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Prea Hem Spesol Privilege

Prea Hem Spesol Privilege

“[Jehovah] hu hemi mekem heven an disfala wol [“earth,” NW] ya” hem laekem iumi for prea long hem.—Sams 115:15

1, 2. Why nao prea hem spesol privilege, and why nao hem important for iumi savve wanem Bible talem abaotem prea?

TAEM iumi comparem earth witim olketa nara planet and olketa star long disfala universe, earth hem barava smol. Taem Jehovah luk kam long earth, pipol long evri kantri olketa olsem drop wata nomoa from wanfala baket. (Sams 115:15; Aesaea 40:15) Nomata iumi barava smol tumas taem iumi comparem iumi witim disfala universe, Sams 145:18, 19 sei: “Oltaem hemi redi nomoa fo helpem eniwan hu hemi kol go long hem wetem stretfala tingting. Oltaem hemi givim olketa samting wea olketa hu i tinghae long hem i laekem. Hemi herem tu krae blong olketa, an hemi sevem olketa.” Jehovah wea wakem iumi, hem laek for fren witim iumi and laek for herem olketa prea bilong iumi. Tru nao, hem nambawan privilege for iumi savve prea long Jehovah.

2 Bat Jehovah bae herem nomoa prea bilong iumi sapos iumi prea long wei wea hem acceptim. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan? Distaem bae iumi storyim wanem Bible talem abaotem prea.


3. Why nao iumi shud prea long Jehovah?

3 Jehovah laekem iu for prea long hem, wea minim for iu story witim hem. Hao nao iumi savve long datwan? Plis readim Philippi 4:6, 7Tingim diswan: Jehovah wea wakem disfala universe hem laekem tumas for fren witim iu and hem laekem iu for storyim feeling bilong iu and olketa problem bilong iu long hem.

4. Why nao hem important for prea evritaem long Jehovah?

4 Taem iumi prea long Jehovah datwan helpem iumi for fren gud witim hem. Olsem example, taem tufala wea fren tufala evritaem storyim tingting and olketa samting wea tufala wari abaotem long each other, datwan bae helpem tufala for barava fren gud. Iu savve duim sem samting tu taem iu prea long Jehovah. Insaed long Bible, Jehovah storyim tingting and feeling bilong hem long iu and wanem hem bae duim long future. Hem gud for iu evritaem storyim long hem tu olketa samting wea stap long heart bilong iu. Taem iu duim olsem, datwan bae mekem iu barava fren gud witim Jehovah.—James 4:8.


5. Hao nao iumi savve Jehovah no herem evri prea wea iumi talem?

5 Waswe, Jehovah herem evri prea wea iumi talem? Nomoa. Long taem bilong profet Isaiah, Jehovah talem olketa Israelite: “Nomata yufala mekem staka prea kam long mi, bae mi no save lisin long yufala bikos yufala gohed fo duim olketa ravis samting olsem wea han blong yufala hemi fulap finis long blad.” (Aesaea 1:15) So iumi mas careful for no duim olketa samting wea savve mekem Jehovah no hapi and no herem olketa prea bilong iumi.

6. Why nao hem barava important for garem faith? Wanem nao showimaot man hem garem faith?

6 Sapos iumi laekem Jehovah for herem prea bilong iumi, iumi mas garem faith long hem. (Mark 11:24) Aposol Paul sei: “Man wea no garem faith no savve mekem God hapi, bikos man wea worshipim God mas biliv hem stap and biliv hem bae givim gud samting long olketa wea barava lukaotem hem.” (Hebrew 11:6) Bat for talem nomoa iumi garem faith hem no inaf. Iumi mas duim samting for showimaot iumi garem faith, wea hem nao for iumi obeyim Jehovah evriday.—Readim James 2:26.

7. (a) Why nao iumi shud hambol and showimaot respect taem iumi prea long Jehovah? (b) Wanem nao nara samting wea iumi mas duim taem iumi prea long Jehovah?

7 Iumi shud hambol and showimaot respect taem iumi prea long Jehovah. Why nao olsem? Tingim diswan. Sapos iumi story witim wanfala king or prime minister, iumi bae story long wei wea showimaot respect. Jehovah hem Olmaeti God, so iumi shud barava hambol and showimaot respect taem iumi story witim hem. (Jenesis 17:1; Sams 138:6) And nara samting tu, taem iumi prea long Jehovah iumi shud honest and prea from heart bilong iumi and no repeatim sem toktok evritaem.—Matthew 6:7, 8.

