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Hao for Mekem God Hapi

Hao for Mekem God Hapi

WANEM nao iumi savve duim for mekem God hapi? Waswe, iumi savve givim hem eni samting?— Jehovah hem sei: “Evri wild animal long bush hem bilong mi.” Hem sei tu: “Silver hem bilong mi, and gold hem bilong mi.” (Psalm 24:1; 50:10; Haggai 2:8) Bat, wanfala samting stap wea iumi savve givim long God. Wanem nao datwan?—

Jehovah letem iumi for chus sapos iumi bae servem hem or nomoa. Hem no forcem iumi for duim samting hem laekem iumi for duim. Iumi laek for minim why nao God wakem iumi long wei wea mekem iumi savve chus sapos iumi bae servem hem or nomoa.

Maet iu savve long olketa machine wea duim waka wea olketa man savve duim. Olketa wakem olketa machine hia for duim eni samting man wea wakem laekem olketa for duim. Olketa machine olsem no savve chusim seleva wanem olketa laek for duim. Jehovah savve wakem iumi evriwan olsem datkaen machine. Hem savve wakem iumi mekem iumi savve duim nomoa samting hem laekem iumi for duim. Bat God nating duim datwan. Waswe, iu savve why nao olsem?— Samfala toy olsem olketa machine iumi just storyim. Taem iu pressim wanfala button, olketa duim nomoa samting wea factory wakem olketa for duim. Waswe, enitaem iu lukim toy olsem?— Staka taem pipol savve taed for plei witim toy wea duim nomoa samting olketa wakem hem for duim. God no wakem iumi olsem machine wea savve duim nomoa wanem hem talem iumi for duim. Hem no laekem iumi for olsem. Jehovah laekem iumi for servem hem bikos iumi lovem hem and bikos iumi laek for obeyim hem.

Why nao God no wakem iumi for olsem disfala toy?

Long tingting bilong iu, hao nao Dadi bilong iumi long heven feel taem iumi obeyim hem bikos iumi laek for duim datwan?— Talem mi, hao nao fasin bilong iu affectim dadi and mami bilong iu?— Bible talem hao son wea wise hem “mekem dadi bilong hem hapi” bat wanfala stupid son “mekem mami bilong hem sorre fogud.” (Proverbs 10:1) Waswe, iu lukim hao taem iu duim samting mami and dadi askem iu for duim, hem mekem tufala hapi?— Bat hao nao olketa feel taem iu no obeyim olketa?—

Wanem nao iu savve duim for mekem Jehovah and dadi and mami bilong iu hapi?

Iumi tingim Dadi bilong iumi long heven, Jehovah. Hem talem iumi wanem iumi savve duim for mekem hem hapi. Plis tekem Bible bilong iu and faendem Proverbs 27:11. Long scripture hia, God story long iumi and hem sei: “Kamap wise, son bilong mi [or, maet iumi sei tu, dota bilong mi], and mekem heart bilong mi hapi, mekem mi savve givim ansa long wan wea tok daonem mi.” Waswe, iu savve wanem nao hem minim for tok daonem samwan?— Maet samwan tok daonem iu taem hem laf long iu and sei iu no fit for duim wanem iu talem iu savve duim. Hao nao Satan tok daonem Jehovah?— Iumi lukim.

Iumi lanem finis long Chapter 8 hao Satan laek for kamap important winim evriwan and hem laekem evriwan for obeyim hem. Satan sei pipol worshipim Jehovah only bikos Jehovah bae givim olketa laef olowe. Bihaen Satan mekem Adam and Eve for no obeyim Jehovah, Satan talem disfala toktok long God: ‘Only reason why pipol servem iu nao hem bikos olketa laek kasem samting from iu. Mi savve mekem eniwan for rejectim iu sapos iu letem mi for duim datwan.’

Bihaen Adam and Eve sin, wanem nogud samting nao Satan talem long Jehovah?

