“Evri Wei Bilong Hem Followim Justice”
1, 2. (a) Wanem samting wea barava no followim justice nao kasem Joseph? (b) Hao nao Jehovah stretem olketa samting hia wea no followim justice?
HEM barava no followim justice. Datfala naesfala young man no duim eni rong, bat hem stap long prison bikos olketa laea for sei hem reipim wanfala woman. Bat datwan no firstaem wea samting wea no followim justice kasem hem. Planti year bifor, taem hem 17 year, olketa brata bilong disfala young man, Joseph, klosap killim hem dae. Olketa sellim hem for kamap wanfala slave long nara kantri. Long there hem rejectim wei wea waef bilong masta bilong hem trae hard long hem. Datfala woman, from Joseph rejectim hem, mekapem disfala laea story, so olketa putim Joseph long prison. Sorre tumas, luk olsem no eniwan stap for duim samting for helpem Joseph.
2 Nomata olsem, God wea “lovem raeteous fasin and justice” hem lukluk kam. (Psalm 33:5) Jehovah duim samting for stretem olketa samting hia wea no followim justice mekem Joseph savve kamap free. Winim datwan, Joseph—man wea olketa torowem insaed long “prison hol”—kasem bigfala responsibility and spesol honor. (Genesis 40:15; 41:41-43; Psalm 105:17, 18) Gogo, evriting showimaot Joseph hem no guilty, and hem iusim hae position bilong hem for saportim purpose bilong God.—Genesis 45:5-8.
Joseph safa long wei wea no fitim justice insaed prison
3. Why nao iumi evriwan laekem pipol for deal witim iumi long wei wea followim justice?
3 Story olsem hem barava affectim heart bilong iumi! Iumi evriwan savve lukim samting wea no followim justice or maet datwan spoelem iumi finis. Tru nao, iumi evriwan wantem pipol for deal witim iumi long wei wea followim justice and wea no teksaed. Diswan no mekem iumi sapraes bikos Jehovah givim iumi olketa fasin wea olsem fasin bilong hemseleva, and justice nao wanfala main fasin bilong hem. (Genesis 1:27) For savve gud long Jehovah, iumi need for minim justice bilong hem. Then bae iumi ting moa hae long olketa nambawan wei bilong hem and kam moa klos long hem.
Wanem Nao Justice?
4. Long tingting bilong man, planti taem wanem nao justice hem minim?
4 Long tingting bilong man, justice hem minim nomoa wei for followim olketa rul bilong law long wei wea no favorim eniwan. Datfala buk Right and Reason—Ethics in Theory and Practice sei dat “justice hem join witim law, responsibility, rights, and waka, and hem givimaot judgment long wei wea no teksaed or followim samting wea man fit for kasem.” Bat, justice bilong Jehovah hem minim moa samting winim wei for just followim olketa law witim no eni feeling, for ting long hem olsem waka or responsibility nomoa.
5, 6. (a) Wanem nao mining bilong olketa word long languis wea olketa iusim for raetem Bible wea olketa transleitim olsem “justice”? (b) Wei wea God hem showimaot justice hem minim wanem?
5 Mining bilong justice bilong Jehovah savve kamap moa waed and deep sapos iumi lukluk long olketa languis word wea olketa iusim for raetem Bible firstaem. Long Hebrew Scripture, thrifala main word nao insaed long diswan. Word wea olketa planti taem transleitim “justice” olketa savve transleitim tu olsem wei for “duim stret samting.” (Genesis 18:25) Tufala nara word hia olketa planti taem transleitim olsem “raeteous fasin.” Insaed Christian Greek Scripture, disfala word “raeteous fasin” garem mining olsem “fasin for stret or followim justice.” So, diswan hem showimaot hao raeteous fasin and justice fasin tufala klosap semsem.—Amos 5:24.
6 So taem Bible sei God hem showimaot justice, hem minim hem duim samting wea stret and honest and hem duim diswan evritaem, and no favorim eniwan. (Romans 2:11) Tru nao, hard for tingim hem bae enitaem followim wei wea difren. Elihu wea faithful sei: “Hem hard tumas for trufala God duim nogud samting, and for Olmaeti duim samting wea no stret!” (Job 34:10) For tok stret, Jehovah kanduit for no followim justice. Why? From tufala important reason.
7, 8. (a) Why nao Jehovah kanduit for duim samting wea no showimaot justice? (b) Wanem nao muvim Jehovah for raeteous, wea minim for showimaot justice long evri samting wea hem duim?
