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Wanfela Different Kaen Disaepol

Wanfela Different Kaen Disaepol

Chapter 45

Wanfela Different Kaen Disaepol

JESUS lukim wanfela samting wea savvy mekem man fraet long sandbis! Tufela barava no gud man kam from grave wea stap klosap and ran go long hem. They garem demon. Maet from wanfela long tufela hem moa raf and hem stap under long paoa bilong demon for longfela taem, Bible story moa abaotem hem.

For longfela taem nao disfela man hem stap naked long olketa grave. Evritaem, day and naet, hem singaot and katem hemseleva withim stone. From hem raf for gud, evriwan fraet for go long datfela road. Pipol trae for taemapem hem, but hem brekem olketa chain wea they iusim. No anywan savvy mekem hem stap kwaet.

Taem datfela man kam klosap long Jesus and fall daon front long hem, olketa demon insaed long hem mekem hem singaot olsem: “Jesus, Son bilong Most Hae God, wanem nao iu laek for duim long mi? Mi talem iu for promis long God for no spoelem mi.”

“Kamaot from datfela man, iu badfela spirit,” Jesus go ahed for say. But then Jesus ask: “Hu nao nem bilong iu?”

“Nem bilong mi Legion, bikos planti long mifela nao stap,” hem say. Olketa demon barava hapi for lukim pipol wea they go insaed long them for suffer, and they hapi tumas for hipap olsem wanfela grup for spoelem man. But taem they face-im Jesus, they barava askim hem for no sendem them long hol wea deep tumas. So, iumi lukim moa bigfela paoa wea Jesus garem; hem fit for winim olketa raf demon tu. Diswan show aot tu hao olketa demon savvy way wea they go insaed long datfela hol withim leader bilong them, Satan, hem judgment bilong God for them.

Samting olsem 2,000 pigpig stap long maunten klosap long there. So olketa demon say: “Sendem mifela go long olketa pigpig, mekem mifela savvy go insaed long them.” Luk olsem olketa demon garem no gud way for hapi taem they go insaed long body bilong pipol or animal. Taem Jesus letem them for go insaed long 2,000 pigpig hia, evri pigpig ran long hae ples and fall daon insaed long sea and drown.

Taem olketa wea luk aftarem olketa pigpig lukim diswan, they ran go for talem disfela nius long taon and olketa ples raon long there. So, olketa pipol kam for lukim samting wea happen. Taem they kasem long there, they lukim datfela man wea olketa demon lusim hem. Hem wearim kaleko and tingting bilong hem stret nao, and hem sidaon front long Jesus!

Olketa wea lukim diswan they story abaot hao man hia kamap gud. They talem pipol tu abaotem way wea olketa pigpig dae. Taem olketa pipol herem diswan, they fraet for gud, and barava askim Jesus for lusim ples bilong them. So hem followim samting wea they askim and hem go insaed long boat. Datfela man wea garem demon bifor hem barava ask for go withim Jesus. But Jesus say long hem: “Go back long ples bilong iu long olketa relative bilong iu, and talem them evri samting wea Jehovah duim for iu and mercy wea hem showim long iu.”

Planti taem Jesus savvy talem olketa wea hem healim for no talem anywan, bikos hem no wantim pipol for garem rongfela tingting from story wea ova tumas. But long distaem hem fit for talem different samting bikos datfela man wea garem demon bifor bae witness long pipol wea Jesus maet no kasem. And tu, taem pipol lukim datfela man, they garem proof abaotem paoa bilong Jesus for duim gud samting, and diswan savvy stopem any no gud story abaotem olketa pigpig wea dae.

Datfela man wea garem demon bifor, hem followim toktok bilong Jesus. Hem start for talemaot olketa samting wea Jesus duim for hem long Decapolis, and olketa pipol sapraes tumas. Matthew 8:​28-34; Mark 5:​1-20; Luke 8:​26-39; Revelation 20:​1-3.

▪ Why nao Bible story nomoa abaotem wanfela man wea garem demon, nomata tufela nao stap?

▪ Wanem nao show aot olketa demon savvy they bae go insaed hol wea deep tumas long future?

▪ Why nao olketa demon laek for go insaed olketa man and animal?

▪ Why nao Jesus talem different samting long datfela man wea garem demon bifor, taem hem talem hem for talem otherfela pipol abaotem samting wea Hem duim for hem?