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End Bilong Evri Nogud Samting

End Bilong Evri Nogud Samting

WANEM nao iu lukim long hia? Ia, wanfala army wea raedem olketa white horse. Bat lukim wea nao olketa kam from. Olketa horse kam daon from heven antap long olketa cloud! Waswe, olketa horse really stap long heven?

Nomoa, olketa hia no really horse. Iumi savve long diswan from olketa horse no savve ran long olketa cloud, iaman? Bat Bible hem story abaotem olketa horse wea stap long heven. Waswe, iu savve why?

Diswan bikos long taem bifor, pipol iusim olketa horse plande taem for faet long war. So Bible hem story abaotem olketa man wea raedem horse kam daon from heven for showimaot hao God bae faet long wanfala war againstim pipol long earth. Waswe, iu savve wanem nao nem bilong ples wea olketa bae faetem disfala war? Armageddon. Disfala war hem for finisim evribit olketa nogud samting long disfala earth.

Jesus nao bae leadim disfala war long Armageddon. Remember, Jesus nao man wea Jehovah chusim for kamap king bilong gavman bilong Hem. Dastawe Jesus werem crown bilong king. And sword hia showimaot hem bae killim dae evri enemy bilong God. Waswe, iumi shud sapraes hao God bae finisim evri nogud pipol?

Luk go bak long Story 10. Wanem nao iu lukim long there? Datfala big Flood hem finisim evribit olketa nogud pipol. Hu nao mekem datfala Flood kamap? Jehovah God. Luk moa long Story 15. Wanem nao happen long there? Fire from Jehovah distroem Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah.

Tan go long Story 33. Lukim samting wea happen long olketa horse and war chariot bilong Egypt. Hu nao mekem wata kam daon long olketa? Jehovah. Hem duim datwan for protectim pipol bilong hem. Luk long Story 76. Long there Jehovah letem pipol bilong hem, olketa Israelite, for finis evribit bikos long nogud fasin bilong olketa.

So, iumi no sapraes hao Jehovah bae sendem army from heven for finisim evri nogud fasin long earth. Bat tingim samting wea bae kamap bihaen long datwan! Tanem page and lukim.