luk go long Mary, and say long John: “Lukim! Mami bilong iu!”

So Jesus hem askim disfela aposol wea hem love-im for luk aftarem mami bilong hem, wea maet hem wanfela widow woman distaem. Hem duim diswan from olketa otherfela son bilong Mary they no showim aot faith long hem yet. So hem showim aot gudfela example long way for provide-im physical and spiritual need bilong mami bilong hem.

Long samting olsem three klok long aftanun, Jesus say: “Mi laek for drink.” Jesus feelim hao Father bilong hem aotem nao way wea hem protectim hem mekem faithful fasin bilong hem savvy kasem test evribit. So hem singaot withim bigfela voice: “God bilong mi, God bilong mi, why nao iu lusim mi?” Taem they herem diswan, samfela wea stand klosap they say: “Lukim! Hem singaotem Elijah.” Kwiktaem nomoa wanfela man hem ran go, and tekem soft samting and mekem tuwet withim wine wea sour and putim long end bilong hyssop stik, and givim long hem for drink. But otherfela pipol say: “Leavim hem! Bae iumi lukim sapos Elijah bae kam for tekem hem daon.”

Taem Jesus drinkim wine hia wea sour, hem singaot: “Hem fulfill nao!” Yes, hem finisim evri samting wea Father bilong hem sendem hem for duim. Go-go hem say: “Father, mi putim spirit bilong mi long hand bilong iu.” Jesus givim laef paoa bilong hem long God and hem sure God bae mekem hem laef back moa. Then hem bendim daon hed bilong hem and dae.

Taem Jesus hem breathe for lastfela taem, wanfela bigfela earthquake hem happen, wea brekem olketa bigfela stone. From disfela earthquake hem strong tumas, olketa grave aotsaed long Jerusalem they brek and open, and body bilong olketa pipol wea dae finis they kamaot. Pipol wea wakabaot go pass, they lukim body bilong olketa wea dae finis they stap aotsaed, and they go long taon and talem evriwan.

And tu, long sem taem wea Jesus hem dae, bigfela curtain wea divaedem Holy from Most Holy long temple bilong God hem brek long tufela haf, from on top go kasem long bottom. Luk olsem disfela curtain wea they workim gud tumas hem hae olsem 18 meter and hem hevi tumas! Disfela mirakol showim aot God hem kros for gud long olketa wea killim dae Son bilong Hem and tu hem showim aot way for go insaed long Most Holy, long heven, hem ready nao thru long dae bilong Jesus.

Well, taem pipol feelim disfela earthquake and lukim olketa samting wea happen, they fraet tumas. Bigman bilong army wea garem work for nilam hem long post hem givim glory long God. “Tru nao, dis wan hem Son bilong God,” hem say. Maet hem stap tu taem they kotem Jesus front long Pilate and story abaotem way wea hem son bilong God. And distaem hem barava believe hao Jesus hem Son bilong God, tru nao, hem nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man.

Olketa samting hia wea happen barava affectim tu otherfela pipol, and olketa start for wakabaot go back long haos and hitim chest bilong them for show aot they barava sorry and shame tumas. Samfela woman disaepol bilong Jesus wea stand ap farawe and lukim olketa samting hia they barava feel sorry tumas. Aposol John hem stap tu long there. Matthew 27:​45-56; Mark 15:​33-41; Luke 23:​44-49; 2:​34, 35; John 19:​25-30.

▪ Why nao way wea hem dark for threefela hour hem kanduit from moon hem haedem sun?

▪ No longtaem bifor hem dae, wanem nambawan example nao Jesus hem showim aot for olketa wea garem dadi and mami wea olo?

▪ Wanem nao olketa fofela last toktok bilong Jesus bifor hem dae?

▪ Disfela earthquake duim wanem samting, and wanem nao meaning bilong way wea curtain long temple hem brek long tufela haf?

▪ Hao nao olketa mirakol hia hem affectim bigman bilong army wea nilam hem long post?