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Waka blo Datfala “Wakaman wea Faithful and Wise”

Waka blo Datfala “Wakaman wea Faithful and Wise”

Jesus nao Hed blo Christian kongregeson. (Ephesus 5:23) Hem stap lo heven, and iusim “wakaman wea faithful and wise” for leadim olketa follower blo hem wea stap lo earth. (Readim Matthew 24:45.) Jesus nao appointim datfala wakaman and givim hem raet for mekem samfala disison. Nomata olsem, hem mas obeyim Christ and waka tugeta witim olketa nara brata blo Christ. Hu nao datfala wakaman? Wat nao hem duim for lukaftarem iumi?

1. Hu nao datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise”?

Evritaem Jehovah iusim wanfala man or smol grup blo olketa man for leadim pipol blo hem. (Malakae 2:7; Hebrew 1:1) Bihaen Jesus dae, olketa aposol and elder lo Jerusalem nao lukaftarem pipol blo God. (Acts 15:2) Distaem tu, smol grup blo olketa elder wea hem nao Governing Body blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness provaedem spiritual kaikai and lead lo preaching waka. Disfala grup nao datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise wea [Jesus] markem.” (Matthew 24:45a) Jehovah iusim holy spirit for chusim evri member blo Governing Body, and olketa luk forward for rul witim Christ lo Kingdom blo hem lo heven bihaen olketa dae.

2. Hao nao datfala wakaman wea faithful provaedem spiritual kaikai?

Jesus sei datfala wakaman wea faithful bae “givim kaikai long olketa [Christian] long barava taem.” (Matthew 24:45b) Physical kaikai hem helpem iumi for strong and healthy, so spiritual kaikai wea hem nao olketa instruction from Bible hem strongim iumi for gohed faithful lo Jehovah, and for duim waka wea Jesus givim lo iumi. (1 Timothy 4:6) Iumi kasem olketa spiritual kaikai hia lo olketa meeting, assembly, convention, Bible pablikeson, and video wea helpem iumi for savve wanem God laekem and strongim frenship blo iumi witim hem.


Bae iumi storyim why iumi needim “datfala wakaman wea faithful and wise” wea hem nao Governing Body.

Governing Body givim spiritual kaikai, direction, and help for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness evriwea lo world

3. Pipol blo Jehovah mas organize

Jesus iusim Governing Body for organizem waka blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Olketa Christian lo first century tu followim sem arrangement. Pleim VIDEO.

Readim 1 Corinth 14:33, 40, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Hao nao olketa verse hia showim Jehovah laekem olketa Witness blo hem for organize?

4. Wakaman wea faithful organizem preaching waka

For preach hem main waka wea olketa Christian lo first century duim. Readim Acts 8:14, 25, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Hu nao givim direction abaotem preaching waka lo olketa Christian lo first century?

  • Wat nao Peter and John duim taem tufala herem direction wea olketa aposol talem?

For preach hem barava important waka wea Governing Body organizem. Pleim VIDEO.

Jesus storyim hao preaching waka hem important tumas. Readim Mark 13:10, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Why nao preaching waka hem important tumas lo Governing Body?

  • Why nao iumi needim datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise” for organizem preaching waka wea gohed evriwea lo world?

5. Datfala wakaman wea faithful givim direction

Governing Body givim direction for olketa Christian evriwea lo world. Wat nao olketa duim bifor olketa givim direction? Bae iumi storyim wat governing body lo first century duim. Readim Acts 15:1, 2, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao samfala Christian lo first century raoa abaotem?

  • Hu nao Paul, Barnabas, and olketa nara brata askem direction lo olketa for stretem datfala problem?

Readim Acts 15:12-18, 23-29, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao governing body lo first century duim bifor olketa mekem eni disison?​—Lukim verse 12, 15, and 28.

Readim Acts 15:30, 31 and 16:4, 5, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao olketa Christian lo first century duim taem olketa kasem direction from governing body?

  • Wat nao blessing wea olketa kasem from Jehovah bikos olketa obey?

Readim 2 Timothy 3:16 and James 1:5, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao helpem Governing Body distaem for mekem olketa disison?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “If iu herem nomoa wat Governing Body talem, iu followim man nomoa ia.”

  • Wat nao mekem iu sure Jesus iusim Governing Body?


Governing Body nao datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise” wea Christ appointim. Hem givim direction and spiritual kaikai for olketa Christian evriwea lo world.


  • Hu nao appointim datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise”?

  • Wat nao Governing Body duim for lukaftarem iumi?

  • Hao, iu sure Governing Body nao datfala “wakaman wea faithful and wise”?



Read abaotem hao Governing Body organize for duim waka blo hem.

“Wanem Nao Governing Body blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness?” (Article lo

Lukim hao Governing Body mek sure iumi kasem spiritual kaikai wea iumi fit for trustim.

Wakem Olketa Pablikeson wea Stret (17:18)

Wat nao tingting blo olketa member blo Governing Body abaotem waka wea Jesus givim lo olketa?

Wanfala Spesol Privilege (7:04)

Hao nao olketa meeting and convention blo iumi pruvim Jehovah nao leadim olketa Governing Body?

Jehovah Teachim Pipol blo Hem (9:39)