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Storyim Hao Information Savve Helpem Man

Storyim Hao Information Savve Helpem Man

Aesaea 48:17

WANEM FOR DUIM: Helpem audience for luksavve hao subject wea iu storyim savve affectim laef bilong olketa, and talem klia hao olketa savve followim wanem olketa lanem.


  • Tingim audience bilong iu. Ting raonem why olketa wea lisin need for herem information wea iu storyim, and wanem samting from information hia nao savve barava helpem olketa.

  • Long full tok bilong iu, storyim klia wanem audience mas duim. From start long tok bilong iu, olketa long audience shud ting olsem, ‘Tok hia barava fitim mi.’ Long each main point wea iu storyim, talem audience hao for followim wanem iu storyim. Talem klia wanem for duim.