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Wanem Nao Mekem Man Kamap Dirty?

Wanem Nao Mekem Man Kamap Dirty?

Chapter 56

Wanem Nao Mekem Man Kamap Dirty?

WAY for againstim Jesus kamap moa strong. Planti disaepol lusim hem and olketa Jew long Judea tu want for killim hem dae, olsem they want for duim long Jerusalem long Passova bilong 31 C.E.

Distaem hem Passova bilong 32 C.E. From Jesus followim law bilong God, hem go long Jerusalem for Passova. But, hem lukaot gud bikos laef bilong hem stap long danger. Bihaen datwan hem go back long Galilee.

Maet Jesus stap long Capernaum taem olketa Farisi and scribe from Jerusalem kam long hem. They lukaotem samting for talem againstim hem for say hem brekem law bilong religion. “Why nao olketa disaepol bilong iu no followim kastom bilong olketa man bifor?” they say. “For example, they no wasim hand bilong them taem they ready for kaikai.” Diswan hem no samting wea God askim, but olketa Farisi say sapos man no followim disfela kastom, hem duim bigfela rong, insaed diswan hem for wasim hand go kasem elbow.

Hem no ansarem wanem they talem againstim hem, but Jesus talem badfela way wea they brekem Law bilong God. “Why nao iufela ovarem law bilong God from kastom bilong iufela?” hem ask. “For example, God hem say, ‘Honorim dadi and mami bilong iu’; and, ‘Letem man wea spoelem dadi and mami mas dae nao.’ But iufela say, ‘Man wea say long dadi and mami: “Any samting wea mi garem wea iu savvy kasem samfela gudfela samting long hem, hem wanfela present wea mi dedicate-im long God,” hem mas no honorim dadi bilong hem.’”

Tru nao, olketa Farisi say shilling, land, or any samting wea man givim olsem present long God hem bilong temple and pipol mas no iusim for any other samting. But, man wea givim datfela present hem still keepim datwan. Long way olsem, wanfela son wea say hem givim shilling or land bilong hem olsem “corban”​—⁠wanfela present for God or temple⁠—​hem trae for ranawe from responsibility bilong hem for helpem olo dadi and mami bilong hem, wea maet really needim help.

Jesus kros tumas long way wea olketa Farisi tanem Law bilong God. Hem say: “Iufela mekem word bilong God olsem samting nating from kastom bilong iufela. Iufela hypocrite, Isaiah hem talem profesi abaotem iufela, taem hem say, ‘Pipol hia they honorim mi withim mouth bilong them, but heart bilong them hem farawe from mi. Olketa worshipim mi nating, from they teachim law bilong man olsem trufela teaching.’”

Maet olketa pipol muv go back lelebet for letem olketa Farisi askim kwestin long Jesus. But taem olketa Farisi no savvy ansarem strongfela toktok wea Jesus talem, hem kolem olketa pipol for kam klosap. “Listen long mi,” hem say, “and meanim diswan. No any samting from aotsaed wea go insaed long wanfela man savvy spoelem hem; but samting wea kamaot from wanfela man nao hem samting wea savvy spoelem hem.”

Bihaen, taem they go insaed long wanfela haos, olketa disaepol ask olsem: “Waswe, iu savvy olketa Farisi stumble taem olketa herem samting wea iu talem?”

“Evri plant wea Father bilong mi hem no plantim olketa bae tek-aotem,” Jesus say. “Leavim olketa nomoa. They nao blind pipol wea leadim otherfela pipol. Sapos wanfela blind man leadim narafela blind man, tufela evriwan bae fall daon insaed long hol.”

Jesus sapraes taem Peter, wea tok for olketa disaepol, askim hem for meanim klia moa samting wea mekem man kamap dirty. “Waswe, iufela tu no meanim yet?” Jesus ask. “Waswe, iufela no savvy evri samting wea go insaed long mouth hem go thru long bele and kamaot long toilet? But, samting wea kamaot long mouth kamaot from heart, and olketa samting olsem savvy mekem man dirty. For example, olketa samting olsem badfela tingting, mean for killim man dae, fornication, fasin for steal, liar, fasin for tok againstim God, they kamaot from heart. Olketa samting hia nao mekem man kamap dirty; but for man kaikai and no wasim hand bilong hem no mekem hem kamap dirty.”

Long hia Jesus no againstim way for stap klin. Hem no meanim man no need for wasim hand bilong hem bifor hem readyim kaikai or bifor hem kaikai. But, Jesus tok daonem hypocrite fasin bilong olketa bigman bilong religion wea trae for tanem raeteous law bilong God taem they say pipol mas followim kastom wea no fitim Bible. Yes, olketa badfela fasin nao mekem man kamap dirty, and Jesus showim aot olketa fasin olsem start kam insaed heart bilong man. John 7:1; Deuteronomy 16:16; Matthew 15:​1-20; Mark 7:​1-23; Exodus 20:12; 21:17; Isaiah 29:13.

▪ Wanem samting nao olketa wea againstim Jesus want for duim long hem?

▪ Wanem nao olketa Farisi talem againstim hem, but olsem Jesus talem, hao nao olketa Farisi mean for brekem Law bilong God?

▪ Wanem nao olketa samting wea Jesus show aot wea mekem man kamap dirty?