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Wanem Nao Hem Stret for Duim Long Sabbath?

Wanem Nao Hem Stret for Duim Long Sabbath?

Chapter 32

Wanem Nao Hem Stret for Duim Long Sabbath?

LONG narafela Sabbath Jesus hem visitim wanfela synagogue klosap long Sea Bilong Galilee. Long there wanfela man wea raet hand bilong hem dae, hem stap. Olketa scribe and Farisi lukluk strong long Jesus for lukim sapos hem bae healim datfela man. Go-go they ask olsem: “Waswe, hem stret for healim man long sabbath?”

Olketa bigman bilong Jew religion say way for healim man hem stret long Sabbath only sapos laef bilong hem stap long danger. For example, they teach hao long Sabbath hem rong for stretem bone wea brek or bandage-im leg or hand wea miss. So olketa scribe and Farisi askim kwestin long Jesus from they want for garem samting for againstim hem.

But Jesus savvy long tingting bilong them. And tu, hem luksavvy they garem tingting wea no followim Bible abaotem wanem kaen work man mas no duim long Sabbath. So Jesus ready for showim them bigfela samting taem hem say long man wea hand bilong hem dae: “Stand ap and kam long midl.”

Then Jesus tan go long olketa scribe and Farisi and say: “Hu nao midlwan long iufela wea garem wanfela sheepsheep wea, sapos sheepsheep hia fall daon insaed wanfela hol long sabbath, bae hem no holem and pullim aot from datfela hol?” From wanfela sheepsheep hem samting wea they savvy sellim, they bae no leavim insaed long hol go kasem nextfela day, from maet sheepsheep kamap sik and they lusim shilling. And tu, Scripture hem say: “Man wea raeteous hem luk aftarem soul bilong animal bilong hem.”

For meanim tok piksa bilong hem, Jesus say: “Tingim diswan, man hem important winim wanfela sheepsheep! So hem stret for duim gudfela samting long sabbath.” Olketa bigman bilong religion no savvy talem any samting againstim stretfela toktok hia wea show aot kaen fasin, so they stap kwaet nao.

From hem kros, and sorry tu long bighed kranky fasin bilong them, Jesus luk raon. Then hem say long datfela man: “Stretem hand bilong iu.” And hem stretem and hand bilong man hia kamap gud moa.

Fitim for they hapi from hand bilong datfela man kamap gud moa, but olketa Farisi go aot and kwiktaem plan withim sekson bilong Herod for killim dae Jesus. Insaed long disfela sekson bilong politik hem samfela Sadducee. Planti taem, disfela sekson bilong politik and olketa Farisi they strong for againstim each other, but they barava wan mind for againstim Jesus. Matthew 12:​9-14; Mark 3:​1-6; Luke 6:​6-11; Proverbs 12:10; Exodus 20:​8-10.

▪ Wanem bigfela samting nao happen midlwan long Jesus and olketa bigman bilong Jew religion?

▪ Wanem nao olketa bigman bilong Jew religion believim long way for healim man long Sabbath?

▪ Wanem tok piksa nao Jesus iusim for show aot tingting bilong them hem rong?