8. Taem iumi prea abaotem wanfala samting, wanem nao iumi mas duim?

8 Last samting, taem iumi prea abaotem wanfala samting, iumi mas waka hard for duim samting followim prea bilong iumi. Olsem example, sapos iumi prea for olketa need bilong iumi, iumi shud no lesy and tingse Jehovah bae provaedem evri samting for iumi. Sapos iumi fit for waka, iumi shud duim wanem iumi fit for duim, and willing for duim eni waka for kasem need bilong iumi. (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonica 3:10) Or sapos iumi prea long Jehovah for helpem iumi for stop for duim nogud samting, iumi mas stap klia long eni samting wea savve switim iumi for duim datwan. (Colossae 3:5) Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala kwestin wea staka pipol savve askem abaotem prea.


9. Hu nao iumi shud prea long hem? Wanem nao iumi lanem long John 14:6 abaotem wei for prea?

9 Hu nao iumi shud prea long hem? Jesus sei iumi mas prea long ‘Dadi bilong iumi long heven.’ (Matthew 6:9) Hem sei tu: “Mi nao road, mi nao truth, and mi nao laef. Mi nomoa road for man go long Dadi long heven.” (John 14:6) Iumi mas prea long Jehovah nomoa and talem prea bilong iumi long nem bilong Jesus. Wanem nao hem minim for prea long nem bilong Jesus? For Jehovah herem olketa prea bilong iumi, iumi mas respectim spesol position wea Jehovah givim long Jesus. Olsem iumi lanem finis, Jesus hem kam daon long earth for sevem iumi from sin and dae. (John 3:16; Rome 5:12) Jehovah markem Jesus tu for hem Hae Priest and Judge.—John 5:22; Hebrew 6:20.

Iu savve prea enitaem

10. Waswe, iumi mas nildaon taem iumi prea? Explainim.

10 Waswe, iumi mas nildaon taem iumi prea? Nomoa, Jehovah no talem iumi for duim datwan. Iumi lanem long Bible, iumi savve story witim Jehovah long wei wea showimaot respect nomata iumi sidaon, baodaon, nildaon, or standap. (Fas Kronikols 17:16; Nehemaea 8:6; Daniel 6:10; Fas Kings 8:22, 23) Samting wea barava important long Jehovah nao hem for iumi showimaot respect taem iumi prea long hem. Iumi savve prea big or prea long heart bilong iumi long eni ples and long enitaem. Nomata iumi prea insaed heart bilong iumi, iumi barava sure Jehovah hem herem prea bilong iumi.—Nehemaea 2:1-6.

11. Wanem nao samfala samting wea iumi savve storyim long Jehovah taem iumi prea?

11 Wanem nao olketa samting wea iumi savve prea for hem? Iumi savve prea for eni samting wea followim will bilong Jehovah. Bible sei: “Eni samting wea iumi askem wea followim tingting bilong God, God hem herem iumi.” (1 John 5:14) Waswe, iumi savve prea long Jehovah abaotem olketa samting wea affectim iumiseleva? Yes. Taem iumi prea long Jehovah hem olsem iumi story long wanfala gud fren bilong iumi. Iumi savve storyim eni samting wea stap insaed heart bilong iumi, and talem hem eni samting wea iumi wari abaotem. (Sams 62:8) Iumi savve askem hem for givim iumi holy spirit for helpem iumi duim wanem hem stret. (Luke 11:13) Iumi savve askem Jehovah tu for givim iumi wisdom for disaedem samting wea stret, and askem hem for strongim iumi for deal witim eni hard taem wea kasem iumi. (James 1:5) Iumi shud askem Jehovah for forgivim olketa sin bilong iumi. (Ephesus 1:3, 7) Iumi shud prea tu for famili bilong iumi and olketa brata and sista long kongregeson.—Acts 12:5; Colossae 4:12.

12. Wanem nao barava important samting wea iumi shud storyim firstaem long prea bilong iumi?

12 Wanem nao barava important samting wea iumi shud storyim firstaem long prea bilong iumi? Jehovah and will bilong hem. Iumi shud thankiu long hem for evri samting wea hem duim for iumi. (Fas Kronikols 29:10-13) Iumi savve long diswan bikos taem Jesus stap long earth, hem teachim olketa disaepol bilong hem hao for prea. (Readim Matthew 6:9-13.) First samting, olketa mas prea for nem bilong God for holy, wea minim evriwan mas ting long datfala nem olsem hem barava holy. Then Jesus sei for iumi prea for Kingdom bilong God for kam, and for Jehovah duim samting wea hem laek for duim long full earth. Jesus sei bihaen iumi prea for olketa important samting hia nao, iumi savve prea for need bilong iumi. Taem iumi duim olsem, iumi showimaot samting wea barava important long iumi hem nem bilong God and will bilong hem.

13. Waswe, iumi shud talem longfala prea or short prea nomoa?

13 Waswe, iumi shud talem longfala prea or short prea nomoa? Bible no talem. Iumi savve talem olketa short prea or longfala prea bikos diswan hem depend long wanem iumi prea abaotem. Olsem example, maet iumi talem short prea nomoa bifor iumi kaikai, bat iumi savve talem longfala prea taem iumi thankiu long Jehovah or storyim olketa samting wea iumi wari abaotem. (1 Samuel 1:12, 15, NW) Iumi no laek for talem olketa longfala prea for show-off long nara pipol, olsem samfala pipol long taem bilong Jesus olketa duim. (Luke 20:46, 47) Jehovah no acceptim olketa kaen prea olsem. Samting wea important long Jehovah nao hem for iumi prea from heart.

