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Wanfela Raoa Kamap

Wanfela Raoa Kamap

Chapter 115

Wanfela Raoa Kamap

LONG evening, Jesus teachim gudfela samting abaotem humble fasin taem hem wasim leg bilong olketa aposol bilong hem. Bihaen diswan, hem startim Memorial bilong dae bilong hem wea klosap for happen. Then, wanfela samting happen wea mekem iumi sapraes, sapos iumi tingim samting wea Jesus just duim. Olketa aposol havem bigfela raoa abaotem hu nao hem nambawan! Luk olsem diswan hem wanfela samting wea they raoa abaotem for longtaem finis.

Tingim hao bihaen body bilong Jesus hem change and kasem glory long maunten, olketa aposol raoa abaotem hu nao nambawan midlwan long olketa. And tu, James and John askim hem for givim them haefela position insaed long Kingdom, wea mekem no gud feeling kamap moa big midlwan long olketa otherfela aposol. Distaem, long lastfela naet bilong hem withim them, Jesus hem sorry tumas for lukim olketa raoa moa! Wanem nao hem duim?

Winim way for hotem olketa aposol for samting wea they duim, long patient way Jesus meanim gud moa long them: “Olketa king bilong olketa nation they bossim them, and olketa wea garem paoa ovarem them they kolem them Bigman for Givim Help. But, iufela, mas no olsem. . . . From hu nao hem nambawan, man wea sidaon long tebol or man wea serve? Hem man wea sidaon long tebol, hem tru?” Then hem talem them moa abaotem example bilong hem, taem hem say: “But mi stap midlwan long iufela olsem man wea serve.”

Nomata they garem olketa weak point, olketa aposol stap withim Jesus taem hem kasem olketa test. So hem say: “Mi mekem wanfela covenant withim iufela, olsem Father bilong mi hem mekem wanfela covenant withim mi, for wanfela kingdom.” Disfela covenant midlwan long Jesus and olketa faithful follower bilong hem mekem them join withim hem for rul olsem king. Only wanfela smallfela namba bilong 144,000 stap insaed long disfela covenant for wanfela Kingdom.

Nomata olketa aposol kasem disfela nambawan hope for share withim Kraest for rul long Kingdom, long datfela taem they still weak long spiritual way. “Iufela evriwan bae stumble from samting wea happen long mi long disfela naet,” Jesus hem say. But, bihaen hem talem Peter hao Hem prea finis for hem, Jesus encouragim hem: “Taem iu kam back, strongim olketa brata bilong iu.”

“Olketa smallfela pikinini,” Jesus hem say, “mi bae stap withim iufela for lelebet taem nomoa. Iufela bae lukaotem mi; and olsem mi talem long olketa Jew, ‘Ples wea mi go iufela no savvy go,’ mi talem tu long iufela distaem. Mi givim wanfela niufela komandment long iufela, for iufela mas love-im each other; olsem mi love-im iufela, iufela mas love-im each other tu. From disfela samting evriwan bae savvy iufela nao olketa disaepol bilong mi, sapos iufela garem love midlwan long iufela seleva.”

“Lord, wea nao bae iu go?” Peter hem ask.

“Ples wea bae mi go iu no savvy followim mi distaem,” Jesus hem say, “but iu bae followim mi bihaen.”

“Lord, why nao mi no savvy followim iu distaem?” Peter hem laek for savvy. “Mi bae givim soul bilong mi for iu.”

“Waswe, iu bae givim soul bilong iu for mi?” Jesus ask. “Tru nao mi talem iu, Iu tuday, yes, disfela naet, bifor wanfela kokorako hem krae tufela taem iu bae denyim mi threefela taem.”

“Nomata sapos mi mas dae withim iu,” Peter say “mi bae nating denyim iu.” And taem olketa otherfela disaepol tu talem sem samting, Peter hem tok praod olsem: “Nomata evri other wan stumble for saed bilong iu, mi bae nating savvy stumble!”

Jesus hem story abaotem taem wea hem sendem olketa aposol bilong hem for preach long Galilee bifor and they no karem any paos and basket kaikai, Jesus hem ask: “Waswe, iufela short long any samting?”

They ansa, “No moa!”

“But distaem letem man wea garem paos for tekem, and basket kaikai tu,” hem say, “and letem man wea no garem sword sellim coat bilong hem for baem wanfela. From mi talem iufela samting wea they raetem finis mas fulfill long mi, hem nao, ‘And they judge-im hem withim olketa wea brekem law.’ From profesi abaotem mi hem go ahed for fulfill distaem.”

Jesus hem tok abaot taem wea hem bae dae withim olketa badfela man, or olketa wea brekem law. Hem showim aot tu hao olketa follower bilong hem bae face-im bigfela persecution. They say, “Lord, lukim! tufela sword long hia.”

“Hem inaf,” hem ansa. Olsem iumi bae lukim, way wea they garem tufela sword hia bae mekem Jesus teachim them narafela important samting. Matthew 26:​31-35; Mark 14:​27-31; Luke 22:​24-38; John 13:​31-38; Revelation 14:​1-3.

▪ Why nao raoa bilong olketa aposol mekem iumi sapraes for gud?

▪ Hao nao Jesus deal withim disfela raoa?

▪ Wanem samting nao kamap from covenant wea Jesus mekem withim olketa disaepol bilong hem?

▪ Wanem niufela komandment nao Jesus givim, and hao nao hem important?

▪ Hao nao Peter hem tok praod, and wanem nao Jesus talem?

▪ Why nao instruction bilong Jesus for karem wanfela paos and basket kaikai hem different from instruction wea hem givim firstaem?