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Hao, Iu Savve Trustim Wanem Bible Talem?

Hao, Iu Savve Trustim Wanem Bible Talem?

Bible garem staka promis and advaes. Maet iu laek for savve wat nao Bible teachim, bat iu faendem hard tu for trustim Bible. Hao, iu shud trustim olketa promis and advaes from old buk olsem? Hao, advaes lo Bible savve helpem iumi distaem and iumi savve trustim olketa promis blo hem for future? Staka million pipol bilivim datwan. Mifala encouragem iu for faendaot seleva.

1. Olketa tru story tu stap insaed Bible?

Bible sei “evri toktok” wea stap insaed “hemi stret an tru.” (Eklesiastes 12:10) Olketa story lo Bible hem olketa tru story abaotem olketa real pipol wea stap bifor. (Readim Luke 1:3; 3:1, 2.) Olketa information wea staka man wea studyim history and archaeologist faendem pruvim olketa date, pipol, ples, and olketa samting wea happen wea Bible storyim hem stret.

2. Why nao hem stret for sei Bible no aot-of-date?

Staka taem Bible storyim olketa samting wea bihaen nao olketa faendaot hem tru. Example, Bible storyim samfala samting wea join witim olketa subject blo science. Wanem Bible talem abaotem olketa subject hia staka pipol no bilivim lo taem wea olketa raetem. Bat wanem science faendaot bihaen pruvim samting wea Bible talem hem stret. Bible hem “barava tru and stret” and ‘stap for olowe.’​—Sams 111:8.

3. Why nao iumi shud trustim wanem Bible talem abaotem future?

Bible garem olketa profesi a abaotem “olketa samting wea bae hemi hapen bihaen.” (Aesaea 46:10) Bible storyim staka samting bifor olketa happen. Hem storyim klia tu olketa samting wea happen lo world distaem. Lo disfala leson, bae iumi storyim samfala lo olketa profesi hia. Hao olketa kamap tru hem barava spesol!


Bae iumi storyim wanem Bible talem hem stret witim science, and samfala interesting Bible profesi.

4. Wanem Bible storyim hem stret witim science

Lo bifor, staka pipol bilivim earth hem stap antap lo wanfala samting. Pleim VIDEO.

Lukim wat Bible buk Job talem samting olsem 3,500 year go finis. Readim Job 26:7, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Taem Bible sei “no eni samting holem” earth, why nao datwan mekem iumi sapraes?

Samting olsem 200 year go finis nomoa, olketa scientist just minim wata cycle blo earth. Bat lukim wat Bible talem samting olsem 3,500 year go finis. Readim Job 36:27, 28, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao tingting blo iu abaotem hao disfala scripture storyim wata cycle?

  • Hao nao olketa scripture wea iumi just readim helpem iu for trustim Bible?

5. Bible profesi abaotem olketa important samting wea happen lo history

Readim Aesaea 44:27–45:2, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Tu handred year bifor Babylon distroe, wat nao samfala samting wea Bible talem abaotem Babylon?

Olketa wea studyim history sei King Cyrus blo Persia and army blo hem tekovarem taon blo Babylon lo samting olsem 540 year bifor Jesus born. Olketa mekem river wea protectim taon hia for go difren. From olketa gate hem open, Cyrus and army blo hem go stret insaed and tekovarem taon hia. Distaem hem winim 2,500 year finis, and Babylon still emti yet. Lukim profesi lo Bible abaotem datwan.

Readim Aesaea 13:19, 20, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao happen lo Babylon wea mekem disfala profesi kamap tru?

Babylon wea emti distaem lo Iraq

6. Bible profesi abaotem olketa samting wea iumi lukim distaem

Bible sei iumi stap lo “olketa last day.” (2 Timothy 3:1) Lukim wat Bible talem wea bae happen lo olketa last day.

Readim Matthew 24:6, 7, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao olketa samting wea bae happen lo olketa last day wea Bible storyim?

Readim 2 Timothy 3:1-5, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao Bible talem abaotem wei blo pipol lo olketa last day?

  • Which wan lo olketa wei hia nao iu lukim pipol garem?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Bible hem buk wea fulap lo olketa kastom story.”

  • Wat nao barava pruvim lo iu iumi savve trustim Bible?


History, science, and profesi pruvim iu savve trustim Bible.


  • Olketa tru story tu stap insaed Bible?

  • Wat nao samfala samting wea Bible storyim wea stret witim science?

  • Hao, iu bilivim Bible savve talem wat bae happen lo future? Why nao iu tok olsem?



Hao, Bible storyim eni samting wea no stret witim science?

“Waswe, Wanem Bible Storyim Hem Stret Witim Science?” (Article lo

Wat nao happen wea showim iumi stap lo “olketa last day”?

“6 Bible Profesi wea Iu Lukim Hem Fulfill” (Wastaoa, July 1, 2011)

Lukim olketa Bible profesi abaotem rul blo Greece wea kamap tru.

Olketa Profesi Strongim Iumi (5:22)

Read abaotem hao olketa Bible profesi changem tingting blo wanfala man abaotem Bible.

“Mi No Biliv Long God” (Wastaoa No. 5 2017)

a Profesi hem message from God abaotem samting wea bae happen lo future.