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Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Waka and Selen?

Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Waka and Selen?

Hao, enitaem iu wari abaotem waka and selen? Hem no isi for waka for kasem olketa need blo iumi, and lo semtaem iumi worshipim Jehovah lo full heart. Bible givim olketa gud advaes wea savve helpem iumi.

1. Wat nao Bible talem abaotem waka?

God laekem iumi for enjoyim waka blo iumi. Bible sei “gud samting wea man savve duim nao hem for . . . enjoyim samting wea hem kasem from hard waka blo hem.” (Ecclesiastes 2:24, NW) Jehovah hem waka hard. Taem iumi followim example blo hem for waka hard, iumi mekem hem hapi and iumiseleva satisfae.

Waka hem important samting. Bat iumi shud no letem waka for hem important winim worship blo iumi for Jehovah. (John 6:27) Jehovah sei taem iumi mekem worship blo iumi for hem nao barava important samting lo laef, hem bae givim olketa samting wea iumi needim.

2. Wat nao Bible talem abaotem selen?

Bible sei “seleni save gadem” iumi. Bat hem sei tu, selen hem no only samting wea savve mekem iumi hapi. (Eklesiastes 7:12) Dastawe, Bible encouragem iumi for no lovem selen bat for iumi “mas hapi nomoa long samting wea [iumi] garem.” (Readim Hebrew 13:5.) Taem iumi satisfae nomoa lo samting wea iumi garem, iumi bae no feel nogud bikos iumi tingse iumi no garem inaf samting. Bae iumi no garem staka kaon. (Provebs 22:7) And tu, iumi bae misstim olketa nogud samting from wei for gambol and olketa bisnis scheme wea promisim man for rich kwiktaem.

3. Hao nao iumi savve iusim selen blo iumi?

Jehovah hem God wea willing for give and iumi followim example blo hem taem iumi “willing for givim samting and for sharem wanem [iumi] garem.” (1 Timothy 6:18) Iumi savve iusim selen wea iumi garem for sapotim kongregeson and helpem olketa narawan wea needim, especially olketa brata and sista. Jehovah no interest lo amount wea iumi givim, bat hem interest lo reason why iumi givim samting. Taem iumi willing for give from heart, iumi bae hapi and iumi bae mekem Jehovah hapi.​—Readim Acts 20:35.


Bae iumi lanem gud samting wea man savve kasem taem hem garem balance tingting abaotem waka and for satisfae.

4. Hao iumi duim waka shud givim praise lo Jehovah

Frenship blo iumi witim Jehovah shud affectim tingting blo iumi abaotem waka. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat nao iu tinghae lo hem abaotem wei blo Jason lo waka ples blo hem?

  • Wat nao hem duim for balance lo waka blo hem?

Readim Colossae 3:23, 24, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Why nao hem important for iumi waka hard?

Waka hem important samting. Bat iumi shud no letem waka for hem important winim worship blo iumi for Jehovah

5. Iumi kasem gud samting taem iumi satisfae witim samting iumi garem

Staka pipol trae for kasem staka selen. Bat advaes wea Bible givim iumi hem difren. Readim 1 Timothy 6:6-8, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao Bible encouragem iumi for duim?

Nomata iumi garem lelebet samting nomoa, iumi savve hapi. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin.

  • Nomata olketa famili hia garem lelebet selen nomoa, wat nao mekem olketa hapi?

Bat wat if iumi garem staka samting finis and iumi still laekem staka samting moa? Jesus talem wanfala illustration wea showim kaen tingting olsem savve spoelem man. Readim Luke 12:15-21, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao iu lanem from datfala illustration blo Jesus?​—Lukim verse 15.

Readim Provebs 10:22 and 1 Timothy 6:10 and comparem tufala scripture hia. Then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Iu tingse wat nao hem barava important? Frenship blo iu witim Jehovah or for garem staka selen? Why nao olsem?

  • Wat nao olketa problem wea man savve kasem taem hem laekem olowe staka selen?

6. Jehovah bae givim wanem iumi needim

Problem saed lo waka and selen savve testim faith blo iumi lo Jehovah. Pleim VIDEO for lukim wat iumi savve duim taem iumi kasem olketa test olsem, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat nao olketa challenge wea datfala brata kasem?

  • Wat nao hem duim for winim olketa challenge hia?

Readim Matthew 6:25-34, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao Jehovah duim for olketa wea mekem worship blo hem barava important samting lo laef blo olketa?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Mi mas waka hard for sapotim famili blo mi. Hem hard for mi go lo evri meeting.”

  • Iu tingim eni scripture wea mekem iu sure hao taem man mekem worship blo Jehovah barava important samting lo laef, hem best samting for duim?


Waka and selen hem important samting, bat hem mas no disturbim worship blo iumi for Jehovah.


  • Wat nao savve helpem iu for garem balance tingting abaotem waka?

  • Wat nao gud samting wea iu savve kasem taem iu satisfae witim samting iumi garem?

  • Wat nao iu savve duim for showim iu trustim promis blo Jehovah for givim olketa samting wea pipol blo hem needim?



Readim disfala article for faendaot sapos Bible sei selen hem nogud samting.

“Hao, Selen Nao Hem Kosim Evri Nogud Samting?” (Article lo

Read abaotem hao iumi savve iusim selen blo iumi for mekem God hapi.

“Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Wei for Give?” (Article lo

Read abaotem wat nao mekem wanfala man for stop for gambol and for steal.

“Mi Laekem Tumas Racehorse” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2011)