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Kaonsel; Advaes

Kaonsel; Advaes

Kasem kaonsel

Why nao iumi shud faendem kaonsel lo Bible?

Why nao hem gud for lisin lo kaonsel winim wei for lukaotem excuse lo wat iumi duim?

Pr 12:15; 29:1

Lukim tu Pr 1:​23-31; 15:31

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 15:​3, 9-23—Taem profet Samuel stretem Saul, datfala king lukaotem excuse lo wat hem duim and rejectim datfala kaonsel, from datwan Jehovah rejectim Saul

    • 2Ch 25:​14-16, 27—King Amaziah hem sin and then hem rejectim kaonsel from profet blo Jehovah, from datwan Jehovah no hapi lo hem and no protectim hem

Why nao hem gud for showimaot respect lo olketa overseer taem olketa givim advaes?

1Th 5:12; 1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:​7, 17

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 3Jo 9, 10—Aposol John wea olo hem tok againstim Diotrephes from hem no respectim olketa wea lead insaed Christian kongregeson

Why nao hem gud for lisin lo olketa wea olo?

Le 19:32; Pr 16:31

Lukim tu Job 12:12; 32:7; Tit 2:​3-5

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 23:​16-18—King David lisin lo advaes from Jonathan, wea hem 30 years old winim hem, and datwan strongim David

    • 1Ki 12:​1-17—King Rehoboam rejectim gudfala advaes blo olketa olo man and lisin lo advaes blo olketa wea young, from datwan olketa kasem nogud samting

Wat nao showimaot dat olketa faithful woman and olketa young servant blo Jehovah savve givim olketa naes kaonsel?

Job 32:​6, 9, 10; Pr 31:​1, 10, 26; Ec 4:13

Lukim tu Ps 119:100

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 25:​14-35—Advaes wea Abigail givim lo King David, hem sevem laef blo staka pipol and protectim David for no bloodguilty

    • 2Sa 20:​15-22—Kaonsel blo wanfala wise woman lo taon blo Abel sevem laef blo evriwan lo datfala taon

    • 2Ki 5:​1-14—Wanfala young Israelite gele givim advaes wea helpem wanfala maeti warrior for savve wea for kasem help for healim leprosy blo hem

Why nao iumi mas careful for no lisin lo advaes blo olketa wea no respectim Jehovah or toktok blo hem Bible?

Ps 1:1; Pr 4:14

Lukim tu Lu 6:39

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Ch 10:​13, 14—King Saul askem advaes from wanfala woman wea story witim demon winim wei for askem advaes lo Jehovah and hem dae bikos hem no faithful

    • 2Ch 22:​2-5, 9—King Ahaziah dae bikos hem followim rong advaes

    • Job 21:​7, 14-16—Job rejectim tingting blo olketa wea no respectim Jehovah

Givim kaonsel

Why nao hem gud for lisin, kasem evri information, and herem tufala saed blo story, bifor iumi givim kaonsel?

Pr 18:​13, 17

Lukim tu Pr 25:8

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 1:​9-16—Hae Priest Eli givim strong kaonsel lo Hannah bifor hem savve lo full story, hem tingse disfala faithful woman hem drunk

    • Mt 16:​21-23—Aposol Peter tok lo Jesus, and hem givim advaes wea sapotim idea blo Satan, and no Jehovah

Why nao iumi shud prea lo Jehovah for guidance bifor iumi givim kaonsel?

Ps 32:8; 73:​23, 24; Pr 3:​5, 6

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ex 3:​13-18—Profet Moses askem Jehovah for helpem hem for savve hao for ansarem kwestin wea olketa nara Israelite maet askem

    • 1Ki 3:​5-12—Young King Solomon no trustim hemseleva, bat hem askem Jehovah for wisdom, from datwan Jehovah blessim hem

Why nao kaonsel and ansa wea iumi givim hem shud base lo Bible?

Ps 119:​24, 105; Pr 19:21; 2Ti 3:​16, 17

Lukim tu De 17:​18-20

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mt 4:​1-11—Taem Satan hem testim Jesus, evri ansa wea Jesus givim hem base lo toktok blo God, and no own wisdom blo hemseleva

    • Joh 12:​49, 50—Jesus talem hao evri teaching blo hem base lo wat Dadi blo hem teachim hem, datwan hem gud example for iumi

Why nao iumi shud traem best for hambol and kaen taem iumi givim kaonsel and lo sem taem givim praise, lo taem wea fitim?

Ga 6:1; Col 3:12

Lukim tu Isa 9:6; 42:​1-3; Mt 11:​28, 29

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

Sapos wanfala Christian komplen lo iumi abaotem wanfala brata or sista, and sei hem duim samting againstim hem, olsem for ravem hem or talem olketa laea samting abaotem hem, why nao hem gud for iumi encouragem hem for go story private witim datfala person?

Hao nao iumi savve encouragem wanfala Christian wea tingse narawan duim samting againstim hem, for showimaot mercy, patient and forgive?

Mt 18:​21, 22; Mr 11:25; Lu 6:36; Eph 4:32; Col 3:13

Lukim tu Mt 6:14; 1Co 6:​1-8; 1Pe 3:​8, 9

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mt 18:​23-35—Jesus storyim wanfala illustration wea barava helpem iumi for luksavve why hem important for forgive

Why nao iumi need for strong for mekhae lo standard blo Jehovah taem iumi givim kaonsel?

Ps 141:5; Pr 17:10; 2Co 7:​8-11

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Sa 15:​23-29—Profet Samuel no fraet or hol bak for givim kaonsel lo King Saul

    • 1Ki 22:​19-28—Profet Micaiah no changem warning message wea hem talem lo King Ahab, nomata olketa threatenim hem and treatim hem nogud

Hao nao iumi savve kaonselem samwan and lo sem taem no spoelem spiritual saed blo hem?

Heb 12:​11-13

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Lu 22:​31-34—Jesus showimaot hem trustim aposol Peter for strongim olketa narawan, nomata Peter duim olketa serious mistek

    • Phm 21—Aposol Paul showimaot hem trustim dat Philemon bae duim wanem God laekem

Hao nao iumi savve kaen taem iumi givim advaes lo olketa wea wari or feel sorre?

Hao nao iumi showimaot dat goal blo iumi hem for helpem and strongim bak samwan wea start for go difren?

Hao nao iumi savve showimaot respect taem iumi givim kaonsel lo samwan, nomata sapos hem brata or sista, or hem young or olo?

Taem samwan gohed for no lisin lo kaonsel from Bible, why nao olketa elder need for givim strong kaonsel lo hem?