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Why Jesus Kam Long Earth

Why Jesus Kam Long Earth

Chapter 24

Why Jesus Kam Long Earth

JESUS withim fofela disaepol bilong hem they busy tumas long datfela day long Capernaum, and long evening, pipol bilong Capernaum bringim evriwan wea sik for hem healim them. Hem no garem anytaem for stap seleva.

Early long next morning, taem hem dark yet, Jesus go aotsaed seleva. Hem wakabaot go long wanfela ples wea no anywan stap so hem savvy prea seleva long Father bilong hem. But Jesus no stap seleva for longfela taem bikos Peter and olketa savvy hem no stap, and they go lukaotem hem.

Taem they faendem Jesus, Peter hem say: “Evriwan lukaotem iu.” Pipol bilong Capernaum wantim Jesus for stap withim them. They really ting hae long samting wea hem duim for olketa! But waswe, main work bilong Jesus for kam long earth hem for duim olketa mirakol nomoa? Wanem nao hem talem abaot diswan?

Bible hem say, Jesus ansarem olketa disaepol olsem: “Letem iumi go long narafela ples, long olketa vilij klosap long hia, and bae mi preach long there tu, from diswan nao work wea mi kam for duim.” Nomata pipol askim Jesus for stap, hem say: “Long narafela taon tu mi mas talemaot gud nius bilong kingdom bilong God, from hem sendem mi for duim diswan.”

Yes, main samting wea Jesus kam long earth for duim hem for preach abaotem Kingdom bilong God, wea bae vindicate-im sovereign rul bilong Father bilong hem and stretem for olawe evri no gud samting wea kasem man. But, for prove-im God nao sendem hem, Jesus duim olketa mirakol for healim pipol. Moses tu, long planti hundred year bifor, duim olketa mirakol for show aot hem servant bilong God.

Taem Jesus lusim Capernaum for preach long otherfela taon, fofela disaepol go withim hem. They nao Peter and brata bilong hem Andrew, and John and brata bilong hem James. Maet iu remember long wanfela week go finis, Jesus invitim them for kamap firstfela workman for go-go withim hem.

Preaching work wea Jesus duim long Galilee withim fofela disaepol hem gud tumas! Tru nao, nius abaotem olketa samting wea hem duim kasem evri ples long Syria tu. Planti pipol from Galilee, Judea, and long Jordan River long narasaed they followim Jesus and olketa disaepol bilong hem. Mark 1:​35-39; Luke 4:​42, 43; Matthew 4:​23-25; Exodus 4:​1-9, 30, 31.

▪ Wanem nao happen long next morning bihaen long busy day bilong Jesus long Capernaum?

▪ Why nao Jesus kam long earth, and why nao hem duim olketa mirakol?

▪ Hu nao go withim Jesus taem hem go for preach long Galilee, and hao nao work bilong Jesus affectim pipol?