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Hao nao Bible showimaot dat heart hem minim tingting, reason why man duim samting, olketa wei, and olketa feeling?

Ps 49:3; Pr 16:9; Lu 5:22; Ac 2:26

Lukim tu De 15:7; Ps 19:8

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Lu 9:​46-48—Jesus stretem olketa aposol blo hem taem hem luksavve lo wat nao insaed heart blo olketa

Why nao hem important for protectim heart blo iumi?

1Ch 28:9; Pr 4:23; Jer 17:9

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ge 6:​5-7—From heart blo olketa man nogud tumas, datwan mekem wei for raf hem kamap big and God mekem flood for kavarem full earth

    • 1Ki 11:​1-10—From King Solomon no protectim heart blo hem, datwan mekem hem for maritim olketa woman from difren kantri and olketa tanem heart blo Solomon from Jehovah

    • Mr 7:​18-23—Jesus explainim dat olketa nogud samting wea man duim and God no hapi lo hem, hem stap lo heart

Hao nao iumi savve protectim heart blo iumi?

Ps 19:14; Pr 3:​3-6; Lu 21:34; Php 4:8

Lukim tu Ezr 7:​8-10; Ps 119:11

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Eph 6:​14-18; 1Th 5:8—Taem aposol Paul storyim samting wea bae strongim iumi lo spiritual wei, hem sei wei for raeteous, garem faith, and love savve protectim tok piksa heart blo iumi olsem wanfala breastplate hem protectim real heart blo man

Hao nao for iumi savve if iumi garem problem witim tokpiksa heart blo iumi?

Pr 21:​2-4; Heb 3:12

Lukim tu Pr 6:​12-14

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 2Ch 25:​1, 2, 17-27—For lelebet taem, King Amaziah duim samting wea stret lo eye blo God bat no witim full heart, From datwan hem kamap praod and no faithful and kasem barava nogud samting

    • Mt 7:​17-20—Jesus showim hao olsem wanfala nogud tree savve producem nogud frut, wanfala nogud heart hem savve duim nogud samting

Why nao iumi shud waka hard for garem gudfala heart and hao nao iumi savve duim datwan?

Pr 10:8; 15:28; Lu 6:45

Lukim tu Ps 119:​97, 104; Ro 12:​9-16; 1Ti 1:5

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 2Ki 20:​1-6—Taem King Hezekiah klosap for dae, hem begim Jehovah for showim mercy lo hem, bikos hem servem Jehovah witim full heart

    • Mt 21:​28-32—Jesus iusim wanfala illustration for showimaot dat samting wea stap lo heart bae showaot lo wanem man duim, winim wanem man talem

Why nao hem encouragem iumi for savve hao Jehovah lukim wat nao insaed heart blo iumi?

1Ch 28:9; Jer 17:10

Lukim tu 1Sa 2:3

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 16:​1-13—Profet Samuel lanem dat Jehovah no lukim aotsaed blo man nomoa, bat Hem lukim wat nao insaed lo heart blo samwan

    • 2Ch 6:​28-31—Prea wea King Solomon talem taem olketa dedicatem temple blo Jehovah, showimaot God lukluk gud lo heart blo olketa man, and from datwan hem savve tumas lo wat iumi needim