14. Waswe, iumi shud markem haomas taem long day nao for iumi prea, and wanem nao diswan showimaot abaotem Jehovah?

14 Waswe, iumi shud markem haomas taem long day nao for iumi prea? Jehovah laekem iumi for story witim hem evritaem. Bible sei iumi shud ‘gohed for prea,’ “prea and no givap,” and “prea evritaem.” (Matthew 26:41; Rome 12:12; 1 Thessalonica 5:17) Jehovah hem stanbae for herem olketa prea bilong iumi. Iumi savve thankiu long hem evriday bikos hem lovem iumi and kaen tumas. Iumi savve askem hem tu for leadim iumi, strongim iumi, and comfortim iumi. Sapos iumi tinghae long privilege wea iumi garem for prea long Jehovah, bae iumi laek for story witim hem evritaem.

15. Why nao iumi shud talem “amen” long end long prea?

15 Why nao iumi shud talem “amen” long end long prea? Datfala word “amen” hem minim “yes, hem nao ia.” Taem man talem “amen,” datwan showimaot evri samting wea hem talem long prea bilong hem, hem kam from heart bilong hem. (Psalm 41:13, NW) Bible sei taem narawan prea hem gud tu for iumi talem “amen” long end long datfala prea. Iumi savve tok big or tok smol taem iumi talem amen, wea datwan showimaot iumi agree witim datfala prea.—Fas Kronikols 16:36; 1 Corinth 14:16.


16. Waswe, Jehovah hem ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi tu? Explainim.

16 Waswe, Jehovah hem ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi tu? Yes, hem ansarem. Bible sei God hem savve “herem prea” bilong iumi. (Psalm 65:2, NW) Jehovah herem and ansarem olketa prea wea staka million pipol talem from heart bilong olketa, and hem ansarem olketa prea hia long staka difren wei.

17. Hao nao Jehovah iusim olketa angel and pipol bilong hem for ansarem prea bilong iumi?

17 Jehovah iusim olketa angel and pipol bilong hem for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi. (Hebrew 1:13, 14) Staka taem, bihaen samwan prea for eniwan helpem hem for minim Bible, wanfala Jehovah’s Witness kam visitim hem. Bible sei olketa angel join insaed waka for talemaot “gud nius” long evri ples long earth. (Readim Revelation 14:6.) And tu, staka kasem help from wanfala brata or sista bihaen olketa prea long Jehovah for helpem olketa long wanfala problem wea olketa kasem.—Provebs 12:25; James 2:16.

Jehovah savve iusim olketa nara brata or sista for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi

18. Hao nao Jehovah iusim holy spirit and Bible for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi?

18 Jehovah savve iusim holy spirit for ansarem prea bilong iumi. Taem iumi prea for God helpem iumi long wanfala problem wea iumi kasem, hem savve iusim holy spirit for strongim iumi and helpem iumi for garem stretfala tingting. (2 Corinth 4:7) Jehovah iusim Bible tu for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi and for helpem iumi disaedem stretfala samting. Taem iumi readim Bible, maet iumi readim wanfala scripture wea helpem iumi. Jehovah savve iusim wanfala brata or sista for talem wanfala koment long meeting, or hem savve iusim wanfala elder for storyim wanfala point long Bible wea helpem iumi.—Galatia 6:1.

19. Why nao maet hem luk olsem Jehovah tek longtaem tumas for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi?

19 Bat samfala taem maet iumi ting olsem, ‘Why nao hem tek longtaem tumas for Jehovah ansarem olketa prea bilong mi?’ Tingim diswan: Jehovah savve long barava taem and best wei for ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi. Hem savve wanem iumi needim. Maet iumi mas gohed for prea abaotem wanfala samting for showimaot iumi barava laekem datwan, and for showimaot iumi garem faith long hem. (Luke 11:5-10) Samfala taem Jehovah ansarem olketa prea bilong iumi long wei wea iumi no expectim. Olsem example, maet hem no finisim wanfala hard samting wea iumi askem hem for helpem iumi long hem, bat hem givim iumi paoa for gohed strong and no givap.—Readim Philippi 4:13.

20. Why nao iumi shud prea evritaem long Jehovah?

20 Hem barava spesol privilege for iumi savve prea long Jehovah! Iumi barava sure hem bae herem iumi taem iumi prea long hem. (Sams 145:18) And sapos iumi gohed prea evritaem long Jehovah from heart bilong iumi, datwan bae mekem iumi barava fren gud witim hem.