Read Long Stretfala Wei
Prepare gud. Tingim wanem nao point bilong samting wea iu readim. No readim each word wanwan bat lane for readim tu-thri word tugeta mekem reading hem flow. No addim, misstim, or changem eni word. Read followim olketa punctuation mark, olsem comma and full stop.
Talem stret each word. Sapos iu no savve hao for pronouncem eni word, checkim dictionary, lisin long audio recording bilong datfala pablikeson, or askem samwan wea savve read gud for helpem iu.
Talem klia olketa word. Taem iu read, keepim hed bilong iu stret and openem mouth big mekem iu talem klia olketa word. Traem best for talem klia each syllable long word.