7 First reason, Jehovah hem holy. Olsem iumi lukim long Chapter 3, Jehovah hem evritaem klin and stret. Dastawe hem no savve duim eniting wea no raeteous or no followim justice. Tingim wanem datwan hem minim. Holy fasin bilong Dadi bilong iumi long heven givim iumi planti reason for trustim wei wea hem bae nating spoelem olketa pikinini bilong hem. Jesus hem garem kaen trust olsem. Long lastfala naet wea hem laef long earth, hem prea olsem: “Dadi long heven wea iu holy, plis lukaftarem olketa hia bikos long nem bilong iu.” (John 17:11) Disfala toktok ‘Dadi wea holy’ wea Bible storyim, datwan hem fitim Jehovah nomoa. Diswan hem fitim bikos no eni dadi long earth hem semsem witim Hem saed long holy fasin. Jesus garem full faith hao olketa disaepol bilong hem bae stap sef anda long Dadi bilong hem, wea klin evribit and no garem eni sin.—Matthew 23:9.
8 Mek-tu reason, love wea no selfish hem insaed evri part long fasin bilong God. Love olsem muvim hem for raeteous, or showimaot justice taem hem deal witim nara pipol. Bat olketa samting wea no followim justice—insaed diswan wei for heitim man from difren ples, favorim, and saed witim samwan—hem planti taem kamaot from greedy and selfish fasin, tufala fasin wea opposite long love. Saed long God bilong love, Bible promisim iumi olsem: “Jehovah hem raeteous; hem lovem olketa raeteous akson.” (Psalm 11:7) Jehovah sei olsem abaotem hemseleva: “Mi, Jehovah, mi lovem justice.” (Isaiah 61:8) Iumi barava kasem comfort for savve God hem laek tumas for duim samting wea stret, and showimaot justice fasin!—Jeremiah 9:24.
Mercy and Perfect Justice Bilong Jehovah
9-11. (a) Hao nao justice bilong Jehovah join witim mercy bilong hem? (b) Hao nao justice bilong Jehovah witim mercy bilong hem showaot klia long wei wea hem deal witim olketa man wea sin?
9 Olsem evri narasaed bilong nambawan fasin bilong hem, justice bilong Jehovah hem perfect, hem no short long eni wei. Taem hem praisem Jehovah, Moses raet olsem: “Datfala Rok, waka bilong hem perfect, from evri wei bilong hem followim justice. Wanfala God bilong faithful fasin, wea showimaot justice evribit; hem nao raeteous and stret.” (Deuteronomy 32:3, 4) Evri wei wea Jehovah showimaot justice hem perfect—hem no isisi tumas, or strong tumas.
10 Justice bilong Jehovah hem join long klos wei witim mercy bilong hem. Psalm 116:5 hem sei: “Jehovah hem kaen and raeteous [“showimaot justice,” The New American Bible]; and God bilong iumi hem Datwan wea showim mercy.” Tru nao, Jehovah hem showimaot justice and mercy. Tufala fasin hia no againstim each other. Wei wea hem showimaot mercy hem no long wei for katem daon justice bilong hem, maet from justice hia hem strong tumas. Bat, planti taem hem showimaot tufala fasin hia long semtaem, and maet long sem samting hem duim tu. Tingim wanfala example.
11 Evri man born witim sin and fit for kasem panis bilong sin—dae. (Romans 5:12) Bat Jehovah hem nating hapi taem olketa man wea sin dae. Hem “wanfala God wea redy for forgive, kaen and showimaot mercy.” (Nehemiah 9:17) Nomata olsem, bikos hem holy, hem no savve acceptim fasin wea no raeteous. So, hao nao hem savve showim mercy long olketa man wea born witim sin? Ansa hem stap insaed wanfala barava spesol truth insaed Word bilong God: Arrangement bilong Jehovah for givim wanfala ransom for sevem olketa man. Long Chapter 14, iumi bae lanem moa samting abaotem disfala loving arrangement. Hem barava showimaot justice and mercy long semtaem. Thru long diswan, Jehovah savve showimaot kaenfala mercy long olketa sinner wea repent and long semtaem keepim olketa standard bilong hem saed long justice wea perfect.—Romans 3:21-26.
Justice Bilong Jehovah Hem Muvim Heart
12, 13. (a) Why nao justice bilong Jehovah pullim iumi klos long hem? (b) Wanem samting nao David luksavve long hem saed long justice bilong Jehovah, and hao nao diswan hem comfortim iumi?
12 Justice bilong Jehovah hem no fasin wea no garem feeling mekem iumi les long hem, bat hem fasin wea pullim iumi for kam klos long hem. Bible storyim klia justice wea hem nao raeteous fasin wea Jehovah showimaot witim feeling. Iumi lukim samfala wei wea Jehovah showimaot justice wea savve muvim heart bilong iumi.
