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Why Nao Iu Shud Gohed for Lane Abaotem Jehovah?

Why Nao Iu Shud Gohed for Lane Abaotem Jehovah?

1. Taem iu gohed for studyim Bible, hao nao bae datwan helpem iu?

Taem iu lanem olketa main teaching long Bible long disfala brochure, masbi datwan strongim wei wea iu lovem Jehovah. Iumi mas gohed waka hard for strongim datfala love. (1 Peter 2:2) Hope wea iu garem for laef olowe hem depend long wei wea iu gohed for studyim Bible and for fren gud witim God.​—Readim John 17:3; Jude 21.

Taem iu gohed for lane abaotem God, datwan bae strongim faith bilong iu. Faith bae helpem iu for mekem God hapi. (Hebrew 11:1, 6) And tu, faith bae mekem iu laek for repent and changem wei bilong iu.​—Readim Acts 3:19.

2. Wanem nao iu savve duim for helpem narawan for lane abaotem God?

Iu savve fren gud witim Jehovah

Iu bae laek for talem olketa narawan wanem iu lanem bikos hem wei bilong iumi for laek storyim gud samting wea iumi herem. Taem iu gohed for studyim Bible, iu bae lanem hao for iusim Bible for storyim long narawan faith wea iu garem long Jehovah and gud samting wea iu lanem.​—Readim Rome 10:13-15.

Staka wea lanem Bible start for storyim gud samting wea olketa lanem long olketa fren and relative. Iusim gudfala tingting taem iumi duim datwan. Hem gud for storyim olketa promis bilong God, winim wei for sei religion bilong olketa hem rong. And tu, hem gud for tingim, staka taem pipol bae hapi for lisin long iumi sapos iumi kaen long olketa.​—Readim 2 Timothy 2:24, 25.

3. Wanem spesol samting nao iu savve kasem?

Wei for studyim Bible bae helpem iu for gohed duim wanem Jehovah laekem. Gogo, maet iu dedicatem laef bilong iu long Jehovah. Taem iu duim olsem, iu savve kamap part long famili bilong hem, wea datwan hem barava spesol samting.​—Readim 2 Corinth 6:18.

4. Wanem nao iu savve duim for gohed fren witim God?

Iu savve lanem hao for followim olketa Bible principle taem iu gohed for studyim Bible. (Hebrew 5:13, 14) Iu savve askem eni Jehovah’s Witness for studyim Bible witim iu long datfala buk, Wanem Nao Really Samting wea Bible Teachim? Taem iu gohed for studyim Bible, datwan bae helpem iu long laef.​—Readim Psalm 1:1-3; 73:27, 28.

Datfala gud nius hem kam from Jehovah, datfala hapi God. Taem iu fren witim pipol bilong God, datwan savve helpem iu for fren gud witim hem. (Hebrew 10:24, 25) Taem iu gohed traem best for mekem Jehovah hapi, iu showimaot iu laek for kasem datfala tru laef, wea hem nao laef olowe. Best samting wea iu savve duim nao hem for fren gud witim God.​—Readim 1 Timothy 1:11; 6:19.