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Hu Nao Jesus Christ?

Hu Nao Jesus Christ?

1. Wea nao Jesus kam from?

Why nao pipol feel free for story witim Jesus?​—MATTHEW 11:29; MARK 10:13-16.

Jesus hem difren from eni nara man bikos bifor hem born long earth hem wanfala spirit wea stap long heven. (John 8:23) Jesus nao first samting wea God wakem, and hem helpem God for wakem evri nara samting. God seleva nao wakem Jesus so hem stret for kolem Jesus “spesol Son bilong God.” (John 1:14) Jesus garem title “Word” bikos God iusim hem for talemaot toktok bilong Hem.​—Readim Proverbs 8:22, 23, 30; Colossae 1:15, 16.

2. Why nao Jesus kam long earth?

Taem God sendem Son bilong hem long earth hem putim laef bilong Son bilong hem long bele bilong Mary, wanfala Jew gele. So dadi bilong Jesus hem no wanfala man. (Luke 1:30-35) Jesus kam long earth for duim thrifala samting: (1) For teachim tru samting abaotem God. (2) For showimaot example long iumi long hao for duim wanem God laekem nomata iumi kasem olketa hard taem. (3) For givim perfect laef bilong hem wea datwan hem “price for baem bak staka pipol.”​—Readim Matthew 20:28.

3. Why nao Jesus mas sakrifaesim laef bilong hem for baem bak staka pipol?

Taem samwan feisim dae, samfala taem narawan mas givim wanfala sakrifaes wea datwan hem price for baem hem bak for no dae. (Exodus 21:29, 30) Dae and wei for olo hem no plan bilong God for olketa man. Hao nao iumi savve long datwan? God talem first man Adam, sapos hem sin bae hem dae. So sapos Adam hem no sin, bae hem no dae. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 5:5) Bible hem sei dae “kasem” evriwan bikos long sin bilong Adam. So evri pikinini bilong Adam kasem sin, and panis bilong datwan hem dae. Dastawe iumi needim wanfala sakrifaes for baem iumi bak from dae wea iumi kasem from Adam.​—Readim Rome 5:12; 6:23.

Hu nao fit for givim datfala price for baem iumi bak for no dae? Man wea no perfect hem no fit for mekem olketa narawan free from sin. Taem man hem dae, datwan mekem hem free from sin bilong hemseleva nomoa.​—Readim Psalm 49:7-9.

4. Why nao Jesus hem dae?

Jesus hem perfect, no olsem iumi wea sin. Jesus no duim eni sin so hem no need for dae for olketa sin bilong hemseleva, bat hem dae for sin bilong olketa narawan. God showimaot bigfala love for olketa man taem hem sendem kam Son bilong hem for dae for iumi. Jesus tu showimaot hem lovem iumi taem hem obeyim Dadi bilong hem and givim laef bilong hem for mekem iumi free from sin bilong iumi.​—Readim John 3:16; Rome 5:18, 19.

Watchim disfala video Why Nao Jesus Hem Dae?

5. Wanem nao Jesus duim distaem?

Jesus hem wanfala spirit taem God mekem hem laef bak bihaen hem dae. (1 Peter 3:18) Hem weit long raet saed bilong God go kasem taem Jehovah givim hem paoa for rulim full earth. (Hebrew 10:12, 13) Distaem Jesus hem King long heven and olketa follower bilong hem talemaot datfala gud nius evriwea long world.​—Readim Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 24:14.

Taem Jesus stap long earth, hem healim olketa wea sik, mekem olketa wea dae finis for laef bak, and helpem pipol wea safa. Olketa samting hia showimaot wanem hem bae duim for olketa man long future. (Matthew 15:30, 31; John 5:28) Klosap nao Jesus bae iusim paoa bilong hem for finisim wei for safa and pipol wea kosim datwan. Olketa wea showimaot faith long Jesus and obeyim hem bae kasem laef long paradaes long earth.​—Readim Psalm 37:9-11.