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Wanfela Nation wea Lus, but No Evriwan

Wanfela Nation wea Lus, but No Evriwan

Chapter 79

Wanfela Nation wea Lus, but No Evriwan

NO LONGTAEM bihaen Jesus story withim pipol wea hipap aotsaed long haos bilong wanfela Farisi, samfela talem hem “abaotem olketa bilong Galilee wea [governor bilong Rome, Pontius] Pilate mixim blood bilong them withim olketa sakrifaes bilong them.” Olketa bilong Galilee hia maet they sekson wea they killim dae taem planti thousand Jew againstim way wea Pilate iusim shilling from contribution bilong temple for buildim wanfela pipe for bringim wata insaed long Jerusalem. Olketa wea talem Jesus disfela story maet ting say olketa bilong Galilee hia they kasem trabel from badfela samting wea they duim.

But Jesus tok stret long them taem hem ask: “Waswe, iufela ting say olketa bilong Galilee hia they badfela sinner winim evri otherfela man long Galilee bikos olketa samting hia kasem them? No moa nao,” Jesus ansa. Then hem iusim datfela samting wea happen for warnim olketa Jew: “Sapos iufela no repent, iufela evriwan bae finis evribit tu.”

Then Jesus talem narafela trabel wea happen bifor, wea maet join withim datfela pipe wea they buildim. Hem ask: “Waswe long eitinfela man wea taoa bilong Siloam fall daon on top long olketa, and killim them dae, iufela ting say they garem bigfela rong winim evri otherfela man wea stap long Jerusalem?” No moa, hem no from badfela fasin bilong olketa nao they dae, Jesus say. But, “taem and samting wea they no ting bae happen” hem mekem olketa kasem trabel olsem. But Jesus iusim moa disfela chance for givim warning: “But, sapos iufela no repent, iufela bae finis evribit long sem way tu.”

Then Jesus talem wanfela tok piksa wea fitim diswan: “Wanfela man garem wanfela fig tree insaed long grape plantation bilong hem, and hem kam for lukaotem fruit long hem, but hem no lukim any fruit. Then hem say long workman wea luk aftarem plantation, ‘Threefela year nao mi kam for lukaotem fruit long disfela fig tree, but mi no faendem any fruit. Katem daon! Why nao hem mas mekem graon for iusles?’ But datfela workman hem ansa olsem, ‘Masta, leavim firstaem for wanfela year, mekem mi bae dig raonem and putim fertilizer long hem; and sapos hem garem fruit bihaen, datwan hem gud tumas; but sapos no moa, iu bae katem daon.’”

For winim threefela year finis Jesus trae for mekem faith grow midlwan long nation bilong olketa Jew. But fewfela hundred disaepol nomoa they olsem fruit bilong hard work bilong hem. Distaem, long mek-foa year bilong ministry bilong hem, hem go ahed for work moa hard, long tok piksa way hem dig and putim fertilizer raonem fig tree bilong olketa Jew taem hem strong for preach and teach long Judea and Perea. But hem iusles nomoa! Datfela nation no want for repent so they fit for finis evribit. Wanfela small sekson bilong datfela nation nomoa willing for listen.

No longtaem bihaen, Jesus hem teach insaed wanfela synagogue long Sabbath. Long there hem lukim wanfela woman wea, bikos wanfela demon spoelem hem, backsaed bilong hem bend no gud for 18 year. From hem feel sorry long hem, Jesus say: “Woman, iu free nao from sik bilong iu.” Then hem putim hand bilong hem long woman hia, and stret awe hem stand ap stret and start for givim glory long God.

But man wea luk aftarem synagogue hem kros. “Sixfela day nao stap for duim work,” hem say. “So, long olketa day hia iufela savvy kam and kasem healing, but no long sabbath day.” Datfela man hem luksavvy long paoa wea Jesus garem for healim man but hem tok strong long olketa pipol wea kam for kasem healing long Sabbath!

“Iufela hypocrite,” Jesus ansa, “waswe, long sabbath each wan long iufela no savvy aotem rope long bulumakao or donkey bilong hem and leadim go for hem drink? So waswe, hem no fitim disfela woman wea hem wanfela dota bilong Abraham, and wea Satan taemapem, lukim! eitin year finis, for kamap free long sabbath day?”

Taem they herem diswan, olketa wea againstim Jesus start for feel shame. But olketa pipol hapi tumas long olketa nambawan samting wea Jesus duim. So Jesus talem moa tufela tok piksa profesi abaotem Kingdom bilong God, wea hem talem long wan year go finis taem hem sidaon insaed wanfela boat long Sea Bilong Galilee. Luke 13:​1-21; Ecclesiastes 9:11; Matthew 13:​31-33.

▪ Wanem nao tufela no gud samting wea happen, and wanem samting nao Jesus teachim pipol from diswan?

▪ Wanem nao meaning bilong fig tree wea no garem any fruit, and tu workman wea trae for mekem hem garem fruit?

▪ Hao nao man wea luk aftarem synagogue luksavvy long paoa bilong Jesus for healim man, but hao nao Jesus showim aot hypocrite fasin bilong hem?