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Hao Nao Bible Savve Helpem Iu for Enjoyim Laef?

Hao Nao Bible Savve Helpem Iu for Enjoyim Laef?

Iumi evriwan laek for savve why iumi kasem olketa nogud samting, why iumi dae, and wat bae happen lo future. Iumi wari tu abaotem selen and hao for garem hapi famili. Bible givim ansa for olketa important kwestin wea iumi laek for savve. Hem savve givim tu advaes wea savve helpem iumi evriday. Iu tingse Bible savve helpem pipol?

1. Wat nao samfala kwestin wea ansa blo hem stap lo Bible?

Bible garem ansa for olketa important kwestin hia: Hao nao laef hem start? Iumi laef for wat nomoa ia? Why nao innocent pipol kasem olketa nogud samting? Man wea dae finis hem hao? Sapos evriwan laekem peace, why nao war gohed for happen? Hao bae earth distroe lo future? Bible encouragem iumi for faendem ansa for olketa kwestin olsem, and staka million pipol hapi lo ansa wea olketa kasem from Bible.

2. Hao nao Bible savve helpem iumi for enjoyim laef?

Bible garem olketa advaes wea savve helpem iumi. Hem teachim olketa famili wat for duim mekem olketa hapi, hao for deal witim stress, and hao for enjoyim waka blo iumi. Bae iu lanem samting wea Bible teachim abaotem olketa topic hia and staka nara samting taem iumi storyim tugeta information insaed disfala buk. Taem iu duim olsem, mifala sure bae iu agree “evri toktok insaed long olketa Holy Raeting . . . savve teachim pipol.”​—2 Timothy 3:16.

Disfala buk no changem Bible. Bat hem encouragem iu for lukim seleva wat Bible talem. So mifala encouragem iu for readim olketa scripture wea stap lo olketa leson and comparem witim wat iu lanem.


Bae iumi storyim hao Bible helpem staka pipol finis, wat iu savve duim for enjoyim Bible reading, and why hem gud for askem samwan for helpem iu minim Bible.

3. Bible savve helpem iumi for mekem gud disison

Bible hem olsem torch wea braet fogud. Hem savve helpem iumi for mekem gud disison and for savve wat bae happen lo future.

Readim Sams 119:105, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Hao nao tingting blo man wea raetem disfala psalm abaotem Bible?

  • Hao nao tingting blo iu abaotem Bible?

4. Bible savve ansarem olketa kwestin blo iumi

Wanfala woman faendaot Bible garem ansa for olketa kwestin wea hem garem for staka year. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, olketa wat kaen kwestin nao woman hia garem?

  • Taem hem studyim Bible, hao nao datwan helpem hem?

Bible encouragem iumi for askem kwestin. Readim Matthew 7:7, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao olketa kwestin wea iu garem wea ansa blo hem stap lo Bible?

5. Iu savve enjoyim Bible reading

Staka pipol enjoyim for readim Bible and kasem gud samting from datwan. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, hao nao tingting blo olketa young pipol abaotem reading?

  • Nomata olketa no laek for read, why nao olketa laek for readim Bible?

Bible garem olketa instruction wea savve comfortim and givim iumi hope. Readim Rome 15:4, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Hao, iu interest for savve moa abaotem promis wea disfala scripture storyim?

6. Olketa narawan savve helpem iu for minim Bible

Staka readim Bible seleva, bat olketa minim taem olketa discussim witim narawan. Readim Acts 8:26-31, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

Man blo Ethiopia needim help for minim olketa Holy Raeting. Staka pipol distaem minim Bible taem narawan discussim witim olketa

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Iu weistim taem for studyim Bible.”

  • Wat nao bae iu talem? Why nao iu ting olsem?


Bible garem advaes wea savve helpem iumi for deal witim laef evriday, ansarem olketa important kwestin, and givim hope and comfort lo pipol.


  • Wat kaen advaes nao iumi savve kasem from Bible?

  • Wat nao samfala kwestin wea iu savve kasem ansa blo hem from Bible?

  • Wat nao iu laek for lanem lo Bible?



Lukim hao Bible garem olketa advaes wea savve helpem iumi distaem.

“Olketa Bible Principle Fitim Distaem Tu” (Wastaoa No. 1 2018)

Lukim hao Bible helpem wanfala man, wea start taem hem smol hem savve fraet and shame tumas.

Hao Laef blo Mi Change and Mi Hapi (2:53)

Lukim olketa advaes lo Bible wea savve helpem famili.

“12-Fala Samting for Helpem Famili Hapi” (Wekap! No. 2 2018)

Lanem hao Bible stretem rong tingting wea staka pipol garem abaotem hu nao kontrolem world.

Why Nao Hem Gud for Studyim Bible?​—Long Wan (3:14)