Hem tru, sem toktok hia no stap insaed Bible. Bat taem iumi read abaotem Job, hem klia hao Satan talem samting olsem long God. Hem barava important long Satan and Jehovah sapos Job bae faithful long God or nomoa. Iumi openem Bible long Job chapter 1 and 2 for lukim wanem hem happen.

Lukim long Job chapter 1 hao Satan stap long heven taem olketa angel go for lukim Jehovah. So Jehovah askem Satan: “Iu stap kam long wea?” Satan sei hem lukluk raon long earth. So Jehovah askem hem: ‘Waswe, iu lukim Job, and lukim hao hem servem mi and hem nating duim eni nogud samting?’—Job 1:6-8.

Stretawe Satan tok laea abaotem Job. ‘Job worshipim iu nomoa bikos hem no kasem eni trabol. Sapos iu no protectim and blessim hem, hem bae tok spoelem iu.’ So Jehovah hem sei: ‘Sapos olsem, iu savve duim eni samting iu laekem long Job, bat no spoelem body bilong hem.’—Job 1:9-12.

Wanem nao Satan duim?— Hem mekem pipol stealim olketa buluka and donkey bilong Job and killim dae olketa man wea lukaftarem olketa animal hia. Then laetning killim dae olketa sheep and olketa man wea lukaftarem sheep. Bihaen, pipol stealim olketa camel and killim dae olketa man wea lukaftarem camel tu. Lastfala samting, Satan mekem bigfala wind brekem haos wea tenfala pikinini bilong Job stap insaed and evriwan dae. Nomata evri samting hia happen, Job gohed nomoa for servem Jehovah.—Job 1:13- 22.

Taem Jehovah lukim Satan moa, Jehovah talem hem hao Job gohed faithful yet. Bat Satan hem sei: ‘Sapos iu letem mi for duim samting long body bilong hem, hem bae tok spoelem iu.’ So Jehovah letem Satan for spoelem body bilong Job bat warnim hem for no killim dae Job.

Wanem nao Job stand strong long hem, and why nao diswan mekem God hapi?

Satan mekem Job garem staka soa long full body bilong hem. From diswan smel nogud tumas no eniwan laek for stap klosap long hem. Nomata waef bilong Job tu bat sei long hem: ‘Tok spoelem God and dae!’ Olketa wea act olsem olketa fren bilong Job kam visit and mekem hem feel worse nao taem olketa talem hao masbi hem duim olketa barava nogud samting dastawe hem kasem evri trabol hia. Bat nomata long evri trabol and pain wea Satan kosim long Job, hem gohed faithful for servem Jehovah.—Job 2:1-13; 7:5; 19:13-20.

Long tingting bilong iu, hao nao Jehovah feel abaotem faithful fasin bilong Job?— Jehovah hapi, bikos hem savve talem Satan: ‘Iu lukim Job! Hem servem mi bikos hem laek for duim datwan.’ Waswe, bae iu olsem Job, wea minim iu man wea Jehovah savve sei iu wanfala example wea pruvim Satan hem laea?— Hem wanfala privilege for savve givim ansa for toktok bilong Satan wea sei hem savve mekem evriwan for no servem Jehovah. Jesus barava ting long diswan olsem wanfala privilege.

Datfala Nambawan Teacher nating letem Satan for mekem Hem duim eni rong samting. Tingim hao example bilong hem mekem Dadi bilong hem hapi! Jehovah savve point go long Jesus and sei long Satan: ‘Lukim Son bilong mi! Hem barava faithful long mi bikos hem lovem mi!’ Tingim tu hapi wea Jesus garem from hem mekem heart bilong Dadi bilong hem hapi. Bikos long datfala hapi, Jesus stand strong taem hem dae long post.—Hebrews 12:2.

Waswe, iu laek for olsem datfala Nambawan Teacher and mekem heart bilong Jehovah hapi tu?— Sapos olsem, gohed for lane abaotem samting Jehovah laekem iu for duim, and mekem hem hapi taem iu duim datwan!

Readim samting Jesus duim for mekem God hapi and samting iumi tu need for duim, long Proverbs 23:22-25; John 5:30; 6:38; 8:28; and 2 John 4.