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Lovem Material Samting

Lovem Material Samting

Waswe, Bible teachim iumi dat hem rong for garem selen and material samting?

Ec 7:12

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • 1Ki 3:​11-14—Jehovah blessim King Solomon witim riches bikos hem garem wei for hambol

    • Job 1:​1-3, 8-10—Job hem man wea barava rich. Nomata olsem, frenship blo hem witim Jehovah nao hem important winim eni nara samting

Why nao wei for aftarem riches and olketa material samting no mekem man satisfae or no savve givim iumi peace lo mind?

Lo olketa wanem taem nao riches hem iusles nomoa?

Wat nao barava danger samting lo wei for kamap rich and for aftarem staka material samting?

Hao nao wei for laekem tumas for rich savve laea lo iumi?

Pr 11:​4, 18, 28; 18:11; Mt 13:22

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Ac 8:​18-24—Simon laea lo hemseleva for tingse hem savve iusim selen for kasem olketa privilege lo Christian kongregeson

Wanem nao bae happen if iumi laekem tumas selen?

Mt 6:​19-21; Lu 17:​31, 32

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Mr 10:​17-23—Wanfala rich young man wea tingim tumas olketa material samting wea hem garem, misstim nao privilege for followim Jesus

    • 1Ti 6:​17-19—Aposol Paul warnim olketa Christian wea rich for no praod, bikos datwan bae mekem God no hapi

Hao nao wei for laekem tumas material samting savve spoelem faith blo iumi and duim samting wea God no hapi lo hem?

De 8:​10-14; Pr 28:20; 1Jo 2:​15-17

Lukim tu Ps 52:​6, 7; Am 3:​12, 15; 6:​4-8

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Job 31:​24, 25, 28—Job luksavve sapos hem trustim riches blo hem, datwan bae mekem hem lusim nao wei wea hem trustim God

    • Lu 12:​15-21—Jesus givim warning abaotem wei for laekem tumas olketa material samting, taem hem storyim wanfala man wea rich lo physical saed, bat no lo spiritual saed

Hao nao iumi savve hapi nomoa lo wat iumi garem?

Wat kaen riches nao hem winim olketa material samting, and why nao olsem?

Pr 3:​11, 13-18; 10:22; Mt 6:​19-21

  • Story lo Bible wea join witim diswan:

    • Hag 1:​3-11—Thru lo profet Haggai, Jehovah explainim dat Hem bae no givim olketa blessing bikos olketa pipol blo hem busy for buildim olketa haos blo olketa seleva and for stap gud winim wei for buildim bak temple blo Jehovah

    • Re 3:​14-19—Jesus kaonselem kongregeson lo Laodicea bikos olketa tinghae lo olketa riches winim wei for servem God

Why nao iumi shud trustim dat Jehovah bae provaedem material samting wea iumi needim?