13 Perfect justice bilong Jehovah muvim hem for showim faithful and loyal fasin long olketa servant bilong hem. David wea raetem psalm hem minim and experiencem disfala saed long justice bilong Jehovah. From experience bilong hemseleva and from hem studyim olketa wei wea God duim samting, wanem nao David luksavve long hem? Hem sei: “Jehovah hem lovem justice, and hem bae no lusim olketa loyal wan bilong hem. Hem bae protectim olketa for olowe.” (Psalm 37:28) Datwan hem barava givim comfort! No enitaem God bilong iumi bae lusim olketa wea loyal long hem. So, iumi savve depend long hem for loving kea and wei wea hem stap klos long iumi. Justice bilong hem mekem iumi sure long disfala promis!—Proverbs 2:7, 8.
14. Hao nao wei wea Jehovah tingim olketa wea safa hem showaot insaed Law wea hem givim long Israel?
14 Justice bilong God hem tingim olketa need bilong olketa wea safa. Interest wea Jehovah garem for olketa wea safa hem showaot klia long Law wea hem givim long Israel. Olsem example, Law hem mekem spesol arrangement for mek sure olketa pikinini wea no garem dadi and mami and olketa widow mas kasem wanem olketa needim. (Deuteronomy 24:17-21) From hem luksavve hao laef hem hard tumas for olketa famili olsem, Jehovah seleva kamap Judge and Man for Protectim olketa, datwan wea “showim justice long pikinini wea no garem dadi and long widow.” a (Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 68:5) Jehovah warnim olketa Israelite hao sapos olketa spoelem olketa woman and pikinini wea no savve defendim seleva, hem bae barava lisin long singaot bilong olketa hia. Hem sei: “Bae mi kros.” (Exodus 22:22-24) Nomata kros hem no wanfala main fasin bilong Jehovah, samwan wea min for duim samting wea no followim justice fasin savve muvim Jehovah for garem kros wea raeteous, especially sapos man duim olsem long olketa wea poor and no savve defendim seleva.—Psalm 103:6.
15, 16. Wanem nambawan pruv nao showimaot Jehovah no teksaed?
15 Jehovah talem iumi tu hao hem no “favorim eniwan and no acceptim bribe.” (Deuteronomy 10:17) Olketa riches or lukluk bilong man no affectim Jehovah, wea datwan hem difren from planti man wea garem paoa. Hem barava no saedem or favorim eniwan. Tingim wanfala nambawan pruv wea showimaot Jehovah no teksaed. Chance for kamap olketa tru worshiper bilong hem, witim hope for laef olowe, hem no for tu-thri nomoa wea hem chusim. Bat, “long evri kantri long world, sapos man worshipim God and duim samting wea stret, God bae hapi long hem.” (Acts 10:34, 35) Disfala nambawan hope hem stap for evriwan nomata wanem living olketa garem, wanem kala skin, or wanem kantri olketa stap insaed. Datwan nao hem barava trufala justice!
16 Narafala part long perfect justice bilong Jehovah hem stap wea iumi bae storyim and shud respectim: hem nao wei wea hem deal witim olketa wea brekem olketa raeteous standard bilong hem.
No Free From Panis
17. Explainim why nao olketa samting wea no followim justice long world distaem hem no spoelem justice fasin bilong Jehovah.
17 Samfala maet ting: ‘From Jehovah no acceptim samting wea no raeteous, hao nao iumi savve explainim nogud wei for safa and raverave fasin wea staka tumas long world distaem?’ Nogud wei for no followim justice olsem hem no spoelem justice fasin bilong Jehovah. Planti samting bilong disfala wicked world wea no followim justice hem from sin wea olketa man kasem from Adam. Insaed world wea olketa man chus for followim wei bilong sin, wei wea no followim justice hem staka—bat no for longtaem.—Deuteronomy 32:5.
18, 19. Wanem nao showimaot Jehovah bae no letem pipol wea min for disobeyim olketa raeteous law bilong hem go ahed olsem for olowe?
18 Nomata Jehovah showimaot mercy long olketa wea kam klos long hem witim honest heart, hem bae no letem samting wea mekem holy nem bilong hem kasem shame go ahed for olowe. (Psalm 74:10, 22, 23) No eniwan savve mekful long God bilong justice; hem bae no protectim olketa wea min for sin from strongfala judgment wea olketa fit for kasem. Jehovah hem “God wea garem bigfala mercy, hem tingim man, hem no savve kros kwiktaem, loyal love bilong hem big tumas, hem talem tru samting evritaem, . . . bat hem bae no letem wicked man for misstim panis.” (Exodus 34:6, 7) For fitim olketa toktok hia, samfala taem Jehovah mas panisim olketa wea min for disobeyim olketa raeteous law bilong hem.
