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Datwan wea Wakem Evri Samting

Datwan wea Wakem Evri Samting

Hu nao wakem evri samting wea garem laef?

MI SAVVE long wanfala nambawan samting. Waswe, iu laek for savve?— Luk long hand bilong iu. Bendim olketa finger bilong iu. Pikimap wanfala samting. Hand bilong iu savve duim staka samting, and hem savve duim gud. Waswe, iu savve hu nao wakem hand bilong iumi?—

Ia, hem sem Wan wea wakem mouth, nose, and eye bilong iumi. Hem God, Dadi bilong datfala Nambawan Teacher. Waswe, iumi hapi from God givim iumi eye?— Iumi savve lukim staka samting witim eye. Iumi savve lukim olketa flaoa. Iumi savve lukim green grass and blue skae. And iumi savve lukim tu olketa smol bird wea kaikai wea stap long disfala piksa. Hem barava nambawan hao iumi savve lukim olketa samting olsem, iaman?—

Bat hu nao wakem olketa samting hia? Waswe, wanfala man long earth nao wakem? Nomoa. Olketa man savve wakem haos. Bat no eni man savve mekem grass wea grow. Olketa man no savve mekem wanfala baby bird, wanfala flaoa, or eni nara samting wea laef. Waswe, iu savve long datwan?—

God nao man wea wakem evri samting hia. God wakem skae and earth. Hem wakem pipol tu. Hem creatim first man and first woman. Hem nao samting wea datfala Nambawan Teacher, Jesus, hem teachim.—Matthew 19:4-6.

Hao nao Jesus savve God wakem man and woman? Waswe, Jesus lukim taem God duim datwan?— Ia, hem lukim. Jesus stap witim God taem God wakem man and woman. Jesus nao first wan wea God wakem bifor hem wakem man and woman. Long taem wea God wakem first man and woman, Jesus hem wanfala angel, and hem stap long heven witim Dadi bilong hem.

Olsem Bible talem, God hem sei: “Iumi wakem man.” (Genesis 1:26) Waswe, iu savve hu nao God story witim?— Hem story witim Son bilong hem. Hem story witim man wea kam long earth bihaen, and hem kamap Jesus.

Datwan hem nambawan samting, iaman? Tingim! Taem iumi lisin long Jesus, iumi kasem teaching from man wea stap witim God taem God wakem earth and evri nara samting. Jesus lanem staka samting from hem waka witim Dadi bilong hem long heven. Dastawe Jesus hem datfala Nambawan Teacher!

Waswe, iu ting God no hapi from hem stap seleva bifor hem wakem Son bilong hem?— Nomoa, hem hapi. Sapos hem hapi, why nao hem mekem olketa nara samting wea laef?— Hem duim diswan from hem God bilong love. Hem laekem nara pipol for laef and enjoyim laef. Iumi shud thankiu long God from hem givim iumi laef.

Evri samting wea God duim showimaot love bilong hem. God wakem sun. Sun givim iumi laet and hem stopem wei for iumi cold tumas. Evri samting bae cold and no eni samting bae laef long earth sapos iumi no garem sun. Waswe, iu hapi from God wakem sun?—

God mekem rain tu. Samfala taem maet iu no laekem rain bikos iu no savve go aotsaed for plei taem hem rain. Bat rain helpem olketa flaoa for grow. So taem iumi lukim olketa flaoa wea luk naes, iumi bae sei thankiu long hu nao?— God. And hu nao iumi shud thankiu long hem taem iumi kaikaim olketa frut and vegetable wea teist naes?— Iumi shud thankiu long God bikos sun and rain bilong hem nao mekem olketa samting for grow.

Sapos samwan askem iu, ‘Waswe, God wakem olketa man and animal tu?’ Wanem nao iu bae talem hem?— Hem stret for sei: “Ia, God wakem olketa man and animal.” Bat waswe sapos samwan no bilivim God nao wakem olketa man? Waswe sapos hem sei man kam from olketa animal? Bible no teachim datwan. Hem sei God creatim evri samting wea laef.—Genesis 1:26-31.

From samwan wakem haos, hu nao wakem olketa flaoa, olketa tree, and olketa animal?

Bat samwan maet talem iu hem no biliv long God. Wanem moa bae iu talem?— Iu savve point go long wanfala haos and askem datfala man: “Hu nao wakem datfala haos?” Evriwan savve samwan nao mas wakem. For sure datfala haos no wakem hemseleva!—Hebrews 3:4.

Then showim datfala man wanfala flaoa. Askem hem: “Hu nao wakem diswan?” No eni man wakem flaoa. And olsem haos no wakem hemseleva, disfala flaoa no wakem hemseleva tu. Samwan nao wakem. God nao wakem.

Askem datfala man for standap kwaet and herem singsing bilong wanfala bird. Then askem hem: “Hu nao wakem olketa bird and teachim olketa for sing?” God nao duim. God nao wakem skae and earth and evri samting wea laef! Hem nao Man wea givim laef.

Bat, maet samwan sei hem bilivim nomoa samting wea hem savve lukim. Maet hem sei: ‘Sapos mi no savve lukim, mi no bilivim.’ So samfala pipol sei olketa no biliv long God bikos olketa no savve lukim hem.

Hem tru, iumi no savve lukim God. Bible sei: ‘No eni man savve lukim God.’ No eni man, woman, or pikinini long earth savve lukim God. So no eniwan shud trae for mekem wanfala piksa or image bilong God. God seleva talem iumi for no mekem wanfala image bilong hem. So God bae no hapi sapos iumi garem olketa samting olsem insaed haos bilong iumi.—Exodus 20:4, 5; 33:20; John 1:18.

Bat from iumi no savve lukim God, hao nao iumi savve God stap? Tingim diswan. Waswe, iu savve lukim wind?— Nomoa. No eniwan savve lukim wind. Bat iu savve lukim olketa samting wea wind duim. Iu savve lukim olketa leaf muv taem wind blow thru long olketa branch bilong wanfala tree. So iu bilivim wind hem stap.

Hao nao iu savve wind hem stap?

Iu savve lukim tu olketa samting wea God duim. Taem iu lukim wanfala flaoa or bird, iu lukim samting wea God wakem. So iu bilivim God hem stap.

Maet samwan askem iu, ‘Hu nao wakem sun and earth?’ Bible sei: “God creatim skae and earth.” (Genesis 1:1) God nao wakem evri nambawan samting! Taem iu tingim datwan, hem mekem iu feel hao?—

Hem naes for laef, iaman? Iumi savve herem naesfala singsing bilong olketa bird. Iumi savve lukim olketa flaoa and olketa nara samting wea God wakem. And iumi savve kaikaim kaikai wea God givim for iumi.

For evri samting hia, iumi shud thankiu long God. Winim evri samting, iumi shud thankiu long hem from hem givim iumi laef. Sapos iumi barava thankiu long God, iumi bae duim samting. Wanem nao datwan?— Iumi bae lisin long God, and iumi bae duim wanem hem talem long iumi insaed long Bible. Long wei olsem iumi savve showimaot iumi lovem Datwan wea wakem evri samting.

Iumi shud showimaot thankiu long God for evri samting wea hem duim. Long wanem wei? Readim toktok long Psalm 139:14; John 4:23, 24; 1 John 5:21; and Revelation 4:11.