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Waswe, Iu Savve Feel Sorre and Fraet?

Waswe, Iu Savve Feel Sorre and Fraet?

Lukluk long smol boy long piksa. Hem luk sorre and fraet, iaman? Waswe, enitaem iu savve feel olsem?— Iumi evriwan savve feel olsem samfala taem. Bible storyim samfala fren bilong Jehovah wea sorre and fraet tu. Wanfala long olketa nao hem Elijah. Tingim samting wea happen long hem.

Jezebel laek for killim dae Elijah

Staka year bifor Jesus kam long earth, Elijah hem stap long Israel. Long datfala taem Ahab hem king bilong Israel. Hem no worshipim trufala God, Jehovah, bat hem and waef bilong hem Jezebel worshipim Baal, wanfala false god. So staka pipol long Israel start for worshipim Baal tu. Queen Jezebel hem barava nogud woman and laek killim dae Elijah and evriwan wea worshipim Jehovah! Iu savve wanem nao Elijah duim taem hem herem datwan?—

Elijah ranawe go haed long wanfala cave wea stap midol long desert. Why nao hem duim datwan?— Hem fraet ia. Bat Elijah hem savve finis Jehovah savve helpem hem, so hem shud no fraet. Elijah lukim finis paoa bilong Jehovah. Wantaem Jehovah sendem fire from heven for ansarem prea bilong Elijah. So hem shud trustim Jehovah for helpem hem!

Wanem nao Jehovah duim for helpem Elijah?

Taem Elijah stap insaed long datfala cave, Jehovah askem hem: ‘Why nao iu kam long hia?’ Elijah sei: ‘Mi nomoa gohed for worshipim iu. Mi sorre and mi fraet nogud olketa killim mi dae.’ Elijah tingse olketa killim dae finis evri narawan wea worshipim Jehovah. Bat Jehovah sei long Elijah: ‘Nomoa, hem no tru ia. Seven thousand pipol gohed for worshipim mi. Iu no fraet. Mi garem staka waka yet for iu duim!’ Waswe, iu tingse Elijah hapi for herem staka narawan gohed worshipim Jehovah?—

Wanem nao iu savve lanem from samting wea happen long Elijah?Iu garem olketa fren wea lovem Jehovah and lovem iu, so no sorre and fraet. And tu, Jehovah hem garem bigfala paoa, and bae hem evritaem helpem iu! Waswe, iu hapi for savve long datwan?—