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Jesus Mekem Olketa wea Dae for Laef Bak

Jesus Mekem Olketa wea Dae for Laef Bak

GELE wea iu lukim long hia hem 12 year nomoa. Jesus hem holem hand bilong hem, and mami and dadi bilong hem stand klosap. Waswe, iu savve why nao tufala hapi fogud?

Dadi bilong disfala gele hem wanfala important man wea nem bilong hem Jaʹi·rus. Wanday dota bilong hem kasem sik, so hem mas leidaon long bed. Bat hem no kamap gud. Sik bilong hem kamap big tumas. Jaʹi·rus and waef bilong hem barava wari, from luk olsem smol gele bilong tufala bae dae. Hem only dota bilong tufala. So Jaʹi·rus go lukaotem Jesus. Hem herem nius abaotem olketa mirakol wea Jesus hem duim.

Taem Jaʹi·rus faendem Jesus, staka pipol nao raonem hem. Bat Jaʹi·rus go midolwan long pipol hia and baodaon long graon front long Jesus. Hem begim Jesus for help taem hem sei: ‘Dota bilong mi hem barava sik fogud. Plis, kam and mekem hem gud bak.’ Jesus sei hem bae kam.

Taem olketa wakabaot go, olketa pipol hia trae hard for go klosap long Jesus. Seknomoa Jesus hem stop. Hem ask: ‘Hu nao tasim mi?’ Jesus hem feelim paoa hem go aot from hem, dastawe hem savve samwan tasim hem. Bat hu nao duim datwan? Hem wanfala woman wea sik tumas for 12-fala year finis. Hem tasim kaleko bilong Jesus, and hem gud bak nao!

Diswan mekem Jaʹi·rus feel gud, bikos hem lukim hao hem isi for Jesus healim man. Bat then wanfala man kam and sei long Jaʹi·rus: ‘No wari for tekem kam Jesus, dota bilong iu hem dae finis.’ Jesus herem diswan and sei long Jaʹi·rus: ‘No wari, bae hem olraet.’

Taem olketa kasem haos bilong Jaʹi·rus, olketa pipol krae from olketa sorre tumas. Bat Jesus hem sei: ‘No krae. Pikinini hia hem no dae. Hem sleep nomoa.’ Bat olketa laflaf and mekfani long Jesus, bikos olketa savve datfala pikinini hem dae finis.

Then Jesus tekem dadi and mami bilong gele hia and thrifala aposol bilong hem insaed long rum wea pikinini hia hem leidaon. Hem holem hand bilong hem and sei: ‘Getap!’ And hem laef bak moa, olsem iu savve lukim long piksa. And hem start for wakabaot nao! Dastawe mami and dadi bilong hem barava hapi fogud.

Diswan hem no first wan wea Jesus mekem laef bak from dae. Bible sei first wan hem son bilong wanfala widow woman wea stap long taon bilong Naʹin. Bihaen, Jesus mekem Lazʹa·rus, brata bilong Mary and Martha, for laef bak from dae. Taem Jesus rul olsem king bilong God, hem bae mekem plande pipol wea dae finis for laef bak moa. Iumi hapi tumas for savve long datwan, iaman?