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Why Nao Hem Gud for Dedicate and Baptaes?

Why Nao Hem Gud for Dedicate and Baptaes?

Iu dedicate lo Jehovah taem iu prea lo hem and talem bae iu worshipim hem nomoa, and duim wanem hem laekem. (Sams 40:7, 8) Bihaen nao iu savve baptaes. Taem iu baptaes, hem showim iu dedicate finis lo Jehovah. Disison blo iumi for dedicate lo Jehovah hem important tumas. Hem disison wea bae changem laef blo iumi. Why nao maet iu laek for duim datwan?

1. Why nao samwan disaed for dedicate lo Jehovah?

Iumi dedicate lo Jehovah from iumi lovem hem. (1 John 4:10, 19) Bible sei: “Lovem God bilong iu Jehovah long full heart bilong iu, long full soul bilong iu, long full mind bilong iu, and long full strong bilong iu.” (Mark 12:30) Samting wea iumi talem and duim nao bae showim if iumi lovem God. Olsem wanfala young boy and gele wea barava lovem each other, bae gogo tufala marit. So love blo iumi for Jehovah bae mekem iumi for dedicate lo hem and baptaes.

2. Wat nao olketa blessing wea man wea baptaes bae kasem from Jehovah?

Taem iu baptaes, bae iu joinim famili blo Jehovah wea hapi. Jehovah bae duim olketa samting wea showim hem lovem iu, and bae iu barava fren gud witim hem. (Readim Malakae 3:16-18.) And tu, Jehovah bae Dadi blo iu, and bae iu garem spiritual famili blo olketa brata and sista evriwea lo world wea lovem Jehovah and lovem iu tu. (Readim Mark 10:29, 30.) Bat bifor iu savve baptaes, iu mas duim samfala samting firstaem. Iu need for lane abaotem Jehovah, lovem hem, and garem faith lo Son blo hem. Then, iu savve dedicate lo Jehovah. If iu duim olketa samting hia and baptaes, datwan savve helpem iu for kasem laef olowe. Bible sei: “Wei for baptaes . . . nao sevem [iu].​—1 Peter 3:21.


Bae iumi storyim why hem important for iu dedicate lo Jehovah and for baptaes.

3. Iumi evriwan mas chusim hu nao bae iumi worshipim

Lo Israel bifor, samfala tingse olketa savve worshipim Jehovah and false god Baal tu. Bat Jehovah sendem profet Elijah for stretem rong tingting wea olketa garem. Readim Fas Kings 18:21, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao olketa Israelite mas chus for duim?

Olsem olketa Israelite, iumi tu mas chusim hu nao bae iumi worshipim. Readim Luke 16:13, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Why nao iumi no savve worshipim Jehovah and lo semtaem worshipim samwan or eni nara samting?

  • Wat nao bae showim if iumi chus for worshipim Jehovah?

4. Ting raonem love wea Jehovah garem for iu

Jehovah givim iumi staka gud present. Wat nao iumi savve givim lo Jehovah? Pleim VIDEO.

Wat nao samfala samting wea Jehovah duim wea showim hem lovem iu? Readim Sams 104:14, 15 and 1 John 4:9, 10, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao olketa present wea Jehovah givim wea iu tinghae lo hem?

  • Wat nao tingting blo iu abaotem Jehovah taem iu kasem olketa present hia?

Taem iumi kasem wanfala present wea iumi laekem tumas, iumi laek for duim samting for showim iumi tinghae lo man wea givim datwan. Readim Diutronomi 16:17, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Taem iu ting raonem evri samting wea Jehovah duim for iu, wat nao iu laek for givim lo hem?

5. Taem iu dedicate lo Jehovah bae iu kasem staka blessing

Staka pipol tingse olketa savve hapi sapos olketa famous, garem big waka, or garem staka selen. Hao, datwan hem tru? Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Lo video hem showim datfala man hem plei soccer for kasem selen, bat why nao hem stop for plei soccer?

  • Hem chus for worshipim Jehovah and no for plei soccer. Iu tingse hem mekem gud disison? Why nao olsem?

Bifor Paul kamap Christian, hem fit for kasem hae position lo religion blo olketa Jew. Gamaliel nao teachim law blo olketa Jew lo Paul. Bat Paul lusim evri samting hia for kamap wanfala Christian. Paul regret lo disison blo hem? Readim Philippi 3:8, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Bihaen Paul kamap Christian, why nao hem ting lo olketa samting wea hem duim bifor hem “rabis nomoa”?

  • Wat nao olketa gud samting wea Paul kasem?

  • Iu tingse wat nao savve mekem iu for garem gud laef, for worshipim Jehovah or eni nara samting?

Taem Paul kamap Christian, hem kasem staka gud samting winim wanem hem lusim

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Mi savve diswan nao truth, bat mi no redi yet for dedicate.”

  • Why nao iu ting hem gud for dedicate lo Jehovah?


Iumi dedicate lo Jehovah and baptaes bikos iumi lovem hem.


  • Why nao iumi shud lovem Jehovah lo full heart blo iumi and worshipim hem nomoa?

  • Wat nao olketa blessing wea man wea baptaes bae kasem from Jehovah?

  • Hao, iu laek for dedicate lo Jehovah?



Lukim why wanfala singer and man for plei football chus for dedicate lo Jehovah.

Olketa Kwestin wea Young Pipol Garem​—Wat Nao Bae Mi Duim lo Laef blo Mi?​—Laef Bifor (6:54)

Read abaotem samfala reason why hem gud for iu dedicate.

“Why Nao Iu Shud Dedicate Long Jehovah?” (Wastaoa, January 15, 2010)

Lo disfala music video, lukim hao olketa wea dedicate lo Jehovah and baptaes olketa barava hapi.

Mi Givim Laef blo Mi lo Iu (4:30)

Lo disfala story “For Longtaem Finis Mi Laek Savve, ‘Why Nao Iumi Laef?’” read abaotem samting wea mekem wanfala woman for luksavve lo wat nao shud important lo laef blo hem.

“Bible Changem Laef Bilong Pipol” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2012)