19 Olsem example, tingim wei wea God deal witim Israel bifor. Nomata taem olketa stap long Promis Land, olketa Israelite planti taem duim samting wea no faithful. Nomata nogud fasin bilong olketa mekem Jehovah “feel pain,” hem no stretawe rejectim olketa. (Psalm 78:38-41) Bat, long wei bilong mercy hem givim olketa chance for change. Hem ask strong olsem: “Mi no hapi taem wicked man hem dae, bat mi hapi taem hem changem nogud wei bilong hem and go ahed for stap laef. Tan bak, tan bak from olketa nogud wei bilong iufala, from why nao iufala mas dae, O haos bilong Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:11) From hem tinghae long laef, Jehovah planti taem sendem moa olketa profet bilong hem for muvim olketa Israelite for tan bak from olketa nogud wei bilong olketa. Nomata olsem, staka wea garem hardfala heart no want for lisin and repent. Gogo, for saed bilong holy nem bilong hem and evri samting wea join witim datwan, Jehovah letem olketa enemy for win ovarem olketa.—Nehemiah 9:26-30.
20. (a) Wanem nao iumi lanem abaotem Jehovah from wei wea hem deal witim Israel? (b) Why nao lion hem join witim ples wea God stap and throne bilong hem?
20 Iumi lanem planti samting abaotem Jehovah from wei wea hem deal witim Israel. Iumi lanem hao eye bilong hem wea lukim evri samting lukim fasin wea no raeteous and diswan affectim hem long bigfala wei. (Proverbs 15:3) Iumi kasem encouragement taem iumi savve hem luk aotem olketa wei for showimaot mercy sapos reason stap for duim olsem. And tu, iumi lanem hao hem no kwiktaem for judge. Bikos Jehovah patient, planti pipol garem rong tingting for sei hem bae nating bringim judgment long wicked pipol. Bat datwan hem no tru, bikos wei wea God deal witim Israel showim iumi tu hao patient fasin bilong God garem spialaen. Jehovah hem strong for raeteous fasin. No olsem olketa man wea planti taem hol bak for showimaot justice, hem nating fraet for duim samting wea stret. Dastawe, lion wea piksarem justice wea no fraet hem join witim ples wea God stap and throne bilong hem. b (Ezekiel 1:10; Revelation 4:7) So iumi sure hem bae fulfillim promis bilong hem for finisim fasin wea no followim justice long disfala earth. Tru nao, wei bilong hem for judge hem: strong taem hem need for strong, showimaot mercy long evri chance hem garem.—2 Peter 3:9.
Kam Klos Long God Bilong Justice
21. Taem iumi ting raonem wei wea Jehovah showimaot justice, hao nao iumi shud ting long hem, and why nao olsem?
21 Taem iumi ting raonem hao Jehovah showimaot justice, iumi shud no ting long hem olsem wanfala judge wea no garem feeling wea tingim nomoa wei for judgem olketa wea duim rong samting. Bat, iumi shud ting long hem olsem wanfala loving Dadi wea strong and evritaem deal witim olketa pikinini bilong hem long best wei. Olsem wanfala Dadi wea showimaot justice, wea hem nao raeteous fasin, Jehovah balancem wei for strong and samting wea stret witim fasin for kea long olketa pikinini bilong hem long earth, wea needim help and forgiveness bilong hem.—Psalm 103:10, 13.
22. From justice leadim hem, Jehovah openem wei for iumi garem wanem hope, and why nao hem deal witim iumi long wei olsem?
22 Iumi thankiu tumas bikos justice bilong God hem minim moa samting winim wei for judgem olketa wea rong nomoa! From justice bilong hem, Jehovah hem openem wei for iumi garem nambawan hope—perfect, laef olowe insaed wanfala world wea “raeteous fasin bae stap.” (2 Peter 3:13) God bilong iumi deal witim iumi long disfala wei bikos justice bilong hem muvim hem for sevem pipol winim wei for judgem olketa. Tru nao, wei for minim hao big nao justice bilong Jehovah hem mekem iumi kam klos long hem! Insaed olketa next chapter, bae iumi lukluk moa klos long hao Jehovah showimaot disfala nambawan fasin.
a Datfala toktok “pikinini wea no garem dadi” hem showimaot dat God hem tingim olketa boy and olketa gele, wea no garem dadi. Insaed long datfala Law Jehovah storyim wanfala kot disison wea sei olketa dota bilong Zelophehad wea no garem dadi, olketa tu mas kasem land. Datfala disison hem givim wanfala example wea showimaot right bilong olketa girl wea no garem dadi.—Numbers 27:1-8.
b Interesting samting, Jehovah sei hem olsem wanfala lion taem hem bringim judgment long Israel wea no faithful.—Jeremiah 25:38; Hosea 5:14.