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Bible Mekem Iumi Garem Hope

Bible Mekem Iumi Garem Hope

Staka pipol lo world kasem olketa problem wea mekem olketa safa tumas, wari, and sorre. Enitaem iu feisim eni situation wea mekem iu feel olsem? Maet iu safa bikos iu kasem big sik or iu sorre bikos samwan lo famili or gud fren blo iu hem dae. Maet iu laek for savve, ‘Bae enitaem laef hem gud moa?’ Iu savve kasem ansa lo Bible for disfala kwestin.

1. Hao nao Bible mekem iumi garem hope?

Bible storyim why iumi kasem staka problem and hem garem tu gud nius for iumi, hao klosap nao God bae finisim evri problem hia. Olketa promis lo Bible “mekem iumi garem gudfala future and hope.” (Readim Jeremiah 29:11, 12, NW.) Olketa promis hia helpem iumi for no givap taem iumi kasem problem, garem stretfala tingting, and for tingim hao iumi bae hapi for olowe.

2. Bible storyim future blo iumi bae hao?

Bible sei lo future “no eniwan bae dae and no enitaem bae pipol sorre or krae or feelim pain.” (Readim Revelation 21:4.) Olketa problem wea savve mekem pipol hopeles distaem olsem for poor, olketa samting wea no followim justice, sik, and dae bae nomoa nao. Bible sei iumi olketa man bae enjoyim laef olowe lo Paradaes lo earth.

3. Wat nao iu savve duim mekem iu trustim hope wea Bible storyim?

Staka pipol hope for olketa nogud samting wea happen lo world bae kamap gud, bat olketa no sure sapos datwan bae kamap tru. Bat wat Bible promisim bae kamap tru. Iumi savve trustim wat Bible talem taem iumi “lukluk gud lo olketa Holy Raeting.” (Acts 17:11) Taem iu studyim Bible, datwan bae helpem iu for disaed sapos bae iu bilivim olketa promis lo Bible abaotem future.


Bae iumi lanem samfala samting wea bae happen lo future wea Bible promisim. Lukim hao hope wea stap lo Bible hem helpem pipol distaem.

4. Bible givim iumi hope for laef olowe lo future

Lukim olketa promis lo Bible lo list lo daon. Which wan nao iu barava interest lo hem? Why nao iu interest lo hem?

Readim scripture wea stap saed lo each promis, and discussim tugeta tufala kwestin hia:

  • Hao nao tingting blo iu, olketa scripture hia mekem iu garem hope? Bae olketa scripture hia mekem famili and olketa fren blo iu garem hope tu?

Tingim, iumi stap lo world wea



  • lukim olketa famili and fren laef bak lo earth.​—John 5:28, 29.

  • garem gud health and young moa.​—Job 33:25.

  • kasem nogud samting bikos lo war.​—Sams 46:9.

  • garem nogud memory wea bae mekem hem sorre.​—Aesaea 65:17.

5. Hope wea Bible storyim savve helpem iumi

Staka pipol discourage or kros taem olketa lukim olketa problem wea gohed for happen. Samfala barava faet hard for stretem olketa samting. Lukim hao olketa promis lo Bible helpem pipol distaem. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat kaen samting wea no followim justice nao mekem Rafika konfius?

  • Nomata datfala situation no change, hao nao Bible helpem hem?

Taem iumi trustim olketa promis lo Bible abaotem future, datwan savve helpem iumi for no discourage and deal witim olketa problem blo iumi. Readim Provebs 17:22 and Rome 12:12, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Sapos iu trustim olketa promis lo Bible abaotem future, iu tingse bae datwan helpem iu distaem? Why nao iu ting olsem?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Olketa promis lo Bible abaotem future, hem tru wan tu?”

  • Why nao iu tingse hem important for lukluk lo olketa pruv wea showim olketa promis lo Bible bae kamap tru?


Bible promisim wanfala hapi future wea mekem iumi garem hope and helpem iumi for deal witim olketa challenge wea iumi feisim.


  • Why nao pipol needim hope?

  • Wat nao Bible talem abaotem future?

  • Taem iumi garem hope for future, hao nao datwan helpem iumi distaem?



Lanem hao hope savve helpem iu taem iu feisim hard taem.

“Hope​—Wea Nao Iu Savve Faendem?” (Awake!, April 22, 2004)

Lukim hao hope wea iumi garem for future savve helpem olketa wea garem big sik.

“Hao, Bible Savve Helpem Iu Sapos Iu Garem Sik?” (Article lo

Taem iu watchim disfala music video, imaginim iu and famili enjoyim laef lo Paradaes wea Bible promisim.

Tingim Go Taem (3:37)

Read abaotem wanfala social activist wea changem laef blo hem taem hem lanem promis lo Bible abaotem future.

“Mi Luksavve Mi No Need for Stretem World” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2013)