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Wat nao wei for faithful?

Ps 18:​23-25; 26:​1, 2; 101:​2-7; 119:​1-3, 80

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Le 22:​17-22—Jehovah laekem animal wea olketa sakrifaesim lo hem mas “healthy,” complete or full wan, and hem mas no garem eni problem lo body blo hem. Datfala toktok wea olketa transleitim olsem “healthy,” hem klosap semsem witim Hebrew word wea olketa transleitim olsem “faithful.” Diswan showimaot hao worship blo iumi for Jehovah mas complete or full wan

    • Job 1:​1, 4, 5, 8; 2:3—Laef blo Job showimaot for man hem faithful, hem mas barava respectim Jehovah, worshipim hem witim full heart and stap klia lo wei for duim eni nogud samting

Why nao iumi need for faithful?

Wat nao savve muvim iumi for gohed keepim wei wea iumi faithful?

Hao nao iumi savve mekem grow and keepim wei wea iumi gohed faithful?

Jos 24:​14, 15; Ps 101:​2-4

Lukim tu De 5:29; Isa 48:​17, 18

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Job 31:​1-11, 16-33—Job gohed for showimaot hem faithful lo evri samting wea hem duim evriday, hem stap klia lo wei for durong and hem kaen and respectim narawan. Worship blo hem for Jehovah mas klin and free from wei for worshipim idol and material samting no main samting lo laef blo hem

    • Da 1:​6-21—Nomata Daniel stap midolwan pipol wea no worshipim Jehovah, hem and thrifala fren blo hem gohed for faithful taem olketa chusim wanem for kaikai

If samwan duim olketa serious mistek, waswe, hem savve change moa for duim samting wea showimaot hem faithful?

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Ki 9:​2-5; Ps 78:​70-72—From King David repent from olketa sin blo hem and kasem forgiveness, Jehovah ting lo David olsem samwan wea faithful

    • Isa 1:​11-18—Nomata Jehovah sei pipol blo hem olketa hypocrite and duim staka sin, hem promis dat hem bae wasim olketa for kamap barava klin sapos olketa repent and changem wei blo olketa