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Waswe, Hem Stret for Faet?

Waswe, Hem Stret for Faet?

WASWE, iu savve long eni boy or gele wea trae for act olsem olketa strong winim narawan?— Waswe, iu laek for stap witim olketa? Or waswe, iu laek stap witim samwan wea kaen and laekem peace?— Datfala Nambawan Teacher sei: “Hapi nao olketa wea mekem peace kamap, from olketa bae kasem datfala nem ‘olketa son bilong God.’”—Matthew 5:9.

Bat samfala taem pipol duim samting wea mekem iumi kros, iaman?— So maet iumi garem feeling for laek changem bak datwan. Wantaem diswan happen long olketa disaepol bilong Jesus taem olketa travel witim Jesus go long Jerusalem. Mi laek for talem iu datfala story.

Bihaen olketa wakabaot for longtaem lelebet, Jesus sendem samfala disaepol for go firstaem long wanfala Samaritan vilij for faendem ples for olketa rest. Bat pipol long datfala ples no laekem olketa for stap long there, from olketa Samaritan garem difren religion. And olketa no laekem eniwan wea go long taon bilong Jerusalem for worship.

Wanem nao James and John laek duim for changem bak nogud samting wea olketa Samaritan duim long olketa?

Sapos datwan happen long iu wanem nao iu bae duim? Waswe, iu bae kros? Waswe, iu bae laek duim nogud samting long olketa?— Datwan nao samting wea tufala disaepol James and John laek for duim. Olketa sei long Jesus: ‘Waswe, iu laekem mifala for talem fire from heven for kam daon for finisim olketa?’ Dastawe Jesus kolem tufala olketa Son bilong Thunder! Bat Jesus talem tufala hem no stret for deal witim nara pipol long wei olsem.—Luke 9:51-56; Mark 3:17.

Hem tru, samfala taem pipol savve no kaen long iumi. Olketa nara pikinini maet no laekem iumi for plei witim olketa. Maet olketa sei: “Mifala no laekem iu for stap witim mifala.” Taem samting olsem happen, hem savve mekem iumi feel nogud, iaman? Maet iumi laek for duim nogud samting long olketa. Bat waswe, iumi shud duim datwan?—

Distaem tekem Bible bilong iu. Iumi lukim Proverbs chapter 24, verse 29. Hem read olsem: “Iu no sei: ‘From hem duim datwan long mi, bae mi duim sem samting long hem tu. Mi bae peim each wan followim wanem hem duim.’”

Wanem nao iu ting disfala verse hem minim?— Hem sei iumi shud no trae for changem bak nogud samting. Taem narawan hem spoelem iumi, iumi shud no changem bak datwan witim wei for spoelem hem. Bat waswe sapos samwan pokem iu for faet witim iu? Maet hem trae for mekem iu kros taem hem talem olketa nogud toktok abaotem iu. Maet hem laflaf and sei iu man for fraet. Sapos hem sei iu wiki wan nomoa, wanem nao iu shud duim? Waswe, hem stret for iu faet nao?—

Distaem moa iumi lukim wanem Bible hem talem. Lukim Matthew chapter 5, verse 39. Long there Jesus hem sei: “No againstim man wea wicked; bat sapos eniwan hem slapem iu long raet saed long feis bilong iu, tanem narasaed for hem slapem tu.” Long tingting bilong iu wanem nao Jesus minim taem hem talem datwan? Waswe, hem minim sapos eniwan hitim iu witim hand long wansaed long feis bilong iu, iu shud letem hem hitim iu long narasaed tu?—

Nomoa, Jesus no minim datwan. For slapem samwan hem no olsem for hitim hem witim hand. Hem olsem for pushim man. Samwan maet slapem iumi for startim wanfala faet. Hem laekem iumi for kros. And sapos iumi kros and pushim hem go bak, wanem nao bae happen?— Maet datwan startim faet.

Bat Jesus no laekem olketa follower bilong hem for insaed olketa faet. So hem sei sapos samwan slapem iumi, iumi shud no slapem hem bak. Iumi shud no kamap kros and faet witim narawan. Sapos iumi duim datwan, iumi semsem witim datwan wea startim faet.

Sapos trabol hem start, wanem nao iu ting hem best samting for duim?— Go from there. Nara man maet gohed pushim iu. Bat maet hem nomoa hem duim. Taem iu go from there, datwan no minim iu wik. Hem minim iu strong for duim stret samting.

Wanem nao iumi shud duim sapos samwan pokem iumi for faet witim hem?

Bat waswe sapos iu insaed faet and iu win? Wanem nao savve happen bihaen?— Datwan wea iu hitim maet kam bak moa witim samfala fren bilong hem. Maet olketa hitim iu witim wanfala big stik or katem iu witim naef. So waswe, iu minim nao why Jesus no laekem iumi for insaed olketa faet?—

Wanem nao iumi shud duim sapos iumi lukim nara pipol faet? Waswe, iumi shud teksaed witim wanfala and no narawan?— Bible talem iumi wanem hem stret. Lukim Proverbs chapter 26, verse 17. Hem sei: “Wei wea man join insaed raoa wea midolwan nara pipol and wea feel kros abaotem datwan, hem olsem hem grabim ear bilong wanfala dog.”

Hao nao wei for join insaed faet bilong nara pipol hem olsem wei for grabim ear bilong wanfala dog? Maet iu garekil, so no duim datwan!

Wanem nao bae happen sapos iu grabim ear bilong wanfala dog? Bae datwan soa long hem, and hem bae trae for baetem iu, iaman? Taem dog trae hard for free from hand bilong iu, iu bae hol strong go moa long ear bilong hem and hem bae kamap moa raf. Sapos iu letem hem go maet hem baetem iu. Bat waswe, iu savve standap long there and holem ear bilong hem for olowe?—

Datwan nao kaen trabol iumi savve kasem sapos iumi join insaed faet wea midolwan nara pipol. Maet iumi no savve hu nao startim faet or why nao olketa faet. Olketa maet hitim nogud wanfala man, bat maet hem stealim samting from narawan. Sapos iumi helpem hem, iumi bae helpem man for steal. Bae datwan hem no gudfala samting for duim, iaman?

So, wanem nao iu shud duim sapos iu lukim pipol faet?— Sapos hem long skul, iu savve ran kwiktaem for talem wanfala teacher. And sapos hem no long skul, iu savve talem dadi or mami or wanfala policeman. Nomata nara pipol laek for faet, iumi shud keepim peace.

Wanem nao iu shud duim sapos iu lukim pipol faet?

Olketa tru disaepol bilong Jesus duim evri samting olketa savve duim for stap klia long olketa faet. Long wei olsem iumi showimaot hao iumi strong for duim stret samting. Bible talem hao wanfala disaepol bilong Jesus “no need for faet, bat hem mas kaen long evriwan.”—2 Timothy 2:24.

Distaem iumi lukim samfala moa gud kaonsel for helpem iumi stap klia long olketa faet: Romans 12:17-21 and 1 Peter 3:10, 11.