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Kontrolem Seleva

Kontrolem Seleva

Hao nao Jehovah showimaot hem kontrolem hemseleva?

Wat nao samfala situation lo laef wea iumi mas showimaot iumi kontrolem iumiseleva?

Pr 16:32; 25:28; 1Co 9:​25, 27

Lukim tu 2Ti 2:​23-25; Tit 1:​7, 8

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 2Sa 16:​5-14—King David kontrolem hemseleva taem Shimei tok spoelem hem and no showimaot respect

    • 1Pe 2:​21-23—Aposol Peter describem hao Jesus showimaot hem barava kontrolem hemseleva taem pipol tok spoelem hem and mekem hem safa

Wat nao bae helpem iumi for strongim wei for kontrolem seleva?

Lu 11:​9-13; Ga 5:​22, 23; Eph 4:​23, 24; Col 4:2

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Lu 11:​5-8—Jesus showimaot hao hem important for iumi gohed askem help